Get ready for some ‘Game of Thrones’ with your baseball – CNET

Major League Baseball and “Game of Thrones” will be working a cross-promotional project this summer when baseball’s in full swing and the HBO hit is supposed to return to TV (no date yet).

Here’s how we think this went down: Someone in Major League Baseball’s promo office forgot to come up with a new idea, and performance reviews were due. That person’s mind flashed quickly to their favorite HBO dragons-and-torture drama, and bing, two great tastes that taste weird together. reports that at least 19 of the league’s 30 teams will participate, and that events may include commemorative collectibles, ticket packages, giveaways, special co-branded merchandise and social media events.

Not many other details are available yet, so we decided to help out. Feel free to use any of these ideas, MLB, just send the royalty check to me care of CNET.

Minnesota Twins Cersei and Jaime Night: My hometown Twinkies have the perfect name to honor the twincestual Lannister twins. Just turn off the Kiss Cam, will you? No one needs to see that.

Arizona Diamondbacks Sand Snakes 4Evah: Replace the nine fielding players on the diamond with the eight Sand Snakes plus Oberyn Martell. Wait, what do you mean he’s — well, find a way! Anyone can make a comeback in the major leagues.

Kansas City Royals Iron Throne Photo Op : No one deserves the Iron Throne more than a team with “Royal” in their name.

San Francisco Giants Win With Wun Wun Night: Because they’re the giants, duh. RIP, Wun Wun, we hardly knew your enormous self.

Milwaukee Brewers Medieval Brewing Discount Drink Day: Who better than the team from Brew City to whip up the various beers, ales and even wines they guzzle in Westeros? Looking at the Brewers’ record last season, maybe throw in some anesthetic milk of the poppy too.

(Via Deadline)

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