Impeachment pressure escalates as Democrats demand release of whistleblower’s Trump complaint – NBC News
WASHINGTON — House Democrats began a potentially pivotal week on Capitol Hill Monday as frustration mounted within the caucus over the slow pace of the impeachment inquiry process against President Donald Trump. Rank-and-file members demanded the release of a recent intelligence community whistleblower complaint against the president. The pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to accelerate the methodical investigation into the president and his administration — a pace she…
The latest on Trump’s Ukraine drama: Live update – CNN
House Democrats this morning say that they are close to a “tipping point” on impeachment in the wake of the Trump administration’s blocking the whistleblower complaint and the President’s admission of discussing the Bidens in his phone call with the Ukrainian leader. Democrats, both freshmen from Trump districts and moderates who have resisted calls for impeachment, are telling their colleagues privately they are prepared to announce their support for impeachment…
The latest on Trump’s Ukraine drama: Live update – CNN
House Democrats this morning say that they are close to a “tipping point” on impeachment in the wake of the Trump administration’s blocking the whistleblower complaint and the President’s admission of discussing the Bidens in his phone call with the Ukrainian leader. Democrats, both freshmen from Trump districts and moderates who have resisted calls for impeachment, are telling their colleagues privately they are prepared to announce their support for impeachment…
The latest on Trump’s Ukraine drama: Live update – CNN
House Democrats this morning say that they are close to a “tipping point” on impeachment in the wake of the Trump administration’s blocking the whistleblower complaint and the President’s admission of discussing the Bidens in his phone call with the Ukrainian leader. Democrats, both freshmen from Trump districts and moderates who have resisted calls for impeachment, are telling their colleagues privately they are prepared to announce their support for impeachment…
Stage set for US, Iran showdown at UN General Assembly –
The United States and Iran are set to put forward their competing visions of security in the Middle East to the United Nations General Assembly this week, with US President Donald Trump expected to address the gathering of world leaders on Tuesday and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani a day later. As tensions continue to simmer following attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil fields and the exchange of sharp rhetoric between Washington and Tehran,…
The United Nations General Assembly: Live updates – CNN
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar Alex Wong/Getty Images In remarks delivered at the United Nations General Assembly today, US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar encouraged world leaders to expand access to health care without the inclusion of terms such as “reproductive health and rights.” “There is no international right to an abortion and these terms should not be used to promote pro-abortion policies and…
Tropical Storm Karen Path: Spaghetti Models Mostly Show Storm Nearing Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands – Newsweek
While Tropical Storm Karen isn’t forecasted to make landfall, it could bring heavy wind and rain to multiple islands, potentially causing flash flooding. Karen formed in the Atlantic Ocean and strengthened into a tropical storm on Sunday morning. With about a month and a half left of Atlantic hurricane season, Karen is the 11th named storm and four have turned into hurricanes. While the National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasted some…
Schumer urges McConnell to subpoena Trump for whistleblower complaint – Washington Examiner
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants the Senate to convene hearings and subpoena the White House regarding a whistleblower complaint about President Trump. The New York Democrat sent a letter Monday to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging the GOP to “take immediate action,” which would probe an allegation that Trump attempted to trade security assistance to Ukraine in exchange for information that could be damaging to leading Democratic presidential candidate…
Mohammad Javad Zarif Says US Sanctions Won’t Defeat Iran – NPR
Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR hide caption toggle caption Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his country will…
Mohammad Javad Zarif Says US Sanctions Won’t Defeat Iran – NPR
Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR hide caption toggle caption Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his country will…
Mohammad Javad Zarif Says US Sanctions Won’t Defeat Iran – NPR
Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR hide caption toggle caption Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is in New York this week to make the case for lifting sanctions on his country. Eslah Attar for NPR Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his country will…
Who’s Speaking at the U.N. Climate Summit? Several Champions of Coal – The New York Times
Coal is beginning to lose its luster in many countries, but not in the Asia-Pacific region. India, for instance, is eager to unearth the coal it has under the ground, and its government is seeking to privatize the coal-mining sector, including by inviting foreign bids for the first time, Reuters reported. Worldwide, the global coal plant pipeline has shrunk by half over the last three years, but there are lots…
Pence Took an Eight-Car Motorcade to a Michigan Island Where Cars Are Banned – Slate
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Officer suspended pending probe into juvenile arrests – WEAR
Iran Says British Tanker Is Free to Go After 2 Months of Detention – The New York Times
A British-flagged tanker that Iran seized in July is now free to leave, the Iranian government said on Monday, more than a month after British authorities released an Iranian tanker that had been detained off Gibraltar. The news offered a rare hint of easing tensions, at a time when Iran has been in an escalating cycle of confrontation with its Persian Gulf neighbors and the United States. Iran had accused…
Ukraine drama could give Democrats no choice but to impeach Trump – CNN
Read and search the full report 77 lies and falsehoods Mueller called out Mueller had everything he needed to charge Trump with obstruction, but didn’t Mueller speaks, but he’s still an enigma
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls Democrats’ refusal to impeach Trump a ‘national scandal’ – AOL
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) took aim at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday, calling the Democratic Party’s reluctance to impeach President Donald Trump a “national scandal.” “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior ― it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted late Saturday. At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior – it is the Democratic…
A Motorcade on Mackinac Island? Pence’s Visit Breaks a Long Tradition – The New York Times
At the dawn of the automobile era, many small communities were concerned that noisy, smelly newfangled automobiles would scare the horses that most people depended upon, and the village of Mackinac was no exception. The village council resolved on July 6, 1898, that “the running of horseless carriages be prohibited within the limits of the village.” One resident was quoted as referring to cars as “mechanical monsters.” Most of the…
Friday’s global strike was likely the largest climate rally ever – USA TODAY
CLOSE Students from an estimated 156 countries marched in the Global Climate Strike. USA TODAY Millions of people around the world took part in Friday’s climate strike, and estimates of total crowd sizes are still rolling in — some as high as 4 million. From New Delhi to Antarctica, protesters marched to draw attention to the climate crisis ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit, which kicks off Monday. In New York…
The 11th named storm of hurricane season develops in Atlantic – AOL
MIAMI — The 11th named storm of the hurricane season has developed in the Atlantic. The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Karen formed early Sunday near the Windward Islands. Maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). A tropical storm warning was in effect for Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, suggesting tropical storm conditions are likely in the next 12 hours. The hurricane center…