Iran shoots down U.S. drone, Biden refuses to apologize, Ortiz wasn’t the intended target – ABC News
Watch “It’s Morning, America” weekdays on #Iran, # JoeBiden, #DavidOrtiz
Hope Hicks, former Trump aide, didn’t answer 155 questions during testimony. Here are some of them – USA TODAY
CLOSE Former top White House adviser Hope Hicks refused to answer House Judiciary Committee questions about her time in the White House, dimming Democrats’ chances of obtaining new or substantive information for their obstruction of justice probe. (June 20) AP, AP WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump’s former aide Hope Hicks sat down with the House Judiciary Committee for nearly eight hours on Wednesday to answer questions about her time in the White…
Hong Kong protests: Thousands surround police headquarters – BBC News
Media captionThousands of Hong Kong protesters take rally to police headquarters Thousands of people in Hong Kong have surrounded police headquarters, calling for an extradition bill to be scrapped. Police have asked the protesters to withdraw peacefully, saying their presence would “seriously affect” emergency services. Millions of people have marched against the bill in recent weeks, with violent clashes breaking out with police. The bill, which allows extradition to mainland…
Trump, questioned on child separation policy, insists, ‘I brought the families together’ – The Washington Post
President Trump listens during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House on June 20. (Evan Vucci/AP) Allyson Chiu June 21 at 7:02 AM In what was billed as his first television interview with a Spanish-language network, President Trump was pressed on his administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy and insisted that it was “not a mistake,” doubling down on his previously discredited claims that former president…
New York Times: Trump abruptly calls off military strikes against Iran after approving them – CNN
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FAA prohibits operators from flying over some Iran-controlled airspace – Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday issued an emergency order prohibiting U.S. operators from flying in an overwater area of Tehran-controlled airspace over the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman due to heightened tensions. In a separate advisory to operators, FAA said according to flight tracking applications, the nearest civil aircraft was operating within around 45 nautical miles of a U.S. Global Hawk drone when…
This Passage From Hope Hicks’ Testimony Crystallizes the Inanity of the Democrats’ Impeachment Stance – Slate Magazine
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Hope Hicks says she told ‘white lies’ only about small matters – CNN
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Marc Thiessen: ‘Appalled’ to see people blaming Trump for Iran situation – Fox News
Video Trump weighs Iran response options following drone attack Reaction and analysis to tensions with Iran from Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen on ‘The Story.’ While many on the left are blaming President Trump for the escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran, Marc Thiessen believes the president is deescalating the situation. Thiessen made the assessment during an appearance on “The Story” on Thursday night and added he was “appalled” over the…
Marc Thiessen: ‘Appalled’ to see people blaming Trump for Iran situation – Fox News
Video Trump weighs Iran response options following drone attack Reaction and analysis to tensions with Iran from Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen on ‘The Story.’ While many on the left are blaming President Trump for the escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran, Marc Thiessen believes the president is deescalating the situation. Thiessen made the assessment during an appearance on “The Story” on Thursday night and added he was “appalled” over the…
Hope Hicks says she told ‘white lies’ only about small matters – CNN
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Marc Thiessen: ‘Appalled’ to see people blaming Trump for Iran situation – Fox News
Video Trump weighs Iran response options following drone attack Reaction and analysis to tensions with Iran from Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen on ‘The Story.’ While many on the left are blaming President Trump for the escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran, Marc Thiessen believes the president is deescalating the situation. Thiessen made the assessment during an appearance on “The Story” on Thursday night and added he was “appalled” over the…
Hope Hicks says she told ‘white lies’ only about small matters – CNN
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In Rare Rebuke To Trump, Senate Votes To Block Saudi Arms Sales – NPR
In this March 14, 2017 photo, President Donald Trump meets with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Known simply as MBS, he oversees nearly every major aspect of the country’s defense, economy, internal security and foreign policy. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP In this March 14, 2017 photo, President Donald Trump meets with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed…
Situation Room briefing on Iran crisis concludes, as McConnell says ‘measured’ response is coming – Fox News
Video Pentagon releases footage of US drone being shot down by Iran Jennifer Griffin predicts Trump’s military response to Iran shooting down a U.S. drone would be much different if an American had been injured or killed. Top administration officials and lawmakers have left the White House after a classified briefing lasting over an hour, about Iran’s sudden downing of an American surveillance drone in the Middle East — and a “measured”…
Medic stuns courtroom saying he killed prisoner, not Navy SEAL on trial – Reuters
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – A Navy SEAL medic testified on Thursday that he was responsible for the death of an Islamic State fighter – not the Navy SEAL defendant undergoing a court martial for war crimes – describing it as a mercy killing. Special Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, a SEAL team medic, said under cross-examination by the defense in a courtroom at the San Diego Naval Base that he…
Ex-Obama adviser Rhodes: Iran debacle ‘predictable,’ ‘everything’s gotten worse’ under Trump – Fox News
Video Pentagon releases video of Iran shooting down US drone Former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain Adam Ereli and former National Security Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney John Hannah weigh in on how the U.S. will respond to Iran shooting down a military drone. Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes blamed President Trump for the continually escalating tensions with Iran and said it was “eminently predictable” that certain events would occur after…
Ex-Obama adviser Rhodes: Iran debacle ‘predictable,’ ‘everything’s gotten worse’ under Trump – Fox News
Video Pentagon releases video of Iran shooting down US drone Former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain Adam Ereli and former National Security Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney John Hannah weigh in on how the U.S. will respond to Iran shooting down a military drone. Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes blamed President Trump for the continually escalating tensions with Iran and said it was “eminently predictable” that certain events would occur after…
Ex-Obama adviser Rhodes: Iran debacle ‘predictable,’ ‘everything’s gotten worse’ under Trump – Fox News
Video Pentagon releases video of Iran shooting down US drone Former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain Adam Ereli and former National Security Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney John Hannah weigh in on how the U.S. will respond to Iran shooting down a military drone. Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes blamed President Trump for the continually escalating tensions with Iran and said it was “eminently predictable” that certain events would occur after…
‘This place has enough creepy old men’: GOP vows to crush Roy Moore – POLITICO
congress Republicans fear the conservative firebrand accused of sexual misconduct will cost them a crucial Senate seat. By BURGESS EVERETT 06/20/2019 04:42 PM EDT Updated 06/20/2019 05:15 PM EDT 2019-06-20T05:15-0400 Republicans are promising to do everything they can to obliterate Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate primary. A push is underway to get President Donald Trump involved in derailing Moore. Republicans are actively moving to recruit Jeff Sessions to run…