Batboy struck by bat at NBC baseball tourney in critical condition – KAKE

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WICHITA — A batboy for a Liberal baseball team is in critical condition after being struck by a bat. It happened Saturday afternoon at the NBC World Series in downtown Wichita.

The Liberal Bee-Jays baseball team says 9-year-old Kaiser Carlisle is in intensive care after he was accidentally hit in the head by a bat swung by one of their players who was on deck. Fans say early in Liberal’s game the whole crowd went silent.

“Just like a baseball hitting a bat, that’s kind of what it sounds like,” said baseball fan Mickie Schmith.

“I heard him screaming and I turned back and the bat boy just walked out to grab the bat and the guy on the on deck circle had no idea,” said baseball fan Malachi Lingg. “He didn’t see him at all and took a swing right as the bat boy went by and hit him right in the back of the head.”

Fan cell phone video shows emergency crews rushed to the scene to find the batboy unconscious. He was taken to the hospital where he remains in critical condition. No matter what team these fans were cheering for, Schmith says it broke everyone’s heart.

“Some might call me a very tough guy because I’ve been involved in baseball for while, but it brought tears to my eyes watching what was going on,” said Schmith.

“I felt really bad for the mother she was right there in the front row and saw it all,” added Lingg.

The game went on after the horrible accident and the Bee-Jays got the victory, but fans say they’re leaving with their thoughts elsewhere, hoping and praying liberal’s super fan will be OK.

“I felt sad for the family and the team and the young man who actually hit him because you could tell he was very distraught so hopefully he’s not hurt by it in any great way,” said Schmith.