Juice List 2015: The most influential person in Rutgers sports might surprise … – NJ.com

Juice is power. Juice is influence. Juice is also subjective. Each summer, sports columnist Steve Politi ranks the most influential people in New Jersey sports — a list that includes team owners, coaches, politicians and athletes from all levels of competition. No. 1 on the Juice List will be revealed July 29. Today: Nos. 2-5.

Last year’s ranking in parentheses

5. Chris Christie (3):Okay, you can insert a wisecrack here about the governor being more in-tune with New Hampshire sports right now. But he’s still a prominent voice on everything, and his endorsement of investing in Rutgers athletics was critical. Even his awkward hugs with Jerry Jones get national attention.
4. Jeff Towers (NR): He is a “mystery donor” no more, and while he prefers to stay in the background, people around Rutgers understand just how important the deep-pocketed booster is to the latest push for new facilities. Will he give the kind of game-changing gift that makes this a reality? Somebody has to.
3. John Mara (2): The Giants co-owner continues to be one of the most influential voices in the NFL (just ask the Patriots after Deflategate). His team, on the other hand, hasn’t been a factor since that unlikely Super Bowl run after the 2011 season, and you wonder if his patience will finally run out this year if that doesn’t change.
2. Josh Harris/David Blitzer (1):The Devils co-owners topped this list a year ago, and while the team continues to struggle, it became clear that they won’t standby idly when longtime executive Lou Lamoriello was nudged aside as general manager. Oh, and here’s a question from South Jersey: Will their 76ers finally stop tanking?

5. Lou Lamoriello
4. Greg Brown
3. Chris Christie
2. John Mara

Tuesday: Nos. 21-25
Wednesday: Nos. 16-20
Thursday: Nos. 11-15
Friday: Nos. 6-10
Saturday: Nos. 2-5
Sunday: No. 1

2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

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Steve Politi may be reached at spoliti@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @StevePoliti. Find Steve on Facebook.