This man is here for the baseball fan with nowhere left to turn –

People, there is no baseball here. It is winter. It is the offseason. The world before us is a benumbed moonscape. Despair is occasioned.

But lo and also behold: A summery buccaneer shall save us! Please bear outshone witness …

The image you see above was tweeted out by the Indians of Cleveland on Saturday in celebration of some unseasonably warm local conditions. However, you should consider said image to be evergreen in its implications. The boulevardier’s shirt/tunic? It has been cast aside like the thousand-count beseeching ingĂ©nues before it.

It is said that the human body is up to 60 percent water. In the case of this leisured gentleman — Deputy Rex Buck Carruthers, we’ll call him — the body is 60 percent good times.

Even in darkest winter, even in the most remorseless of blizzards, he stands there, restorative can o’ suds in hand, watching the baseball game that only he can see. When at last the clouds are sundered and the sun snaps its heavenly tethers, we shall see what Deputy Rex Buck Carruthers has never stopped seeing.

Until then, let this call to mind what we once had, what we shall have again. People, I speak of this, our baseball.