Baseball fans filled The Banks to take in All-Star Game on Tuesday.

“I couldn’t see myself anywhere else,” Bryon Vann said.

Even without a ticket Vann and his friends wanted to soak in the All-Star atmosphere at The Banks.

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“It’s been a great event. I think the parade was great. I think all the events were great and we’ve done a really good job hosting Major League Baseball,” Vann said.

Dennis Bley made the trip to Riverfront Stadium in 1988, the last time the Cincinnati Reds hosted the All-Star Game.

“Cincinnati’s done a great job putting this all together, making it a weeklong event. I was down in 1988 but it wasn’t anything like this,” Bley said.

Bley wants to see the National League bring back the World Series home advantage and thinks some Reds players can make it happen.

“What I would like to see is Aroldis Chapman strike out in the ninth to win the game, that would make my evening. Of course if Todd Frazier hits a home run that’d be nice, too,” Bley said.

Ben Wilinsky traveled roughly 600 miles from Overland Park, Kansas, to Great American Ball Park and cheer on the American League for his hometown Kansas City Royals.

“I want to see a Salvy bomb, I wouldn’t mind seeing Frazier do well, that was awesome last night,” Wilinsky said.

Many fans find it impossible to beat the excitement from Frazier’s Home Derby win Monday night but you never know what to expect at Great American Ball Park.

“I want to see Aroldis Chapman for the National League to win it all, that would be an awesome way to finish it off in Cincinnati,” Brandon Craig said.