The small wearable device, which pairs with a smartphone via Bluetooth, fits inside a leg sleeve that’s part of the retail bundle. In fact, there are two sleeves included in the box, one small-medium size and a medium-large. Unlike its other sensors, Zepp says the Play Soccer version isn’t about the company helping you train with video tutorials or tips from professional athletes. Instead, you’re supposed to use the raw data from the sensor to determine what specific skills you need to improve — all on your own.

To make the experience more complete, the Zepp Play Soccer app (iOS and Android) has a “Team Game” mode that lets multiple sensors connect to the same activity. Here, individuals can look at each other’s stats, have leaderboards and, with help from someone outside the field, keep a score between teams. Zepp says this feature is also good for parents who can’t make it to their kid’s game, as it allows them to get real-time updates.

Once you get sent a link to view the event, for example, you can read who took a shot or scored a goal only seconds after it happened. And that worked as advertised during our demo. Additionally, Zepp’s application lets you record video of the player wearing the sensor, and uses whatever footage you capture to create a highlight reel based on data collected during a game or training session.