Liberals condescend to Nancy Pelosi after her meeting with Trump – Washington Examiner

Any normal person who watched the on-camera Oval Office back-and-forth between President Trump and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., would come away thinking, “Wow, they have some disagreements. I wonder if they’ll work that out before a government shutdown.” But liberals instead watched it and felt they needed to comfort the delicate Pelosi.

Trump views Pelosi just like anyone else; liberals see her as just another woman who needs their help.

New York Times editorial writer Michelle Cottle said that Trump had “mansplained” to Pelosi “ how the legislative process works.”

“You don’t need Trump or anyone else to mansplain her,” former Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said in the Washington Post. “She knows what she’s talking about…”

Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., told the Post, “I don’t think he knows what to do with a strong woman. His actions just showed that he’s a chauvinist when it comes to dealing with women in power.”

Because there was cross-talk during the meeting, which also included Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Atlantic magazine’s Amanda Mull asserted that, “Not even the most powerful women in America get to finish their thoughts.”

This is revisionist history by deluded liberals who can’t watch a woman interact with a man without crying “sexist!” or “harassment!” Conveniently forgotten is the fact that the meeting only became truly contentious when Pelosi asserted that any shutdown would be a “Trump shutdown.” That’s when the crosstalk began.

Pelosi then dared Trump to call on House Republicans to vote for a bill that funds a border wall. Trump maintained that such a vote would be pointless because there aren’t enough votes in the Senate to move it through Congress.

Here’s from their exchange:

Pelosi: You have the Senate. You have the House of Representatives. You have the votes. You should pass it right now.

Trump: No, we don’t have the votes, Nancy, because in the Senate, we need 60 votes and we don’t have it.

Pelosi: No, no, but in the House, you could bring it up right now, today.

Trump: Yeah, but I can’t — excuse me. But I can’t get it passed in the House if it’s not going to pass in the Senate. I don’t want to waste time.

Pelosi: Well, the fact is you can get it started that way.

Pelosi later on womansplained the Constitution to Trump, declaring, “We’ve come in here as the first branch of government: Article I, the legislative branch.”

Following their meeting, Schumer and Pelosi hosted a separate press conference, wherein she told reporters, “I didn’t want to, in front of [the press] say, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’”

She also reportedly told Democrats privately later on that the border issue is “like a manhood thing for [Trump], as if manhood could ever be associated with him.”

Pelosi takes a knife to all of her opponents, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats. Yet liberals talk about her as if at any minute she might cry.

Maybe the feminists are on to something; there really is a double standard.