Sport you may not have heard of is evening playing field in PE classes – Chicago Tribune

It’s a strange game with a funny name and rules that seem to have been devised at a commune. But ask some physical education teachers about it, and they’ll call Tchoukball the greatest thing since jumping jacks.

Schools throughout the Chicago area have incorporated Tchoukball — pronounced CHOOK-ball — into their gym classes, with teachers saying it is the rare activity that allows super jocks to play on nearly even terms with the athletically challenged. At the same time, the competitive side of the game is growing, with the U.S. recently finishing third in an international tournament.

But even the staunchest Tchoukball evangelists say the game needs more exposure before it can really take off.

“It’s hard to recruit players because the name of the sport is instantly forgettable,” said Steve Abreu, president of the U.S. Tchoukball Association. “When people see it, they get the idea. But when you’re just telling people about it, it’s hard to figure it out.”