Tennessee’s insane Hail Mary helps them land another comeback win (Watch) – Yahoo Sports

T: TRUMP was NEVER labeled a racist by liberal media and crooked Hillary until his running for POTUS. DONALD TRUMP, as the Republican presidential candidate, is truly an OUTSIDER who goes against the corrupt PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS who have led USA on a wrong track of economic and military disadvantage for the last eight years. SINCE CROOKED HILLARY BECAME SECRETARY OF STATE IN 2009 WITH FAILED FOREIGN POLICY, USA has been unsafe and being attacked by RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. American citizens are ANGRY of these corrupt PROFESSIONAL politicians like crooked, lying, immoral and corrupt HILLARY. VOTE TRUMP 2016.

Shame on you Bernie. You stain yourself by endorsing crooked, lying, corrupt and immoral Hillary. Bernie, you are part of the corrupt establishment and SOLD OUT your supporters.

IF Obama and crooked Hillary have a track record of good achievements for black communities, they don’t have to worry about the black turn out to vote for crooked Hillary. However, after 8 years of Obama administration, the black communities including Chicago where Obama came from still have very high unemployment and crime rates, the most number of people ever on food stamps, the most uneducated class in the last 40 years, and many more, a president who forced religious institutions to provide contraceptives against their conscience and crooked Hillary who abused her secretary of state office for personal gain through the Clinton foundation and continues lies after lies. Since they don’t have a good record, they are playing the race card to protect their legacy and self-interest. Obama and crooked Hillary treat black people as a vote NOT human, and they are a divider NOT uniter for personal gain.

The doctor should also prescribe Crooked Hillary a high dose of lying medication to keep her from lying. Crooked Hillary has serious health issues due to telling lies, her insatiable greed all her years and full of worries of her deleted emails with shady “quid pro quo” deals being exposed sooner or later while abusing her Secretary of State office. Crooked Hillary is totally UNFIT for US presidency. What an immoral and selfish crook who was walking around the crowd and embraced & endangered a young girl for a PR stunt while she has a contagious pneumonia.

WOW! The DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS “PLANTED” CROOKED, LYING, IMMORAL AND CORRUPT HILLARY. The Democrats’ primary was totally RIGGED behind the scenes to PRE-SELECT crooked Hillary as the only nominee from the beginning according to leaked DNC emails. This is an election CRIME committed by the Democratic Party. CROOKED HILLARY should be a DISQUALIFIED DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE from the beginning. The Clintons are evil people and corrupt to the bone. SATAN IS TAKING OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Crooked Hillary is a CRIMINAL and should go to jail. “LOCK HER UP”. Crooked Hillary has NO ACHIEVEMENT but ONLY HAS DONE CROOKED THINGS. How could you let a criminal running for US president? This b**** has no morals, is a world-class pathological liar and corrupt to the bone. Look at what the Clintons DID not what they preached. The cancerous corruption of Democrats is so widespread all the way to the top. Below are just some of many immoral things that the corrupt Clintons did:

