Good morning, in Memphis, where the World Series matchup poses a dilemma for a certain local baseball coach …

What would you do? Casey Callaway, the baseball coach at Germantown High School, is a serious fan of the Chicago Cubs. How serious? His son is named Wrigley. That’s how serious. So you would think that Callaway would be pulling for the Cubs tonight when they begin their series against the Cleveland Indians. But there’s a wrinkle: Casey’s brother, Mickey Callaway, is the pitching coach for the Indians.

So what is a brother to do in this situation? Pull for family or pull for the team of his youth?

“I’ve got a situation,” said Callaway. “I have probably been asked about it a thousand times already. I’m telling people it’s win-win.”

Which is a perfectly fine thing to tell people, of course. But what’s the right answer here?

Callaway asked his grandmother, Mable Butrum, who is the reason he became a Cubs fan in the first place. Butrum grew up in Wisconsin and always had the Cubs on TV when Callaway came over to the house.

“She told me I had to root for the Indians because it’s family,” said Callaway.

So is that what he’s going to do?

“My brother’s just the pitching coach, he’s not the manager,” Callaway said. “So I can root for both teams’ pitchers.”

And root for the Cubs to win.

Mind you, Callaway wouldn’t cop to the last part of this strategy. He’s sticking to the line about win-win. But let’s say the team of my youth (the Buffalo Bills) made it back to the Super Bowl. And let’s say one of my eight siblings was an assistant coach with the team from the NFC. In those circumstances, I would absolutely be pulling for the Bills. No matter what my grandmother said.

By the way, both brothers came by their love of baseball honestly. Casey is named after Casey Stengel, the former Yankee manager. Mickey is named after Mickey Mantle, the former Yankee outfielder. Baseball names are a tradition for the Callaways. But it was Chris Callaway, Casey’s wife, who came up with the idea of naming their son after Wrigley Field.

“He turns three this December,” said Casey. “He’s never known a day when the Cubs stunk.”

As for the rest of you:

There are plenty of passionate Memphians on both sides of this World Series matchup, which is as it should be. Among the Cubs fans: Dave Woloshin, Lauren Lee, Mark McCleskey, Eli Savoie, Drake Hall, Sally Foster Perry and Jody Callahan. Among the Indians fans: Jerry Lawler, Bill Taras, David Waters and Jennifer Pignolet. But special recognition goes to Bob Miller (who has turned the front lawn of his house on Greer Avenue into a shrine to the Cubs), to Denny Williams (who has erected a similar shrine indoors) and to Joe Clarke, who proposed to his wife, Jessica, at Wrigley Field.

Don’t have to choose: I have the greatest respect and admiration for Louis Graham, the editor of this newspaper, who wrote yesterday’s 9:01. But I take issue with his suggestion that Memphians “save 10 bucks and take the (Big River) crossing to the middle of the river for the most striking view of the Memphis skyline rather than paying for an elevator ride to the top of Bass Pro Shops at The Pyramid.”  No question, the new view is fabulous.

And I am thrilled about the latest Great Thing to open in our town. But I don’t see any reason why folks can’t take the elevator to the top of The Pyramid and also marvel at the new view from the Big River Crossing and also head to the top of the Peabody to take in that view of the city (along with the wondrous duck palace). This isn’t a contest, after all. If we can enjoy multiple barbecue establishments and multiple basketball teams and multiple city parks, we can enjoy multiple vistas, too.

Support your local bookseller (and columnist): Today is the official release date of my collection of columns, “After the Jump.” I feel a little silly even mentioning the book, given that all I had to do was pick 100 columns to include. My colleagues Bob Mehr and Daniel Connolly actually wrote their wonderful new books. But there are now signed copies of the book available at both local booksellers, Burke’s Books and Booksellers at Laurelwood. Those folks would appreciate your business, whether you’re buying my book or something else.

And remember, y’all are invited to the official book release party at AutoZone Park on Nov. 1. RSVP here: The book includes dozens of columns on the Grizzlies and the Tigers (of course), but there are also columns on: George Lapides, Allie Prescott, Frank Ricks, Derrick Barton, David Ramsey, Dennis Freeland, Morris Fair, Phil Cannon, Claude Humphrey, Ralph Wiley, Loren Roberts, Stan Bronson, Scott Patterson, Murray Armstrong, Spook Murphy, Larry Conlee, David Gossett, Shaun Micheel, Burnetta Burns Williams and a whole lot of other people who helped make this city what it is.

Fade out: I don’t have the musical taste of Chris Herrington — or of a turnip, for that matter — but since this is Grizzlies week, I’ll leave you with the franchise’s coolest national anthem. Here’s Isaac Hayes from 2004.