I really shouldn’t let this bother me anymore, but it does — especially when you realize I’ve been listening to it for more than 30 years now — but it still drives me a little bit crazy that we bring our football mentality to the baseball game.

We expect our favorite football team to win every week, and we don’t understand why they don’t. And we can’t seem to understand that baseball teams lose. They lose a lot. The best baseball teams will lose 60 games a year, and it really doesn’t matter which ones of the 162 they lose.

The Rangers blow a four-run lead in the ninth inning Saturday, and you would have thought they would never win again. It took ’em all the way to Sunday before they did.

Why do so-called baseball fans not understand that sometimes you lose, and you lose WAAAAAAY more often in baseball than you ever do in any other sport? Maybe that’s why they celebrate so much when they do win something.

What is that celebration about anyway? Can you imagine what we would be saying if the Cowboys dumped champagne after winning the NFC East? If the Mavericks did after winning the Southwest Division? Or if the Stars did when they win the… Uhh, I don’t know what division they play in, but you get my point.

We would laugh them out of town, asking why are they so excited when they haven’t won anything yet? But in baseball, they celebrate beating three other teams like it’s New Year’s Eve. I’ve never understood that, but I digress.

Baseball teams that win the World Series usually lose two — oh my gosh, sometimes even three — they lose three of the seven games they play, and we throw a parade.

But along the way, in every playoff series, lose Game 1, you’re dead. Get a split on the road, you win. Lose Game 3, you’re dead. Win Game 4, we have a shot. Lose Game 5, it’s over. Win Game 6, we check our parade plans. Win Game 7, you’re the greatest of all time. Lose Game 7, you’re the bums we thought you were.

It’s the same nonsense every year, every series, and it drives me nuts.

And speaking of nonsense and things that drive me nuts, can we stop with this argument the Rangers make: “We believed in ourselves coming out of spring training, even though no one else did.”

STOP IT! The Rangers didn’t believe in that group, and that group would have been lucky to win 70 games.

But, they change the left fielder, the center fielder, the first baseman and designated hitter, and send the second baseman back to the minors, and it’s an entirely new bench. And most importantly, they change the pitching staff from front to back.

Now that group, you can believe in. That group in Arizona… uhhhhhhhh, not so much.

There’s a great deal to like about this Rangers team -— a great deal. Do you like General Manager Jon Daniels now?

But since I am the voice of reason, I’m going to give you a little baseball tip here: There’s a good chance the Rangers will lose again before their season is over.

They’re not going sweep Toronto, then (probably) Kansas City. And wouldn’t it be fun if it was the St. Louis Cardinals again, after that?

The Rangers are going to lose a game, maybe two. I just think you should realize, it’s not football.

Sometimes you lose, and it’s okay. And you would think a “baseball town” would understand that.