– HOME EMAIL SYSTEM – Crooked Clinton installed a home email system FOR WORK that violated federal security protocol, record-keeping rules and jeopardized national security to hide shady communications between her and unfriendly foreign governments related to quid pro quo transactions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for influence on U.S. policy while she was Secretary of State. Crooked HILLARY DELETED 33,000 emails ON PURPOSE to avoid criminal prosecution. Crooked Hillary would not delete these emails if they were truly personal and not related to shady quid pro quo deals. This b**** sold out USA and committed TREASON. COLLIN POWELL used private email for truly personal communication but still had GOVERNMENT EMAIL FOR WORK. Shame on crooked Clinton who is trying to blame on Collin Powell for her decision herself to have her home email system FOR WORK.
– LIES AFTER LIES – Crooked Clinton’s lies after lies to Congress, FBI and Americans on Bosnia sniper fire, Benghazi attack, her home email system, blaming on Collin Powell for her decision to have a home email system FOR WORK, stupidly recognized “C” for alphabetic order not “classified” after years of working in government, etc. The list goes on.
– ELECTION RIGGING – Crooked Clinton colluded with DNC to rig 2016 primary according to 19,000 leaked DNC emails released by WikiLeaks. DNC PRE-ANOINTED crooked Hillary as the only nominee from the beginning according to leaked DNC emails. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned after email release, and crooked Hillary immediately offered Debbie a job for keeping her mouth shut. The emails clearly showed a collusion of top DNC officials to plant and strategize to make crooked Clinton to be the ONLY nominee from the beginning. The DNC emails also showed that DNC is a racist organization which ridiculed Bernie’s Jewish heritage and labeled him as an atheist to drive away his supporters. Crooked Hillary DID NOT win but stole the nomination. This was a rigged democratic primary.
– CLINTON FOUNDATION – this is basically a front company so the immoral Clintons can pocket through implicit bribery and money laundering. While abusing the public office, the Clintons have used the Clinton Foundation, which is based in Canada for non-disclosure policy of charitable contributors, to make “quid pro quo” deals with special interests and foreign governments. The Clinton Crime Syndicate (Foundation) KEEPS 93% OF DONATIONS and only donates 7% to the charities. They list 93% of the income taken in as used for “Administrative Expenses”.
– CORRUPTION OF DEMOCRATS ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP – A FIX was in through a SECRET meeting between immoral Bill Clinton and corrupt AG Loretta Lynch NOT to charge Crooked Hillary on home-based emails and made her ABOVE THE LAW. AG Loretta Lynch is the boss of FBI director James Comey.
– CROOKED HILLARY IS TRULY AN IMMORAL LOW-LIFE WHITE TRASH – After leaving the White House, crooked Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, silverware, and artwork that she had stolen. HOW COULD YOU VOTE FOR THIS TRASH TO BE US PRESIDENT?
– QUID PRO QUO case out of many – THE CLINTON SCHOOL KICKBACKS. In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college company. The reason for Clinton’s immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Department pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation selected Clayton Homes, a construction company owned by WARREN BUFFETT’s Berkshire Hathaway, to build temporary shelters in Haiti. BUFFETT is an active member of the Clinton Global Initiative who has donated generously to the Clintons as well as the Clinton Foundation. The contract was supposed to be given through the normal United Nations bidding process, with the deal going to the lowest bidder who met the project’s standards. UN officials said, however, that the contract was never competitively bid for. Clayton offered to build “hurricane-proof trailers” but what they actually delivered turned out to be a disaster. The trailers were structurally unsafe, with high levels of formaldehyde and insulation coming out of the walls. There were problems with mold and fumes. The stifling heat inside made Haitians sick and many of them abandoned the trailers because they were ill-constructed and unusable.
The Clintons also funneled $10 million in federal loans to a firm called InnoVida, headed by Clinton donor Claudio Osorio. Osorio had loaded its board with Clinton cronies, including longtime Clinton ally General Wesley Clark; Hillary’s 2008 finance director Jonathan Mantz; and Democratic fundraiser Chris Korge who has helped raise millions for the Clintons. Normally the loan approval process takes months or even years. But in this case, a government official wrote, “Former President Bill Clinton is personally in contact with the company to organize its logistical and support needs. And as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has made available State Department resources to assist with logistical arrangements.” InnoVida had not even provided an independently audited financial report that is normally a requirement for such applications. On the basis of the Clinton connection, InnoVida’s application was fast-tracked and approved in two weeks. The company defaulted on the loan and never built any houses. An investigation revealed that Osorio had diverted company funds to pay for his Miami Beach mansion, his Maserati, and his Colorado ski chalet. He pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering in 2013, and is currently serving a twelve-year prison term on fraud charges related to the loan.
And these are only 2 examples of the dozens of thefts the Clintons and their cronies did just to Haiti.

The West has been blinded and lured by the big Chinese market. However, it forgot that it has been dealing with a Communist China inside its disguising Capitalist shell. The Chinese GDP has increased from $303B in 1980 to current around $11,000B, an increase of more than 35 times along with Intellectual Property thefts from the West worth a few trillions of dollars and millions and millions of job losses in the West. Only top few % in the West including the corrupt CLINTONS were significantly benefited from the BAD trade deals with China. The Americans are getting poorer while the Chinese are getting MUCH richer due to BAD trades deals with the West.

That was why Donald Trump, who is NOT racist but puts USA first, said the trade deals with China are all BAD that cost millions and millions of domestic jobs. BOYCOTT Chinese-made products and BRING BACK JOBS FROM CHINA. VOTE TRUMP 2016 AND TRUMP WILL RE-NEGOTIATE ALL BAD TRADE DEALS, BRING JOBS BACK AND REBUILD US MANUFACTURING.

The liberal mainstream media is pro-Clinton. It is getting paid big from the crooked Clinton campaign and putting out LYING POLL NUMBERS and ARTICLES TO BASH TRUMP. A majority of people thought crooked Hillary should have been INDICTED. People in government would be in JAIL or lose their jobs at least if they just have done 10% of what crooked Hillary has done. This is a tremendous US national security implication. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT USA HAS BEEN ON A DOWN HILL BIG TIME IN TERMS OF BEING RESPECTED BY PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD AND FOREIGN DIPLOMACY SINCE CROOKED HILLARY BECAME SECRETARY OF STATE IN 2009 ??? Hacking of the crooked Clinton’s home, low-secured private email system by foreign agents would have caused tremendous damage to USA since 2009.

Russian agents along with agents from other countries like China or Iran most likely have hacked the crooked Clinton’s home, low-secured private email system and retrieved all her emails including nationally sensitive emails, shady communications between her and unfriendly foreign governments related to quid pro quo transactions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for influence on U.S. policy while she was Secretary of State. Crooked HILLARY DELETED 33,000 emails ON PURPOSE to avoid criminal prosecution, sold out USA and committed TREASON. Crooked Hillary would not delete these emails if they were truly personal and not related to shady quid pro quo deals.