1,000 More US Troops Deployed To The Middle East – NPR
A MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter takes off from the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Red Sea. The Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group was recently deployed to U.S. Central Command area of responsibility as tensions between the U.S. and Iran escalate. On Monday, the State Department ordered additional troops to the Middle East. Handout/U.S. Navy via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Handout/U.S. Navy via Getty Images A MH-60S…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The U.S. is ‘running concentration camps on our southern border’ – Fox News
Video Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends stance on increased pay for members of Congress Raw video: The freshman congresswoman calls the effort a ‘cost of living adjacent’. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, on Monday told her Instagram followers that the U.S. government is “running concentration camps on our southern border.” “That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps,” Ocasio-Cortez said during a live-stream that was viewed by Fox News. Her office…
Pentagon sending 1,000 U.S. troops to Middle East after oil tanker attack – USA TODAY
CLOSE Two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz were damaged in suspected attacks on Thursday, an assault that left one ablaze and adrift as sailors were evacuated from both vessels and the US Navy rushed to assist. (June 13) AP WASHINGTON — The Department of Defense announced Monday evening that 1,000 U.S. troops are being sent to the Middle East in response to last week’s attacks on oil tankers in…
ICE to remove ‘millions of illegal aliens’ in US, Trump says, scant on details – Fox News
Video Is Mexico doing more than Congress to help with the crisis at the border? National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd says Mexico understands that they have to do something in order to avoid economic crippling tariffs. President Donald Trump late Monday announced on Twitter that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will begin the process of “removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into…
Poll: AOC disliked, distrusted, unwanted in her own NY district – Washington Examiner
She’s a star on the national political stage, but Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is viewed skeptically back in her Queens and Bronx 14th Congressional District, according to a new door-to-door survey. It found that she has a low 21% favorability rating, that just 11% believe she has their best interests in mind, and that only 13% would vote to reelect her. The survey of registered voters was conducted…
Ilhan Omar blames Trump for Iran-linked attacks on oil tankers – Fox News
Video US offers new evidence indicating Iran involvement in oil tanker attacks U.S. prepares to send more troops to Middle East; reaction and analysis from the ‘Special Report’ all-star panel. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, one of Congress’ most vocal critics of President Trump, placed the blame squarely on the White House after Iran announced it could enrich uranium up to 20 percent — just a step below weapons-grade level. The tension between…
SCOTUS Just Killed Off Virginia’s Racial Gerrymander. Its Decision Will Affect Elections for Years to Come. – Slate
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The Iran Crisis, Explained – The New York Times
A core objective of the 2015 nuclear deal — struck between Iran, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China — was to keep Iran at least one year from being able to construct a nuclear bomb. (Iran insists that its nuclear program it has developed over several decades is for peaceful purposes.) But that timeline could shorten if Iran follows through on its most recent threats, which it…
US sending 1,000 additional troops to Middle East amid Iran tensions – CNN
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Hong Kong Activist Joshua Wong Is Freed, Says He Will Join Mass Protests – NPR
Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong addresses the crowd outside Hong Kong’s Legislative Council on Monday, during a demonstration demanding that Hong Kong’s leaders step down and permanently withdraw an extradition bill. Jorge Silva/Reuters hide caption toggle caption Jorge Silva/Reuters Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong addresses the crowd outside Hong Kong’s Legislative Council on Monday, during a demonstration demanding that Hong Kong’s leaders step down and permanently withdraw an extradition bill. Jorge Silva/Reuters…
Supreme Court rules in case watched for impact on Trump pardons – POLITICO
Those bracing for potential pardons by President Donald Trump of individuals convicted in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation were tracking the Terance Gamble v. U.S. case. | Alex Wong/Getty Images Legal By JOSH GERSTEIN and NATASHA BERTRAND 06/17/2019 12:08 PM EDT The Supreme Court ruled Monday in a closely watched “double jeopardy” case, issuing a decision that preserves states’ power to limit the impact of future pardons by President…
Justice Thomas urges U.S. Supreme Court to feel free to reverse precedents – Reuters
(Reuters) – Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday urged the U.S. Supreme Court to feel less bound to upholding precedent, advancing a view that if adopted by enough of his fellow justices could result in more past decisions being overruled, perhaps including the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Writing in a gun possession case over whether the federal government and states can prosecute someone separately for…
Mohamed Morsy, ousted Egyptian president, dies in court – CNN
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Supreme Court dismisses challenge to findings of racial gerrymandering in Virginia districts – The Washington Post
Robert Barnes June 17 at 12:02 PM The Supreme Court dismissed the challenge to a lower court’s findings that some of Virginia’s legislative districts were racially gerrymandered, saying Monday that House Republicans did not have legal standing to challenge the decision. The decision could give an advantage to the state’s Democrats. All 140 seats in the legislature are on the ballot this fall, and the GOP holds two-seat majorities in…
Supreme Court ruling deals potential blow to Paul Manafort as he battles state charges – Fox News
Video Paul Manafort to be transferred to Rikers Island Manafort is serving four years for tax and bank fraud and will remain in solitary confinement for his own protection. A Supreme Court ruling in the case of an Alabama man who pleaded guilty to a gun charge could have major implications for the unrelated white-collar case against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in New York — by keeping him exposed to…
Iran Says It Will Exceed Nuclear Deal’s Limit On Uranium ‘In 10 Days’ – NPR
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, pictured at a July 2018 news conference in Tehran, said Monday: “We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even increased it more recently.” Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, pictured at a July 2018 news conference in Tehran, said Monday: “We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even…
Supreme Court tosses ruling against bakers who refused cake for gay couple – Fox News
Video Oregon bakers take religious liberty case to high court Christian bakers Melissa and Aaron Klein were hit with a massive fine and were forced to close Sweet Cakes By Melissa after refusing to bake a custom wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a ruling against two Oregon bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The couple, Melissa and Aaron Klein,…
What Chinese Learned About Hong Kong’s Protests Behind Firewall – Bloomberg
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Iran Says It Will Exceed Nuclear Deal’s Limit On Uranium ‘In 10 Days’ – NPR
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, pictured at a July 2018 news conference in Tehran, said Monday: “We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even increased it more recently.” Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, pictured at a July 2018 news conference in Tehran, said Monday: “We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even…
What Chinese Learned About Hong Kong’s Protests Behind Firewall – Bloomberg
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