Trump Announces New Iran Sanctions, Saying Iran Cannot Have Nuclear Weapon – NPR
President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Saturday before boarding Marine One for the trip to Camp David in Maryland. Susan Walsh/AP hide caption toggle caption Susan Walsh/AP President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Saturday before boarding Marine One for the trip to Camp David in Maryland. Susan Walsh/AP President Trump says he is imposing…
Trump Defends Planned Deportations as Cities Brace for Mass Raids – Slate Magazine
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White House unveils ‘economic vision’ for Palestinians in first part of peace plan – POLITICO
The plan came less than a week before Jared Kushner is set to lead a workshop for Middle East stakeholders that neither Palestinian or Israeli officials plan to attend. | Al Drago-Pool/Getty Images foreign policy Jared Kushner is set to lead a workshop next week for Middle East stakeholders that neither Palestinian or Israeli officials plan to attend. By GABBY ORR 06/22/2019 01:20 PM EDT The White House on Saturday…
Iranian hackers wage cyber campaign amid tensions with U.S. – CBS News
Iran has increased its offensive cyberattacks against the U.S. government and critical infrastructure as tensions have grown between the two nations, cybersecurity firms say. In recent weeks, hackers believed to be working for the Iranian government have targeted U.S. government agencies, as well as sectors of the economy, including oil and gas, sending waves of spear-phishing emails, according to representatives of cybersecurity companies CrowdStrike and FireEye, which regularly track such…
China Would Fight Trade War ‘to the End,’ State Media Says – Bloomberg
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Obama, others warned Trump that pulling out of Iran nuke deal could lead to war – NBC News
At the U.N. General Assembly in 2017, the French president warned that jettisoning the deal “without anything to replace it would be a grave mistake.” And he added that the agreement was “essential to peace, at a time when the risk of an infernal spiral cannot be ruled out.” Macron issued a more dire warning a year later as Trump was poised to abandon the agreement. “That would mean opening…
Iran-US tensions escalate after drone downed: Live updates – CNN
OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP/Getty Images President Trump described in more detail his decision to pull back strikes on Iran, saying he didn’t feel an attack that left 150 dead was proportionate to the downing of a US drone. Trump said planes were not in the air when he ordered the pull back, but “would have been pretty soon.” “Things would have happened to a point where you would not turn back, you…
This horrific rape accusation against Donald Trump deserves to be considered carefully and seriously – Washington Examiner
Advice columnist E. Jean Carroll is coming out with a new book, and in a bombshell excerpt appearing in New York magazine, she tells a horrific story that President Trump raped her in a department store in 1995 or 1996. In the piece, she says that though she never went to the police, she told two friends about the incident at the time, and that they confirmed that to the…
Immigrant advocates prepare for ICE sweeps: ‘The effect is terror. We’re getting call after call after call’ – Los Angeles Times
Angelica Salas, executive director of the nonprofit Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said her group has been meeting with others as part of a rapid response network of community organizations and attorneys, who are on call to provide legal representation to people arrested by immigration agents.
LATEST: Nine fatalities in downed aircraft near Dillingham Airfield, HDOT confirms – KITV Honolulu
Emergency crews are responding to reports of a downed aircraft in Dillingham Airfield, Mokuleia.
Two major differences between Trump’s Iran retreat and Obama’s red line – Washington Examiner
There are two major differences between President Barack Obama’s red line debacle against Syria in 2013, and President Trump’s last-minute decision late Thursday to cancel a series of strikes against Iran. Those two factors are the cost to U.S. credibility and the betrayal of important allies. Consider the divergence on the credibility factor. When, in August 2013, Bashar Assad’s Syrian regime used chemical weapons against its own people, that action…
Kinzinger: Trump’s Iran call will ‘pale in comparison’ to next response – Fox News
Video Kinzinger: I disagree with Trump’s decision to cancel Iran strike Trump calls off strike against Iran; reaction from Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Adam Kinzinger. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., said Friday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that Iran can expect the president to act differently if another incident occurs. “Going forward if they think the president is going to do the same thing, if they shoot anything else…
Kinzinger: Trump’s Iran call will ‘pale in comparison’ to next response – Fox News
Video Kinzinger: I disagree with Trump’s decision to cancel Iran strike Trump calls off strike against Iran; reaction from Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Adam Kinzinger. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., said Friday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that Iran can expect the president to act differently if another incident occurs. “Going forward if they think the president is going to do the same thing, if they shoot anything else…
Kinzinger: Trump’s Iran call will ‘pale in comparison’ to next response – Fox News
Video Kinzinger: I disagree with Trump’s decision to cancel Iran strike Trump calls off strike against Iran; reaction from Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Adam Kinzinger. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., said Friday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that Iran can expect the president to act differently if another incident occurs. “Going forward if they think the president is going to do the same thing, if they shoot anything else…
Trump Denies New Sexual Assault Allegation By Advice Columnist E. Jean Carroll – NPR
A 2017 file photo of the luxury department store Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. Advice columnist E. Jean Carroll has accused now-President Trump of sexually assaulting her inside the store in the mid-1990s. Spencer Platt/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Spencer Platt/Getty Images A 2017 file photo of the luxury department store Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. Advice columnist E. Jean Carroll has accused now-President Trump of sexually…
ICE’s planned deportation raids in 10 big cities: what we know –
Four days after President Donald Trump announced that “ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States,” news broke Friday that raids in a number of large cities will happen as soon as this weekend. The Washington Post reported that ICE will conduct “predawn raids” on Sunday as part of a “family op” targeting up to 2,000…
Chris Wallace invokes Obama to criticize Trump on Iran – Washington Examiner
Fox News host Chris Wallace said that while a forceful U.S. response against Iran will bear certain costs, such as escalating tensions and possible causalities, so will a soft answer to Tehran’s aggression. “There’s a price to action and obviously that is the possibility of escalation, the possibility that the Iranians could shoot down a U.S. war plane just as they shot down the U.S. drone,” Wallace said on Fox…
“Hey U Up”: Sean Hannity’s Desperate, Longing Texts to Paul Manafort – Slate Magazine
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‘This was a direct attack on U.S. assets’: Trump’s aborted Iran strike draws criticism from Republicans – USA TODAY
CLOSE President Trump canceled a retaliatory attack on Iran after the nation shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, according to a U.S. official brief. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Congressional Republicans were divided Friday following President Donald Trump’s decision to abort a planned missile strike against Iran for the downing of a U.S. drone. “I’ll judge ultimately based on if there is a response, but if the response is no response then…
‘This was a direct attack on U.S. assets’: Trump’s aborted Iran strike draws criticism from Republicans – USA TODAY
CLOSE President Trump canceled a retaliatory attack on Iran after the nation shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, according to a U.S. official brief. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – Congressional Republicans were divided Friday following President Donald Trump’s decision to abort a planned missile strike against Iran for the downing of a U.S. drone. “I’ll judge ultimately based on if there is a response, but if the response is no response then…