Trump meets Japanese Emperor as he begins business portion of state visit – CNN
Tokyo (CNN)After a day of casual diplomatic male bonding, President Donald Trump entered the more stately portion of his visit to Japan on Monday, honoring the country’s newly enthroned Emperor and sitting for trade- and security-focused talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. ‘);$vidEndSlate.removeClass(‘video__end-slate–inactive’).addClass(‘video__end-slate–active’);}};CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist === true) ? true : false;var configObj = {thumb: ‘none’,video: ‘politics/2019/05/26/trump-shinzo-abe-tokyo-japan-sumo-match-golf-dinner-sanchez-lkl-ndwknd-vpx.cnn’,width: ‘100%’,height: ‘100%’,section: ‘domestic’,profile: ‘expansion’,network: ‘cnn’,markupId: ‘body-text_19’,theoplayer: {allowNativeFullscreen: true},adsection: ‘const-article-inpage’,frameWidth: ‘100%’,frameHeight: ‘100%’,posterImageOverride: {“mini”:{“width”:220,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:124},”xsmall”:{“width”:307,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:173},”small”:{“width”:460,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:259},”medium”:{“width”:780,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:438},”large”:{“width”:1100,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:619},”full16x9″:{“width”:1600,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:900},”mini1x1″:{“width”:120,”type”:”jpg”,”uri”:”//”,”height”:120}}},autoStartVideo = false,isVideoReplayClicked…
Brexit Party set to win most UK seats in EU elections | TheHill – The Hill
Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is set to claim the most U.K. seats in the European Union’s parliament following last week’s European elections, according to early tallies, CNBC reports. Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party and a major backer of efforts to leave the EU before and after the 2016 Brexit referendum, formed the new party in April. Initial results show the party with 31.7 percent of the…
‘It Was Like a Zoo’: Death on an Unruly, Overcrowded Everest – The New York Times
Mr. Dohring, the American doctor, represents the other end of the spectrum. At 62, he has climbed peaks all over the world. He read about explorers as a boy and said he had always wanted to get to the “one spot where you can stand higher than any place else on earth.’’ To prepare for Everest, he slept at home in a tent that simulated high-altitude conditions. His total Everest…
3rd horse in 9 days dies at Santa Anita racetrack, marking 26 fatalities in 6 months – ABC News
Another horse died at Southern California’s prominent Santa Anita racetrack over the weekend, marking the third thoroughbred fatality at the facility in the last nine days, and the 26th fatality since December. A 9-year-old horse named Kochees sustained a fatal injury to its left front leg during a 5 1/2-furlong race on Saturday, adding to the embattled racetrack’s worries as it works to implement reforms. “Every attempt was made to…
Centrist bloc to lose majority in EU vote as Greens and euroskeptics gain, early results show – CNBC
There’s a swine flu spreading in China that Wall Street fears… Stocks that are most prone to swine flu fears include Bloomin’ Brands, Phibro, Darling Ingredients, Deere, and Hormel, according to analysts. Marketsread more
Police are searching for a missing 5-year-old Utah girl. Her uncle has been arrested – CNN
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Man killed in Hawaii shark attack, witness says skin ‘just torn off’ – Fox News
Video Shark! Wild video of first-hand shark encounters Sharks are some of the most captivating creatures in the ocean. Here are some of the Wildest videos of close encounters with sharks. A man from California died after an apparent shark attack in Hawaii on Saturday, officials said. The Maui Fire Department said the incident happened around 9 a.m. at Honokowai Point near Ka’anapali Beach Park area on Maui as the…
Hope Hicks Is Facing an Existential Question – Slate
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Germany’s Social Democrats head for a pasting in Bremen vote – Fox News
In this Tuesday, May 14, 2019 photo, the historic town hall shines in the evening sun in Bremen, Germany. The city became a battleground for EU’s fragile political center, support for Germany’s Social Democrats has ebbed dramatically in recent years, but nowhere is their fate more closely watched than in the tiny city-state of Bremen. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner) Social Democrats looking disappointed after the first results of the federal state…
Macron Humbled in France as Exit Polls Show Le Pen Win – Bloomberg
