Ambassador breaks with Trump, testifying the President directed diplomats to work with Giuliani on Ukraine – CNN
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Elijah Cummings, Baltimore congressman and civil rights leader, dies at 68 – The Washington Post
When looting began, hours after the funeral, Mr. Cummings rushed, bullhorn in hand, to a troubled West Baltimore neighborhood, where he worked to restore order and to assure residents that authorities were taking the case seriously. (Six officers would be charged in Gray’s death, although prosecutors failed to secure a conviction against any of them.)
Brexit deal: What just happened? – BBC News
Image copyright EPA Image caption The UK and EU negotiators joined PM Boris Johnson (2nd L) and European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker (2nd R) to pose for photographers UK and EU leaders stood on a stage in Brussels on Thursday and declared that a Brexit deal had, finally, been done. Negotiations had gone on past the supposed deadline, and top officials had thought it was far too late, but in…
Pelosi requests prayer for Trump’s health after his ‘very serious meltdown’ – Washington Examiner
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi questioned President Trump’s mental health after he had an alleged “meltdown” with Democratic congressional leaders. Trump met with Democratic leadership at the White House on Wednesday, who walked out of the meeting early and spoke to reporters outside. “Right now we have to pray for [Trump’s] health because this was a very serious meltdown,” Pelosi said. Trump called Pelosi a “third-grade politician,” the speaker said. “The…
Trump Pelosi picture: Nancy Pelosi took Trump’s tweet about her "meltdown" from Wednesday’s meeting and made it her Twitter cover photo – CBS News
A briefing with congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday ended with insults, a walkout — and a meme. It was the first face-to-face meeting between President Trump and top Democrats since the impeachment inquiry began, and things got heated between the president and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The House had just passed a bipartisan resolution condemning Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to pull troops from Syria, and lawmakers were supposed to…
Rep. Elijah Cummings, Democratic leader and regular Trump target, dies at 68 – The Washington Post
When looting began, hours after the funeral, Mr. Cummings rushed, bullhorn in hand, to a troubled West Baltimore neighborhood, where he worked to restore order and to assure residents that authorities were taking the case seriously. (Six officers would be charged in Gray’s death, although prosecutors failed to secure a conviction against any of them.)
5 things to know for October 18: Elijah Cummings, Syria, Brexit, impeachment, quakes – CNN
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UK and EU strike new Brexit deal after last-ditch talks – CNBC
Negotiators from the U.K. and EU reached a draft Brexit deal in 11th-hour talks Thursday, although there are serious doubts that the agreement will be approved by U.K. lawmakers back in Westminster. Sterling rose on news after the U.K. made concessions over the Irish border, an issue that had proven to be the biggest obstacle to a deal. The pound was 0.8% higher against the dollar, at $1.2929, reaching a…
Why Ocasio-Cortez Is Endorsing Sanders – The New York Times
[Fifty years ago, the Young Lords evolved from a street gang to a political force.] “This place is filthy, man. It stinks. There’s garbage all over,” was the complaint Hiram Maristany, a founding member of the group, recalled. So, a small contingent of Young Lords — Puerto Rican youth in Spanish Harlem — went to the local Department of Sanitation office to ask for better service. “They threw us out!”…
4th Defendant Arrested In Alleged Campaign Contribution Scheme Linked To Giuliani – NPR
David Correia leaves the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse in Manhattan after his appearance on Wednesday. Kevin Hagen/AP hide caption toggle caption Kevin Hagen/AP David Correia leaves the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse in Manhattan after his appearance on Wednesday. Kevin Hagen/AP A fourth defendant who allegedly conspired with associates of President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to illegally funnel foreign money into Republican campaigns, has turned himself…
Trump tweeted a photo attacking Nancy Pelosi. She made it her Twitter cover photo. – CNN
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Trump’s extraordinary letter to Turkey’s Erdogan: ‘Don’t be a tough guy’ – NBC News
President Donald Trump wrote Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan an extraordinary letter warning him not to be “a tough guy” or “a fool” as his forces launched their attack on northern Syria, a White House official confirmed to NBC News. “Dear Mr. President,” the Oct. 9 letter began, “Let’s work out a good deal! You don’t want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don’t want to…
Fourth defendant in Giuliani associates’ case arrested at New York airport – The Washington Post
Parnas and Fruman, who had been helping Giuliani investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, were arrested a week ago at Dulles International Airport, outside of Washington, where they had one-way tickets on a flight out of the country, officials said.
Trump’s Impeachment Blockade Crumbles as Witnesses Agree to Talk – The New York Times
And yet the president has been unable to prevent it. Just since Mr. Trump declared war on the impeachment effort, three current and former senior State Department officials and a former top White House aide have testified for nearly 36 total hours, delivering to lawmakers a consistent narrative of how they were effectively pushed aside by allies of the president operating outside America’s usual foreign policy channels. “It’s partly because…
Chicago Teachers Will Go On Strike, Capping Years Of Social Justice Activism – NPR
Teacher in Chicago have announced that they will go on strike. John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images Teacher in Chicago have announced that they will go on strike. John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images For the second time in seven years, Chicago Public Schools teachers will be on strike starting Thursday, walking out of class, they say, in the name of better schools….
Someone Had a ‘Meltdown’ at the White House. Pelosi and Trump Just Disagree on Who. – The New York Times
Mr. Mattis was “the world’s most overrated general,” Mr. Trump told the group. “You know why? He wasn’t tough enough. I captured ISIS. Mattis said it would take two years. I captured them in one month.” The conversation, several Democratic officials said, only devolved from there, and reached a fever pitch after Ms. Pelosi told the president that Russia, which has quickly stepped in to fill the void left by…
Trump tries to distance himself from chaos in Syria as tensions with lawmakers in both parties escalate – The Washington Post
“He just couldn’t handle it, so he kind of engaged in a meltdown,” Pelosi told reporters, referring to the 354-60-4 bipartisan vote in the House earlier Wednesday that broadly condemned the troop withdrawal. Later, Pelosi added: “I think now we have to pray for his health, because this was a very serious meltdown on the part of the president.”
Trump Is Sabotaging His Own Administration’s Efforts to Stop Turkey’s Attack on Syria – Slate
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Chicago Cancels Public School Classes As Teachers’ Strike Looms – NPR
Teachers, staff and their supporters marched through downtown Chicago on Monday to show support for the teachers union. Teresa Crawford/AP hide caption toggle caption Teresa Crawford/AP Teachers, staff and their supporters marched through downtown Chicago on Monday to show support for the teachers union. Teresa Crawford/AP Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says classes in the city’s public schools will be canceled Thursday for 299,000 children, in anticipation of an expected teacher…
Democratic debate 4 October 2019: 12 candidates onstage in Ohio –
Twelve Democratic presidential candidates took the stage at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio, for a debate hosted by CNN and the New York Times on Tuesday, October 15. The first to take place during the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Trump, it was only natural that the whistleblower scandal involving the president’s call with Ukraine would come up. This included the fact that the call involved Trump asking Ukrainian president…