WakeyLeaks puts focus on college sports ethics – Chicago Tribune

One Thursday during Les Miles’s tenure as Oklahoma State’s head coach, a message surfaced on an answering machine inside the Cowboys’ football facility, with a man’s voice making a solemn claim: He had watched practice of Oklahoma State’s opponent and learned its plays. The message detailed a dozen plays and formations for the Cowboys to prepare for.

“It was really, really good stuff,” Miles said. “The only thing is, we didn’t believe it. We didn’t believe that it was authentic.”

Miles and his staff decided not to broach the information at that Friday practice. They had installed their game plan, and so, late in the week, it probably would just confuse his players. But his coaches wrote down all the plays they had heard just in case the voice mail started to prove accurate.

“We were prepared,” Miles said. “We didn’t know the guy who even called.”