Baseball superstitions abound for players and managers alike – Allentown Morning Call

Phillies manager Pete Mackanin picks between two pairs of red sneakers based on which ones have been on his feet during hard-to-come-by wins. Brewers catcher Stephen Vogt gets dressed in a specific sequence each day, down to how he pulls on his socks and in what order. Sometimes, Kansas City’s Brandon Moss pretends to be superstitious by going with a good-luck bat.

Oakland manager Bob Melvin rotates between several parking spaces at the Coliseum depending how his club is playing.

“No. 3 is performing pretty well,” he said of his recent go-to spot.

Wade Boggs was known to eat chicken before every game, while Kansas City starter Ian Kennedy has moved past his former need to have breakfast at the same restaurants he frequented through college ball and the minors.