WATCH: Turkish soccer fan loses his mind after girlfriend pulls meanest prank ever –

Let’s set the stage here. Your favorite team is playing an incredibly important game. During one of the most intense and pivotal moments of the game — boom — your TV cuts out.

Is there anything more frustrating as a sports fan?

Operating under that principle, a woman pulled the ultimate prank on her Turkish soccer fanatic boyfriend by using a second remote to cut off the TV every time something important was happening during the match.

At first his reaction is understandable. But then … well …


I know what you’re thinking — the whole thing is staged. There’s no way anyone — no matter how big a fan — would destroy a perfectly harmless television and laptop over a game of soccer.

But keep this in mind:

In 2002 Turkey finished third at the World Cup, an amazing finish for the country. In the 2008 Euro they were third, but they didn’t quality for the 2006, 2010 or 2014 World Cups — and they didn’t make Euro 2012. So it’s been a while.

Is it possible that more than a decade’s worth of frustration reached a boiling point and took aim at any piece of electronic equipment in sight?

Or is this just a brilliant and successful attempt to create a viral video?

You be the judge, but either way it’s absolutely hilarious.

This soccer fan lost his mind after his girlfriend pranked him.
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