Howard high schoolers go to bat for Cuban baseball – Baltimore Sun

Sitting in the dugout last summer at a baseball game, John Roschella’s mind started to wander. As coach of a youth boys travel team in Howard County, he had taken his team to play in a variety of places from Virginia to Ohio to Cooperstown, N.Y.

On that summer day, he set his mind in a whole new direction.

“I wanted something a little different for this group,” Roschella said of his team of 15- to 16-year-old boys. “I had kicked it around internally, but had never verbalized it. I turned to my assistant coach and said, ‘Do you want to go Cuba next year?’ “

After months of planning and organizing, that destination will soon be a reality as Roschella and 10 players from Howard County, along with one from Catonsville, will travel to Cuba on Feb. 17 for a Baseball Good Will Tour.