Biden accuser Lucy Flores: Tone-deaf jokes ‘incredibly disrespectful’ – New York Post

The one-time Nevada lawmaker who accused Joe Biden of inappropriately touching her blasted the former vice president on Monday night for joking about the matter.

Lucy Flores called Biden’s behavior “so incredibly disrespectful” during a Fox News interview, adding that she wants to force a dialogue on how powerful men treat women.

Flores accused Biden last month of untoward behavior — claiming he had kissed her on the back of her head at a 2014 Nevada rally.

Shortly after, another woman, Connecticut party operative Amy Lappos, said Biden creeped her out by rubbing noses with her at a 2009 fundraiser in Greenwich.

In Biden’s first public speech after the accusations, he tried to lighten the mood with a pair of off-color jokes.

After hugging International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers president Lonnie Stephenson on stage at a Washington, DC, union convention in April, he told the crowd, “I just want you to know. I had permission to hug Lonnie.”

He later spotted some young people in the middle of the ballroom and invited them on stage.

Lucy Flores and Joe Biden
Lucy Flores and Joe BidenGetty Images

“By the way, he gave me permission to touch him,” he joked as he put his arm around one of the boys.

On Fox News, Flores called Biden’s alleged grabbiness “unprofessional, inappropriate behavior, no matter who does it.”

“We’re talking about the fact that, as women, we have had to endure this kind of inappropriate behavior on behalf of powerful men certainly for as long as I’ve been alive — you know, forever,” added Flores.

Biden claimed he never intended to creep anybody out.

“The fact of the matter is I made it clear that if I made anyone feel [uncomfortable], I feel badly about that. It was never my intention. Ever,” he said after the convention.

With Post wires