NEW MILFORD — The New Milford Youth Baseball Softball League is asking residents to support the renovation of two softball fields at Sarah Noble Intermediate School to be used by the league through donations to a Go Fund Me account, www.gofundme/nmbbsb.

Garick Farms, the league’s landlord for the Boardman Road ball fields needs to expand its footprint and will be reclaiming Field A and Little A. The loss of these two fields requires the conversion of Field B back to baseball and the relocation of the softball program. The baseball program will continue to play at Garick Farm fields.

League president Rob Beebe is working with the Board of Education to renovated fields at Sarah Noble. The league’s softball program has been experiencing unprecedented growth, Beebe said, particulary at the younger levels. The league is now able to concentrate on bringing the two Sarah Noble fields to a playable condition.

Working with the Town and School Facilities Department, it is hoped the two fields will be ready for the league’s girls to begin practicing and playing uninterrupted in the spring of 2016.

The hard cost of renovating the Sarah Noble fields are in excess of $30,000. To raise these funds, the league is asking for contributions from supporters by going to