Heather Nauert is excellent at her current job — she shouldn’t be our ambassador to the UN – Washington Examiner

Heather Nauert has excelled at her job as spokesperson for President Trump’s State Department. She’s fielded questions and represented American interests far better than anyone to grace the post of White House press secretary during this administration, and her background as a broadcast journalist for Fox News has surely assisted that.

So she should keep doing that. She is not remotely qualified to serve as our ambassador to United Nations. Contrasted with the tenure of Nikki Haley, perhaps the greatest shining star of the Trump presidency, the prospect of Nauert not just representing, but fighting for the free world against global villains and totalitarians, is unconscionable.

Until one year ago, Nauert’s entire educational and professional background has been in broadcast journalism. She received her B.A. in communications from Mount Vernon College and her master’s in journalism from Columbia. She’s been on TV since then.

None of this is to minimize Nauert’s efficacy at her current job. She’s poised, explains foreign policy well, and remains calm with the press. But CNN’s State Department correspondent is not an ambassador to a genocidal regime. The marked contrast between the overwhelming success of Haley’s tenure versus, say, the cowardice of Samantha Power just goes to demonstrate how important not just intellect and extensive knowledge, but true grit and principles are to the post of ambassador to the U.N.

Trump could have chosen almost anyone else in politics for the job, and they would have had a better resume than Nauert in diplomacy. Anyone with military or legislative experience would have had an extra iota or two of foreign policy knowledge rather than someone who has spent two decades talking on television. Furthermore, choosing a former Fox News anchor lends credence to the liberal line that this is the Fox News presidency. While I’m sure that Nauert’s former colleagues are happy for her career, the image that Trump is just waiting to pluck fellow journalists from Fox’s set surely doesn’t help the reputation of the the very real reporters at the outlet.

For the sake of global stability and American supremacy, we should all hope that Nauert brings an incredible team to New York and finds her footing in the job — fast. But this is the center stage.