
How Sen. Elizabeth Warren would overhaul elections – Politico

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s elections overhaul plan would cost an estimated $20 billion over the next decade, with $15 billion going toward election administration and $5 billion for election security. | Sean Rayford/Getty Images Democratic Candidates Policies By ALEX THOMPSON 06/25/2019 11:06 AM EDT Democrat Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping plan to give the federal government a far bigger role in setting the rules for elections, rather than deferring…

G20 summit: With Trump and Jingping on the cusp of a trade war truce, this is what’s at stake for the global economy – The Independent

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What should we expect from the G20 summit meeting that takes place in Osaka, Japan, at the end of this week? No quick end to the rumbling global trade war for a start – but Wall Street is betting on a truce, and that is probably what will happen. The G20 matters because the countries represented there generate some 80 per cent of the world’s economic activity. Much has been made of…

Iran news: Iranians lash over Donald Trump signing sanctions targeting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today – CBS News

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Officials in Iran lashed out on Tuesday at the latest round of sanctions imposed by the Trump administration, casting doubt on any hope of an imminent diplomatic end to the standoff over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. President Hassan Rouhani called the new U.S. sanctions “outrageous and idiotic,” and suggested the Trump administration was “afflicted by mental retardation” for imposing them. The country’s foreign ministry spokesman said the latest move…

White House threatens veto on House border bill – Fox News

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Video Trump administration demanding Congress to pass a $5 billion dollar emergency funding bill Reaction and analysis from Texas Rep. Brian Babin on ‘Fox & Friends First.’ The White House threatened late Monday to veto a $4.5 billion House bill that would provide emergency funding at the border over concerns that legislation in its current form lacks certain funding and includes provisions thrown in by Democratic lawmakers “that would make our country less safe.” In a…

Elizabeth Warren jumps out to a big lead in MoveOn poll – NBC News

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

MIAMI — Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders top a new straw poll from progressive group, illuminating how the packed field of candidates is coming into focus for more left-leaning Democratic voters just before the first debate of the 2020 cycle. The poll, being released Tuesday and which NBC News is the first to report, shows Warren is the first choice of 38 percent of MoveOn’s members nationwide —…

G20 summit: With Trump and Jingping on the cusp of a trade war truce, this is what’s at stake for the global economy – The Independent

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What should we expect from the G20 summit meeting that takes place in Osaka, Japan, at the end of this week? No quick end to the rumbling global trade war for a start – but Wall Street is betting on a truce, and that is probably what will happen. The G20 matters because the countries represented there generate some 80 per cent of the world’s economic activity. Much has been made of…

What shooting down a $110M US drone tells us about Iran – CNN

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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‘She’s not my type’: Trump again denies E. Jean Carroll’s sexual misconduct allegation – USA TODAY

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CLOSE These are 4 things you need to know about E. Jean Carroll. The advice columnist is the latest to accuse President Donald Trump of sexual assault. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Saying that “she’s not my type,” President Donald Trump on again denied Monday that he forced himself onto longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll. “I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type,” he said during an interview with The…

Amash after Trump says he doesn’t need Congress’s approval to strike Iran: ‘Constitution: Wrong’ | TheHill – The Hill

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Rep. Justin AmashJustin AmashSupreme Court set to deliver ruling on census citizenship question Democrats seek to ban federal spending at Trump businesses DC theatre to host 11-hour reading of the Mueller report MORE (R-Mich.) on Monday said President TrumpDonald John TrumpConway defends herself against Hatch Act allegations amid threat of subpoena How to defuse Gulf tensions and avoid war with Iran Trump says ‘stubborn child’ Fed ‘blew it’ by not…

‘She’s not my type’: Trump again denies E. Jean Carroll’s sexual misconduct allegation – USA TODAY

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CLOSE These are 4 things you need to know about E. Jean Carroll. The advice columnist is the latest to accuse President Donald Trump of sexual assault. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Saying that “she’s not my type,” President Donald Trump on again denied Monday that he forced himself onto longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll. “I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type,” he said during an interview with The…

Amash after Trump says he doesn’t need Congress’s approval to strike Iran: ‘Constitution: Wrong’ | TheHill – The Hill

