Epstein’s gal pal gave $1K to hospital that treated alleged sex slave: report – New York Post
Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell donated $1,000 to New York-Presbyterian Hospital after the two of them allegedly brought one of his accusers there for treatment following a sexual assault, according to a British news report. Maxwell also gave $350 to a New York City charity that aids victims of child sex trafficking at the same time Epstein was negotiating a controversial plea deal in Florida amid allegations he abused…
Hong Kong protests: Huge crowds rally peacefully – BBC News
Media captionHong Kong demonstrators on why they’re still protesting Hundreds of thousands are holding another day of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, amid increasingly severe warnings by Beijing. Activists and police have clashed over the past 10 weeks, but this weekend’s rallies have so far been peaceful. The protests were sparked by an extradition bill, which has since been suspended by the Hong Kong government. China, which has built up…
Afghanistan bombing: Islamic State claims responsibility for bombing at Kabul wedding that killed 63 – CBS News
Kabul, Afghanistan — The death toll from a late-night suicide bombing at a crowded wedding party in the Afghan capital rose to at least 63 on Sunday, including women and children, officials said. The local Islamic State (IS) group’s affiliate claimed responsibility for what was the deadliest attack in Kabul this year. Another 182 people were wounded in the Saturday night explosion, government spokesman Feroz Bashari said. Interior Ministry spokesman…
Tlaib, Omar share image by artist once celebrated in Iran’s Holocaust cartoon contest – Fox News
Video Tlaib forgoes trip to West Bank to see grandmother, blasts Israel for ‘oppressive conditions’ Trump calls Tlaib’s rejection of West Bank visit approval ‘a complete set up’; reaction from retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin and Brett Bruen. Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., continue to speak out against President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the decision to bar them from visiting Israel last week,…
White House trade advisor Navarro: ‘Technically we did not have a yield curve inversion’ – CNBC
White House trade advisor Peter Navarro disputed that the bond market flashed a recession signal last week, which spooked investors and sent the stock market tumbling. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below the 2-year rate on Wednesday, a phenomenon in the bond market known as yield curve inversion, which is typically taken as a sign that a recession is on the horizon. Navarro, however, disputed…
Buying Greenland isn’t a good idea — it’s a great idea – Washington Examiner
The reaction to President Trump’s sudden interest in buying Greenland from Denmark has been mostly one of derision. And Denmark, which owns the territory, appears to oppose any sale. But don’t laugh — an American purchase of Greenland could represent an extraordinary deal in terms of America’s national security, economic interests, and environmental protection. As much as it might seem out of the blue, U.S. acquisition of Greenland is not…
Suicide attack in wedding hall kills 63, Afghan official says –
KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan official says at least 63 people have been killed when a suicide bomber detonated explosives in a packed wedding hall late Saturday night in Kabul. Feroz Bashari, a government spokesman, says 182 civilians have been wounded in the attack that took place in the western part of the city. Interior Ministry spokesman Nusrat Rahimi says the attacker set off explosives among the guests. The Taliban…
Portland mayor praises police after ‘largely peaceful’ day of far-right, far-left demonstrations – Fox News
Video Portland, Oregon mayor says they’re taking major precautions ahead of the Antifa and right-wing demonstrations Dueling protests between Antifa and right-wing groups are set to take place in Portland, Oregon. The mayor of Portland, Ore., said Saturday night that his city had avoided the “worst-case scenario” after members of far-right groups and far-left members of Antifa held dueling demonstrations in the center of the city that lasted for hours on end. “Given…
Why was Jeffrey Epstein allowed to purchase small women’s panties from the Palm Beach jail? – Miami Herald
Proud Boys Declare Portland Rally a Success: ‘Go Look at President Trump’s Twitter’ – The Daily Beast
Proud Boys Declare Portland Rally a Success: ‘Go Look at President Trump’s Twitter’ – The Daily Beast
Proud Boys Declare Portland Rally a Success: ‘Go Look at President Trump’s Twitter’ – The Daily Beast
Buying Greenland isn’t a good idea — it’s a great idea – Washington Examiner
The reaction to President Trump’s sudden interest in buying Greenland from Denmark has been mostly one of derision. And Denmark, which owns the territory, appears to oppose any sale. But don’t laugh — an American purchase of Greenland could represent an extraordinary deal in terms of America’s national security, economic interests, and environmental protection. As much as it might seem out of the blue, U.S. acquisition of Greenland is not…
Trump’s Pittsburgh Speech Was a Paying Gig for Audience – The New York Times
Ray Fisher, a spokesman for Shell, said in an email to The Times that workers who didn’t show up for the speech would still have gotten paid for their workweek, but not as much as those who scanned in and stayed on site all day. The day “was treated as a training (work) day with a guest speaker who happened to be the president,” Mr. Fisher said in the email….
Opinion: Hong Kong Protesters Might Bother Tourists, Or Pierce Their Conscience – NPR
A tourist gives her luggage to security guards as she tries to enter the departures gate during another demonstration by pro-democracy protesters at Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday. Philip Fong/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Philip Fong/AFP/Getty Images A tourist gives her luggage to security guards as she tries to enter the departures gate during another demonstration by pro-democracy protesters at Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday. Philip Fong/AFP/Getty…
American consumers are holding up the global economy. But for how long? – The Washington Post
Rachel Siegel Abha Bhattarai Heather Long August 17 at 5:41 PM American consumers are increasingly propping up the global economy, an enduring source of strength that is helping keep the United States out of recession and drawing a sharp contrast with the rest of the world. But as a number of signs point to a possible downturn in the United States, economists are growing more skeptical that consumers will continue…
Epstein Lawyers “Not Satisfied” With Medical Examiner Ruling Death a Suicide by Hanging – Slate
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Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother to Trump: ‘May God ruin him’ – New York Post
The 90-year-old grandmother of Rep. Rashida Tlaib ripped President Trump for his comments about her controversial granddaughter’s off-again visit to the Land of Milk and Honey. Muftia Tlaib, who spoke with Reuters in her garden in the village of Beit Ur Al-Fauqa in the West Bank, Israel was dismissive of a tweet by the president that suggested she should be happy the congresswoman won’t be visiting, after the Michigan Democrat…
Easing of Kashmir crackdown begins, Indian authorities say – Al Jazeera English
Authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir say they have restored landline telephone links and eased restrictions on movement in some parts of the region after a nearly two-week security lockdown and communications blackout. In a Twitter post on Saturday, Shahid Choudhary, a government administrator in Srinagar, the region’s main city, said authorities have “initiated” the process of restoring phone lines. Other restrictions imposed following the Indian government’s decision to strip the…
El Paso Shooting: Hundreds Of Strangers Come To Mourn With Widower At Wife’s Funeral – NPR
Antonio Basco hugs a boy at the memorial service for his wife, Margie Reckard, at La Paz Faith Memorial and Spiritual Center in El Paso, Texas. Basco, who doesn’t have many local friends and family, invited the public to attend. Jonathan Levinson/OPB hide caption toggle caption Jonathan Levinson/OPB Antonio Basco hugs a boy at the memorial service for his wife, Margie Reckard, at La Paz Faith Memorial and Spiritual Center…