Year in review: 2015 in sports –

In these times when we pause to take stock, every year looks like a memorable one in sports. It’s probably why we watch.

In that sense, 2015 was no different than years past. And yet, one of a kind.

This year brought us (finally!) a Triple Crown in horse racing, a near Grand Slam in tennis, and the Bat Flip Heard ‘Round the World. A new (and hopefully tamer) Tiger was born, and we witnessed the coming of hockey’s Next One.

We finally got our Fight of the Century (with 85 years left to top it, thank goodness), a lightning Bolt struck again and, all the while, Steph made it rain.

Take a trip back through this wonderful year by browsing the gallery above, where we present 12 photographs — one from each month — that tell the story of 2015 in sports.

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