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Rep. Justin AmashJustin AmashSupreme Court set to deliver ruling on census citizenship question Democrats seek to ban federal spending at Trump businesses DC theatre to host 11-hour reading of the Mueller report MORE (R-Mich.) on Monday said President TrumpDonald John TrumpConway defends herself against Hatch Act allegations amid threat of subpoena How to defuse Gulf tensions and avoid war with Iran Trump says ‘stubborn child’ Fed ‘blew it’ by not…

Amash after Trump says he doesn’t need Congress’s approval to strike Iran: ‘Constitution: Wrong’ | TheHill – The Hill

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Rep. Justin AmashJustin AmashSupreme Court set to deliver ruling on census citizenship question Democrats seek to ban federal spending at Trump businesses DC theatre to host 11-hour reading of the Mueller report MORE (R-Mich.) on Monday said President TrumpDonald John TrumpConway defends herself against Hatch Act allegations amid threat of subpoena How to defuse Gulf tensions and avoid war with Iran Trump says ‘stubborn child’ Fed ‘blew it’ by not…

‘She’s not my type’: Trump again denies E. Jean Carroll’s sexual misconduct allegation – USA TODAY

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CLOSE These are 4 things you need to know about E. Jean Carroll. The advice columnist is the latest to accuse President Donald Trump of sexual assault. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Saying that “she’s not my type,” President Donald Trump on again denied Monday that he forced himself onto longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll. “I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type,” he said during an interview with The…

To win on immigration, Trump must address both its security and humanitarian crises – Washington Examiner

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

As Congress continues its gridlock over immigration, the humanitarian crisis at the southern border continues to deteriorate. Lawyers who visited an overcrowded border station in Clint, Texas, earlier this month said they were met with a “chaotic scene of sickness and filth” where “hundreds of young people who have recently crossed the border are being held,” according to the New York Times. Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul echoed the lawyers’…

Trump refuses to say if he has faith in FBI Director Wray: ‘We’ll see how it turns out’ – Fox News

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Video President Trump says he may or may not report foreign opposition research to the FBI Real Clear Politics reporter Philip Wegmann says he believes President Trump is trying to defend his son by making it seem like it is okay to accept foreign opposition research. President Trump on Monday refused to say whether he had confidence in FBI Director Christopher Wray, while acknowledging the two officials have disagreed on some…

Oregon’s Legislative Chaos Has Senators Fleeing to Idaho and a Militia Threatening the Capitol – Slate Magazine

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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Anderson Cooper cuts to commercial after E. Jean Carroll calls rape ‘sexy’ – Washington Examiner

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CNN host Anderson Cooper cut to commercial during an interview with the woman who has recently accused President Trump of assaulting her in the mid-1990s. Cooper had asked writer E. Jean Carroll if she felt like she was a victim. During a discussion of her allegations with the CNN host, Carroll maintained that there was nothing “sexual” about her alleged rape in the dressing room of a New York department…

Anderson Cooper cuts to commercial after E. Jean Carroll calls rape ‘sexy’ – Washington Examiner

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CNN host Anderson Cooper cut to commercial during an interview with the woman who has recently accused President Trump of assaulting her in the mid-1990s. Cooper had asked writer E. Jean Carroll if she felt like she was a victim. During a discussion of her allegations with the CNN host, Carroll maintained that there was nothing “sexual” about her alleged rape in the dressing room of a New York department…

Anderson Cooper cuts to commercial after E. Jean Carroll calls rape ‘sexy’ – Washington Examiner

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CNN host Anderson Cooper cut to commercial during an interview with the woman who has recently accused President Trump of assaulting her in the mid-1990s. Cooper had asked writer E. Jean Carroll if she felt like she was a victim. During a discussion of her allegations with the CNN host, Carroll maintained that there was nothing “sexual” about her alleged rape in the dressing room of a New York department…

Government Transfers Detained Migrant Children Out Of Unsanitary Conditions – NPR

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The entrance of a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the agency is removing children from the facility following reports of unsanitary conditions inside. Cedar Attanasio/AP hide caption toggle caption Cedar Attanasio/AP The entrance of a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the agency is removing children from the facility following reports of unsanitary conditions inside. Cedar Attanasio/AP…