Trump’s Ukraine Gambit Could Be Another Campaign Finance Crime – Slate
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‘We’ve been very weak’: House Democrats decry their oversight of Trump, push Pelosi on impeachment – The Washington Post
Rachael Bade Josh Dawsey September 22 at 3:14 PM Democrats’ frustration with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unwillingness to impeach President Trump is reaching a fever pitch following reports that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate a political rival — a step the California Democrat declined to endorse Sunday. An increasingly vocal group of pro-impeachment House Democrats are starting to dismiss their own oversight of Trump as feckless, even accusing their colleagues of…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls Democrats’ refusal to impeach Trump a ‘national scandal’ – AOL
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) took aim at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday, calling the Democratic Party’s reluctance to impeach President Donald Trump a “national scandal.” “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior ― it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted late Saturday. At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior – it is the Democratic…
‘A huge transgression’: VP Mike Pence traveled by motorcade on a historically car-free island in Michigan, riling critics – Business Insider
As a well-known vacation spot in Michigan, Mackinac Island is known for its fudge, historic sites, and lack of cars. On Saturday, though, US Vice President Mike Pence traveled through the island in a motorcade, igniting controversy. You can see the line of cars in the below video, captured and tweeted out by the Detroit Free Press’s Paul Egan: Pence’s mode of transportation was quickly condemned by many critics as…
Trump heads to UN with long list of deals he’s yet to close – CNBC
Here is the complete list of winners and nominees for the 71st… On Sunday, the 71st Primetime Emmy Awards will honor the best comedies, dramas, limited and variety series from the last year. Entertainmentread more
Trump allies urge release of transcript at center of whistleblower controversy – Washington Examiner
Some key administration officials are urging President Trump to release the transcript of a conversation with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the center of a growing whistleblower controversy. Those officials believe public disclosure of what was said on the call would quell accusations that Trump broke the law or acted improperly by pressing Zelensky to investigate Trump rival Joe Biden’s son. The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump…
Thousands, plus Trump, due at Texas rally for India’s leader – AOL
HOUSTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) – Some 50,000 Indian-Americans are due to pack into a Houston stadium Sunday for a rally with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, joined by U.S. President Donald Trump, in a rare mass show of support for a foreign leader on U.S. soil. The event gives Modi, a nationalist facing international criticism over a recent crackdown in disputed Kashmir, a chance to energize his relationship with Indian-Americans…
Pompeo says Iranians are ‘bloodthirsty,’ ‘looking for war.’ Zarif says US is ‘posturing’ – USA TODAY
CLOSE President Donald Trump says his administration is imposing additional sanctions on Iran following last weekend’s attack on Saudi oil facilities, which the administration has blamed on the Islamic Republic. (Sept. 20) AP, AP NEW YORK – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday accused Iranian leaders of being “bloodthirsty” and eager for war and suggested President Donald Trump would take additional steps to retaliate against Tehran for its alleged…
Trump heads to UN with long list of deals he’s yet to close – CNBC
Trump heads to UN with long list of deals he’s yet to close There are challenges with Iran, North Korea, the Afghan Taliban, Israel and the Palestinians — not to mention a number of trade pacts. Politicsread more
Iowa Poll: Elizabeth Warren takes the lead, ahead of Biden and Sanders –
Sen. Elizabeth Warren has taken the lead in a major new Iowa poll, registering slightly ahead of persistent frontrunner Joe Biden in a survey of the state’s Democratic voters. The results come after months of upward momentum by Warren, but it remains to be seen whether she will be able to maintain or build on these numbers: Many respondents indicated that their current picks aren’t set in stone, leaving room…
Police: ‘Multiple hospitalizations and deaths’ being investigated on South Side – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
AOC: Democrats’ refusal to impeach Trump a ‘bigger national scandal’ than his behavior – Washington Examiner
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared her exasperation with Democratic leadership for their refusal to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump as yet another controversy rocks his administration. A two-month truce with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cracked just before midnight Saturday when the freshman congresswoman from New York fired a volley on Twitter attacking her own party. “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior –…
Police: ‘Multiple hospitalizations and deaths’ being investigated on South Side – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
AOC: Democrats’ refusal to impeach Trump a ‘bigger national scandal’ than his behavior – Washington Examiner
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared her exasperation with Democratic leadership for their refusal to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump as yet another controversy rocks his administration. A two-month truce with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cracked just before midnight Saturday when the freshman congresswoman from New York fired a volley on Twitter attacking her own party. “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior –…
Police: ‘Multiple hospitalizations and deaths’ being investigated on South Side – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
AOC: Democrats’ refusal to impeach Trump a ‘bigger national scandal’ than his behavior – Washington Examiner
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared her exasperation with Democratic leadership for their refusal to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump as yet another controversy rocks his administration. A two-month truce with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cracked just before midnight Saturday when the freshman congresswoman from New York fired a volley on Twitter attacking her own party. “At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior –…
Plane crash: Suspect arrested in Greece for 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847 – CBS News
Greek police said Saturday they have arrested a suspect in the 1985 hijacking of a flight from Athens that became a multi-day ordeal and included the slaying of an American. Police said a 65-year-old suspect in the hijacking was arrested Thursday on the island of Mykonos in response to a warrant from Germany. A police spokesman told The Associated Press that the hijacking case involved TWA Flight 847. The flight…
Thousands, plus Trump, due at Texas rally for India’s leader – AOL
HOUSTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) – Some 50,000 Indian-Americans are due to pack into a Houston stadium Sunday for a rally with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, joined by U.S. President Donald Trump, in a rare mass show of support for a foreign leader on U.S. soil. The event gives Modi, a nationalist facing international criticism over a recent crackdown in disputed Kashmir, a chance to energize his relationship with Indian-Americans…
Two 13-Year-Olds Are Arrested Over Hong Kong Protests – The New York Times
In a statement, the police said the boy had been carrying spray-paint and “laser guns,” the authorities’ term for the laser pens that many protesters have used this summer to annoy officers. Edith Leung, an officer in one of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy political parties, posted a video on Facebook that she said showed the boy being led away by police. The footage shows police leading away a boy — who…
Trump’s Ukraine call reveals a president convinced of his own invincibility – The Washington Post
As the Ukraine story heated up Friday, President Trump was preparing to host a state dinner. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) Philip Rucker Robert Costa Rachael Bade September 21 at 8:04 PM When the July 24 congressional testimony of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III deflated the impeachment hopes of Democrats, President Trump crowed “no collusion” and claimed vindication from accusations that he had conspired with Russia in the 2016 election….