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Officials searched 3 days for a lost hiker. Volunteers wouldn’t quit — and found her weeks later – The Washington Post
Alex Horton May 26 at 2:13 PM KAHULUI, Hawaii — The helicopter buzzed over the forest canopy, and three searchers peered into dense, Maui foliage and rolling waterfall beds as they watched their fuel dwindle. It would soon be time to turn back and end the 16th day of the search for Amanda Eller, led in part by a recently unemployed arborist. Search coordinator Chris Berquist was fired from his…
Trump says Rolling Thunder ride will return to DC, organizers say not so fast – CNN
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CNN’s Anderson Cooper Says Facebook Is News Org And Spreading “False Information” – Deadline
CNN’s Anderson Cooper blasted a Facebook executive in an interview over the social media platform’s decision to leave up an unflattering video of House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi that showed her slurring her words. Cooper contended that Facebook had to take responsibility for spreading false information since it is in the news business and has a higher standard to the truth. Facebook’s head of global policy management, Monika Bickert told…
Bart Starr, legendary 1960’s Green Bay Packers quarterback, dies at 85 – Fox News
Video Hall of Fame NFL quarterback Bart Starr dead at 85 Legendary Green Bay Packers quarterback Bart Starr has passed away in Alabama. Legendary Green Bay Packers quarterback Bart Starr died Sunday at the age of 85, according to the team. The Packers announced Starr, a catalyst of Vince Lombardi’s powerhouse teams of the 1960s, died in Birmingham, Ala., citing his family. He had been in failing health since suffering a serious…
GOP Armed Services senator breaks with Trump: I find North Korean missile tests ‘very disturbing’ | TheHill – The Hill
Sen. Joni ErnstJoni Kay ErnstSenate defense bill would make military sexual harassment standalone crime Congress, White House near deal on spending, debt limit Trump mulling visit to ethanol refinery later this month: report MORE (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Armed Services committee, broke with President TrumpDonald John TrumpPapadopoulos on AG’s new powers: ‘Trump is now on the offense’ Pelosi uses Trump to her advantage Mike Pence delivers West Point…
GOP Armed Services senator breaks with Trump: I find North Korean missile tests ‘very disturbing’ | TheHill – The Hill
Sen. Joni ErnstJoni Kay ErnstSenate defense bill would make military sexual harassment standalone crime Congress, White House near deal on spending, debt limit Trump mulling visit to ethanol refinery later this month: report MORE (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Armed Services committee, broke with President TrumpDonald John TrumpPapadopoulos on AG’s new powers: ‘Trump is now on the offense’ Pelosi uses Trump to her advantage Mike Pence delivers West Point…
GOP Armed Services senator breaks with Trump: I find North Korean missile tests ‘very disturbing’ | TheHill – The Hill
Sen. Joni ErnstJoni Kay ErnstSenate defense bill would make military sexual harassment standalone crime Congress, White House near deal on spending, debt limit Trump mulling visit to ethanol refinery later this month: report MORE (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Armed Services committee, broke with President TrumpDonald John TrumpPapadopoulos on AG’s new powers: ‘Trump is now on the offense’ Pelosi uses Trump to her advantage Mike Pence delivers West Point…
PHOTOS: Sumo Wrestling In Japan And Other World Ceremonies For Trump – NPR
President Donald Trump presents the “President’s Cup” to the Tokyo Grand Sumo Tournament winner Asanoyama, at Ryogoku Kokugikan Stadium on Sunday. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP President Donald Trump presents the “President’s Cup” to the Tokyo Grand Sumo Tournament winner Asanoyama, at Ryogoku Kokugikan Stadium on Sunday. Evan Vucci/AP President Trump attended a sumo wrestling competition with Japan’s Prime Abe on Sunday, as the Japanese rolled out…
‘Decimated’: 2 dead, search underway for missing after Oklahoma tornado – USA TODAY
CLOSE From Arkansas to Nebraska, people experiencing severe weather including tornados and dust storms. USA TODAY A tornado killed at least two people, destroyed a motel and devastated a mobile home park in the Oklahoma City suburb of El Reno overnight as severe weather continued to threaten the nation’s middle section Sunday. Twenty-nine people were injured, some critically, and a search and rescue effort was underway in areas reduced to rubble, El…
Rescued hiker’s survival story: 17 days in Hawaii forest on berries, river water and smarts – CNN
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