DC airport to halt flights during Trump Fourth of July event – CNN
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Poll: Kamala Harris surges in Iowa as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders suffer after debate – USA TODAY
CLOSE In night two of the Democratic debate, candidates bore down into issues, and each other. Kamala Harris went after Joe Biden for his past on busing. USA TODAY The first Democratic debate has reshaped the presidential field in Iowa, surging support for California Sen. Kamala Harris, undercutting the standing of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, and raising questions about the solidity of former vice president Joe Biden’s frontrunner status. In…
Trump claims homelessness is ‘phenomenon that started 2 years ago,’ blames Dem mayors – ABC News
President Donald Trump in an interview with Fox News painted a dark picture of people “living in hell” due to homelessness in major U.S. cities, claiming that it is “a phenomenon that started two years ago,” blaming Democratic mayors for the problem. FOX News Channel President Donald Trump appears in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that aired on July 1, 2019. “We may intercede,” Trump said. “We may…
Ocasio-Cortez accuses border officers of ‘violent culture’ after report on graphic Facebook posts – Fox News
Video Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez refusing to apologize for comparing migrant detention centers to concentration camps AOC comments spark outrage for both Republicans and Democrats; Aishah Hasnie reports. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. Customs and Border Protection of having a “violent culture” and questioned how officers treat migrants after a report surfaced Monday about a secret Facebook group where Border Patrol agents purportedly posted graphic and vulgar jokes about the Democratic…
Ocasio-Cortez accuses border officers of ‘violent culture’ after report on graphic Facebook posts – Fox News
Video Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez refusing to apologize for comparing migrant detention centers to concentration camps AOC comments spark outrage for both Republicans and Democrats; Aishah Hasnie reports. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. Customs and Border Protection of having a “violent culture” and questioned how officers treat migrants after a report surfaced Monday about a secret Facebook group where Border Patrol agents purportedly posted graphic and vulgar jokes about the Democratic…
Ocasio-Cortez accuses border officers of ‘violent culture’ after report on graphic Facebook posts – Fox News
Video Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez refusing to apologize for comparing migrant detention centers to concentration camps AOC comments spark outrage for both Republicans and Democrats; Aishah Hasnie reports. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. Customs and Border Protection of having a “violent culture” and questioned how officers treat migrants after a report surfaced Monday about a secret Facebook group where Border Patrol agents purportedly posted graphic and vulgar jokes about the Democratic…
US Border Patrol investigate ‘disturbing’ secret Facebook group – BBC News
Media caption‘No woman should be locked up in a pen’ US officials are investigating a secret Facebook group where border patrol members allegedly posted racist and sexist jokes about migrants. The private group was called “I’m 10-15” and had about 9,500 members, including former and current border patrol agents, ProPublica reported. Some posts mocked migrant deaths, while others targeted Latino members of Congress, ProPublica said. The Border Patrol chief has…
Hong Kong Protesters Storm Legislature, Dividing the Movement – The New York Times
“I don’t support violence, no matter what, but I understand why people would do it,” said Emily Lau, a former lawmaker. “They are very frustrated because they say they have protested so much.” Some argued that nonviolence had failed and that a more confrontational approach was necessary to protect Hong Kong’s freedoms. “We have been too peaceful for the past few times, so the police think we are easily bullied,”…
Where were all these unflattering Biden scoops during the Obama years? – Washington Examiner
Joe Biden is getting hammered by bad press. The 2020 Democratic front-runner’s previous anecdotes about working alongside racist Dixiecrats in the U.S. Senate have gone from longstanding parts of Biden speeches to breaking news. Newsrooms are also resurfacing specifics of Biden’s past opposition to busing of students for the purpose of racial desegregation. And all of this comes after the former vice president was mauled badly during the first Democratic…
Tanks arrive in DC ahead of Fourth of July – Washington Examiner
At least two Army tanks have arrived from Fort Stewart in Georgia ahead of the Fourth of July celebration that President Trump has said will honor the military in “A Salute to America.” Trump said Monday that military tanks will be stationed outside during the celebration but provided no other details to NBC Washington. A photographer from the Associated Press said that two M1A1 Abrams tanks are currently with four…
Trump Accuses Twitter Of “Possibly Illegal” Activity Against Him In Fox Interview – Deadline
President Trump launched a new attack on the world’s internet and social media giants Monday, especially Twitter, alleging the company is stopping him from picking up new followers. Trump accused Twitter of “possibly illegal” activity during an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, although the president offered no proof to back up his claim. The interview was about international affairs, but Carlson brought up the subject of internet giants,…
AOC paints grim picture of U.S. migrant detention centers – AOL
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sharply criticized the conditions at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detention camps, stating that migrants were subject to “systemic cruelty” that treated them “like animals.” “Just left the 1st CBP facility,” wrote Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter. “I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of…
Hundreds of Hong Kong protesters storm government building over China extradition bill – CNN
Claudia Mo, a pro-democracy legislator in Hong Kong, said protesters who stormed into the Legislative Council building are angry and frustrated with their government. While Mo did not condone the vandalism, she said she sympathized with protesters. “All the pictures you are seeing are shocking and they are unexpected, but then I hope the world wouldn’t just blame the young. You have to understand their temper, anger and frustration and resentment,…
Birds at border prompt South Korea to launch jets, issue alert – AOL
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Ending a brief media frenzy, South Korea’s military said it turned out to be a flock of birds that prompted it to launch fighter jets and alert journalists that it had detected an unidentified object flying near the border with North Korea on Monday. The South’s earlier announcement on the flying object left many media outlets scrambling, with the incident coming a day after U.S. President…
The Iran Deal Is Finally Starting to Collapse – Slate
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Sarin possibly detected at Facebook mailing facility – CNBC
Knicks owner James Dolan’s passion project is futuristic,… James Dolan is the much-maligned owner of the New York Knicks, but he’s also Madison Square Garden’s CEO, and his newest passion project is MSG Spheres, a plan to build… Technologyread more
Freak hailstorm in Mexico buries cars, swamps streets in up to 5 feet of ice – Fox News
Video Freak hailstorm buries Mexican city of Guadalajara Summer storm swamps streets in 5 feet of hail. One of Mexico‘s largest cities was transformed into a scene straight out of winter Sunday when a freak hailstorm dropped a deluge of ice that left streets impassable and cars buried. The hailstorm in Guadalajara, located north of Mexico City, came after several days during which temperatures approached 90 degrees. “I’ve never seen…
China Vowed to Protect Hong Kong’s Freedoms. Why Are So Many Protesting? – The New York Times
A war over opium, an island as a prize The British arrived in China in the late 17th century, bent on trade and empire, and soon found themselves at odds with Chinese rulers happy to export their goods, but far less interested in importing the West’s. In opium, Britain saw a way in, forcing the drug onto the Chinese market against the wishes of the Manchu emperors. The British claimed…
Iran Says Its Stockpiles Of Enriched Uranium Level Now Exceed Limit In Nuclear Deal – NPR
Iran has exceeded a key limit on its holdings of low-enriched uranium, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday. Zarif is seen here at a news conference last month. Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images Iran has exceeded a key limit on its holdings of low-enriched uranium, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday. Zarif is seen here at a news conference last month….
Trump admin scrambles to justify relaxing Huawei ban after criticism – Business Insider
President Donald Trump has drawn fire after announcing plans to relax the ban on US companies doing business with the Chinese tech giant Huawei. At the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, on Saturday, Trump told the press he would allow US companies to continue to sell to Huawei, despite having placed Huawei on a trade blacklist in May over national security concerns. The Commerce Department ban meant no US business…