
‘Do Us a Favor’: Calls Shows Trump’s Interest in Using U.S. Power for His Gain – The New York Times

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mr. Trump jumped in: “In other words, no pressure.” But critics seized on the conversation as proof that the president violated his oath of office by coercing another world leader into supporting his personal political agenda. The document provided a rare opportunity to review a private conversation between the United States president and another leader. It included a note cautioning that it was “not a verbatim transcript” but was based…

Seven days: Inside Trump’s frenetic response to the whistleblower complaint and the battle over impeachment – The Washington Post

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ashley Parker Josh Dawsey Philip Rucker September 25 at 9:16 PM After news broke that a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was at the center of an explosive whistleblower complaint, Trump was largely undaunted. But many of his senior advisers weren’t nearly as confident, and an internal debate roiled the White House. The notes from his call with the Ukrainian leader showed the conversation was…

Biden probe was condition for Trump-Zelenskiy phone call: Ukrainian adviser – ABC News

Thursday, September 26, 2019

When Ukrainians voted to elect comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy as their next president in the spring of 2019, the fledgling administration was eager to coordinate a phone call with Kyiv’s most important benefactor — the United States, according to an adviser to Zelenskiy. But after weeks of discussions with American officials, Ukrainian officials came to recognize a precondition to any executive correspondence, the adviser said. “It was clear that [President Donald]…

Pentagon Letter Undercuts Trump Assertion On Delaying Aid To Ukraine Over Corruption – NPR

Thursday, September 26, 2019

President Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Wednesday in New York, where they were attending the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP President Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Wednesday in New York, where they were attending the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Evan Vucci/AP Earlier this week, President Trump cited concerns about corruption as his rationale for blocking security assistance…

US Attorney John Durham looking into Ukrainian involvement in 2016 election – Washington Examiner

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Justice Department revealed that U.S. Attorney John Durham, picked by Attorney General William Barr to look into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, is investigating whether Ukraine was involved in any 2016 election efforts. “A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump…

Trump Announces Limited Trade Pact With Japan – The New York Times

Thursday, September 26, 2019

American farmers welcomed the Japanese trade agreement. Doug Goyings, an Ohio wheat farmer and the chairman of U.S. Wheat Associates, said the deal would lower Japanese tariffs on wheat to the same level paid by producers in Canada and Australia, two countries that signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Japan. “This agreement puts U.S. wheat back on equal footing,” Mr. Goyings said. The new Japan deal is far more limited than…

What “Server” Is Trump Babbling About? – Slate

Thursday, September 26, 2019

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Live updates: Pelosi says rough transcript of Trump call with Ukraine’s Zelensky confirms need for impeachment inquiry – The Washington Post

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Felicia Sonmez John Wagner September 25 at 3:02 PM President Trump on Wednesday denied that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, after the White House released a rough transcript of the July call between the two that Democrats say confirms the need for an impeachment inquiry. At the start of a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in…

Trump Asks Ukraine’s Leader to ‘Do Us a Favor’ and Also Urges Inquiry of Biden – The New York Times

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Over the weekend, Mr. Trump publicly acknowledged that he discussed the former vice president with Mr. Zelensky, even as he angrily railed against what he called another “witch hunt” and insisted that his conversation with the Ukrainian president was perfectly appropriate. “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory,” Mr. Trump told reporters on Sunday. “It was largely corruption — all of the corruption taking place. It was largely the fact…

Fox & Friends Host Says Trump Ukraine Transcript Will ‘Raise Eyebrows’ – Newsweek

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fox News host Steve Doocy claimed on Wednesday that, according to his network’s reporting, “there are a few words that will raise eyebrows” in the transcript of President Donald Trump’s Ukraine phone call, which is set to be released on Wednesday. Doocy made the comment on the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends as he and his co-hosts interviewed GOP Representative Doug Collins of Georgia. “According to Fox News…

Netanyahu Is Chosen to Form Israel’s Next Government – The New York Times

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

It was the second time Mr. Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, has been given the chance to form a government in five months. He won a plurality in the previous election in April but failed to assemble a majority coalition in its aftermath, leading to a repeat election this month. Mr. Rivlin had been pushing Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Gantz to forge a broad unity government including both their parties….

Iran’s Rouhani calls US the ‘supporter of terrorism’ in the Middle East and downplays role in Saudi oil attacks – CNBC

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

NEW YORK — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the United States the “supporter of terrorism” in the Middle East and downplayed Tehran’s role in the recent Saudi oil facility attacks in a Tuesday interview with Fox News. “Today, unfortunately, America is the supporter of terrorism in our region and wherever America has gone, terrorism has expanded in that wake. Wherever we have gone, on the other side, we have defeated…

Live updates: Rough call transcript to be released as Trump meets with Ukraine’s Zelensky – The Washington Post

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

John Wagner September 25 at 9:43 AM Key developments in the burgeoning controversy over President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky are expected to play out Wednesday in Washington and New York, with the release of a rough call transcript Wednesday morning and a scheduled meeting between Trump and Zelensky on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in the afternoon. The July 25 call has been…

Questions about alleged political bias of Trump whistleblower emerge; Will impeachment probe backfire on Dems? – Fox News

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

 (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here’s what you need to know as you start your day … Video Fox News Exclusive: White House to release document showing intel community watchdog found whistleblower had ‘political bias,’ official says  A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who…

UN panel signals red alert on ‘Blue Planet’ – BBC News

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Image copyright Spl Image caption Coral reefs are threatened by the acidification of the oceans Climate change is devastating our seas and frozen regions as never before, a major new United Nations report warns. According to a UN panel of scientists, waters are rising, the ice is melting, and species are moving habitat due to human activities. And the loss of permanently frozen lands threatens to unleash even more carbon,…

White House preparing to release whistleblower complaint to Congress – POLITICO

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

President Donald Trump. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images White House Trump has approved releasing the document at the center of his latest standoff with lawmakers, a senior administration official said. By NANCY COOK 09/24/2019 06:56 PM EDT Updated 09/24/2019 09:04 PM EDT 2019-09-24T09:04-0400 The White House is preparing to release to Congress by the end of the week both the whistleblower complaint and the inspector general report at the center of…

UN Report On The World’s Oceans Is Out, And It’s Not Good – NPR

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Salmon swim upstream in Seattle in 2017. A mass of abnormally warm water off the West Coast of the U.S. that year contributed to a federal fishery disaster. Warming oceans and rising sea levels are threatening coastal economies as the world’s climate changes. Elaine Thompson/AP hide caption toggle caption Elaine Thompson/AP Salmon swim upstream in Seattle in 2017. A mass of abnormally warm water off the West Coast of the…

Media’s Ukraine reporting pressures Pelosi into finally backing impeachment – Fox News

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Video Howard Kurtz: Trump shifts explanation after report he personally froze aid to Ukraine ‘MediaBuzz’ host Howard Kurtz weighs in on the battle between President Trump and the mainstream media as the Ukraine story evolves. With Nancy Pelosi finally bowing to Democratic pressure and launching a formal impeachment inquiry, many in the media may be getting their wish. After all, many pundits, especially on the left, longed for the same…

White House reportedly moving to release full whistleblower complaint – Washington Examiner

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The White House is preparing to release to Congress the full whistleblower complaint at the center of House Democrats impeachment inquiry, and it could reach lawmakers by the end of the week. The “decision and timing could change over the next few days,” but Trump had approved the release of the complaint, according to a Politico report citing a senior administration official. The whistleblower complaint, according to news reports, says…