NY Rep. Max Rose backs impeachment inquiry | TheHill – The Hill

Rep. Max RoseMax RoseParkland survivor Lauren Hogg implores Congress to do more on school shootings Here are the House Democrats who aren’t backing Trump impeachment inquiry Tech fight against online extremism gets overhaul MORE threw his support behind the House’s formal impeachment investigation into President TrumpDonald John TrumpSessions says he still supports Trump despite ouster as AG House Republicans voice concerns about White House’s impeachment messaging Giuliani consulted with Manafort on Ukraine info: report MORE on Wednesday as the New York Democrat walks a tightrope in his GOP-leaning Staten Island district. 

Rose made the announcement at a town hall, saying Trump appeared “willing to violate the Constitution” in his dealings with Ukraine. But he said support for the House’s investigation will not stop him from simultaneously dealing with kitchen table issues important to his constituents.

“I will not shirk my duty and I will not violate my oath. I will support and I will defend the United States Constitution. And it is for that reason that I intend to fully support this impeachment inquiry and follow the facts,” Rose said. 

“But, I want to make something else very, very clear: Nothing, nothing at all — impeachment or otherwise — will distract us, will distract me from my work fighting for you. I will not let this or anything else detract us from our focus on ending the opioid epidemic, holding pharmaceutical companies accountable, making sure that we have the backs of our cops and our firefighters and our first responders, and yes — ending our commuting nightmare.” 

Rose, who won his first term in 2018 by unseating Republican Rep. Dan Donovan, was one of just a handful of holdouts among Democrats nationwide in supporting the impeachment probe and was under intense pressure to fall in line.

Unlike the rest of New York City’s congressional districts, Rose’s does not appear to be fertile ground for impeachment support — Staten Island was the only borough to back Trump, supporting him by 17 points over Democratic nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonGiuliani consulted with Manafort on Ukraine info: report California political donor indicted for 2 overdose deaths at his home Sanders heart procedures shines spotlight on age of top Democrats MORE in 2016.

“I have opposed a rush to judgment to date because the American people deserve to know that when this country is in crisis, we’re going to react responsibly and deliberately,” Rose said Wednesday. “If the president is right and he has nothing to hide, then all we ask today is that he proves it … I’m going to follow these facts wherever they lead, no matter the consequences.” 

Only one Democrat in New York’s House delegation remains uncommitted on impeachment: Rep. Anthony Brindisi. 

Rose’s opposition to impeachment had helped him attract a primary challenger from the left. In the general election, Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis is set to take on the Democratic nominee. She has accused Rose of caving to pressure from progressives on impeachment.

“Just one day after finding out he had a challenger in the Democrat primary, [Congressman Max Rose] caved to socialists [Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-CortezOcasio-Cortez wishes Sanders speedy recovery: ‘Rest up, friend’ Trump campaign releases ad accusing Democrats of carrying out a ‘coup’ Jeffress denies predicting ‘actual civil war’ over Trump impeachment MORE,] Ilhan OmarIlhan OmarRadio host Todd Starnes out at Fox News Ocasio-Cortez wishes Sanders speedy recovery: ‘Rest up, friend’ New York City bans term ‘illegal alien,’ institutes fines up to 0K MORE and Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiHouse Republicans voice concerns about White House’s impeachment messaging Overnight Health Care: Judge rules supervised drug injection sites are legal | Is a drug pricing deal still possible? | Walmart latest retailer to pull Zantac from shelves McCarthy shares ‘Stranger Things’ parody video criticizing impeachment MORE in the rush to impeach [Trump]. It just shows that when pressure is applied, Max Rose stands with the radical left,” she tweeted, referring to Speaker Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Democratic House progressives from New York and Minnesota.  

Support for impeachment has spiked in recent weeks, with 226 House Democrats backing the investigation into Trump, according to The Hill’s tally. Pelosi formally launched the inquiry last week over news that Trump pressured Ukraine to open an investigation into former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHouse Republicans voice concerns about White House’s impeachment messaging Giuliani consulted with Manafort on Ukraine info: report Top Pence adviser was on Trump-Zelensky phone call at center of whistleblower complaint: report MORE, one of his chief political rivals.

Updated at 12:20 p.m.