Sports museum in Chicago is proposed by ex-Adler, Shedd … – Chicago Tribune

Two former museum executives are pitching an idea for a sports museum in Chicago that would use sports to teach visitors about everything from physics to statistics to race relations.

But whether the museum could be a grand slam or even get to first base depends on funding and support.

Other museums have struck out, namely the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, which ended up in Los Angeles instead of Chicago after a battle over lakefront green space with the Friends of the Parks open space advocacy group. The Sports Museum of America in New York closed in 2009 after being open for only nine months due to financial problems and lagging attendance. Over the years, some of Chicago’s museums have relied on public subsidies, fee increases and cost-cutting measures to stay afloat.

Spearheading the effort to bring the American Sports Museum to Chicago is Marc Lapides, former chief marketing officer at the Adler Planetarium, and Roger Germann, former executive vice president at the Shedd Aquarium.