CAIR warns of increasing Islamophobia after New York arrests – Fox News
FILE – In this Nov. 15, 2018 file photo, Rep.-elect IIhan Omar, D-Minn., center, listens during member-elect orientations on Capitol Hill in Washington. A western New York man has been charged with threatening to kill U.S. Rep. Omar of Minnesota. Federal prosecutors announced Friday, April 5, 2019, that Patrick Carlineo Jr. was arrested after placing a threatening call to Omar’s office in Washington, D.C. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File) NEW…
White House Report Card: Slogging through immigration, buoyed by jobs – Washington Examiner
This week’s White House Report Card finds President Trump continuing to be frustrated by immigration policy and stunted on replacing Obamacare, highlights in conservative analyst Jed Babbin’s poor grade. But as Democratic pollster John Zogby notes, the economy is still making jobs and the president is remaking the federal judiciary. Jed BabbinGrade D President Trump had a very rough political week beginning with his threat to close the Mexican border…
Trump belittles Democrats, says asylum seekers look like they’re ‘fighting for the UFC’ – CNN
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Obama warns progressive lawmakers to avoid a ‘circular firing squad’ ahead of 2020 election – AOL
Former President Barack Obama issued a warning to Democratic lawmakers to avoid a “circular firing squad” within the party that would devoid policy progress, particularly ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Speaking in Berlin during an Obama Foundation town hall, the former commander-in-chief said he worried about progressive lawmakers falling victim to “rigidity” within Washington. “One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States,…
Trump Says He Hasn’t Read Mueller Report but Knows it Fully Clears Him – Slate
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Netanyahu says he will annex West Bank settlements if re-elected – CBS News
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Saturday to annex Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank if re-elected, a dramatic policy shift apparently aimed at rallying his nationalist base in the final stretch of the tight race. Israel will go to the polls Tuesday, and Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party is in a tight race with the new center-right Blue and White alliance, BBC News reported. On Israeli television, Netanyahu said “yes…
Trump’s threat to close the border was just a trap for Democrats – Washington Examiner
President Trump had been vocally considering shutting down the southern border until he scaled back slightly on Thursday, giving Mexico one year to decide whether or not they’ll comply with his demands. His White House team probably talked him back from the ledge, since it seems he’s the only one in his own administration willing to take such a drastic step. Indeed, senior staffers and Department of Homeland Security officials…
Trump’s threat to close the border was just a trap for Democrats – Washington Examiner
President Trump had been vocally considering shutting down the southern border until he scaled back slightly on Thursday, giving Mexico one year to decide whether or not they’ll comply with his demands. His White House team probably talked him back from the ledge, since it seems he’s the only one in his own administration willing to take such a drastic step. Indeed, senior staffers and Department of Homeland Security officials…
Trump’s threat to close the border was just a trap for Democrats – Washington Examiner
President Trump had been vocally considering shutting down the southern border until he scaled back slightly on Thursday, giving Mexico one year to decide whether or not they’ll comply with his demands. His White House team probably talked him back from the ledge, since it seems he’s the only one in his own administration willing to take such a drastic step. Indeed, senior staffers and Department of Homeland Security officials…
Obama town hall Europe: avoid a “circular firing squad” over ideological purity –
Former president Barack Obama touched on growing divisions within his own party, warning against pushes for ideological purity that can result in a “circular firing squad” in a town hall organized by The Obama Foundation in Berlin on Saturday. While taking audience questions about the frustration that comes with lack of change, Obama expressed concern about a lack of compromise in Washington, and said he specifically worries progressive politicians could…
Boeing’s ‘single point failure’: Why was there no backup system on 737 Max jet? – USA TODAY
CLOSE Boeing Company CEO Dennis Muilenburg is apologizing after two deadly 737 MAX plane crashes. Muilenburg says Boeing has teams of experts “working tirelessly” to prevent anymore accidents. USA TODAY When it comes to safety, modern commercial aircraft are known not only for having back-up systems, but in some cases, back-ups of their back-ups. So even as Boeing has taken responsibility for a fatal flaw in a key anti-stalling system…
New York man charged for making threats over the phone to assault and kill Rep. Ilhan Omar – INSIDER
A New York man was arrested and charged Friday with threatening to assault and murder Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to authorities. The US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York said in a statement that 55-year-old Patrick W. Carlineo, Jr. made the threats in a March 21 phone call to her office. Carlineo told a staffer that Omar, who is one of the first two Muslim women…
US Wants 2 Years to Find Children Separated at the Border – TIME
(SAN DIEGO) — The Trump administration wants up to two years to find potentially thousands of children who were separated from their families at the border before a judge halted the practice last year, a task that it says is more laborious than previous efforts because the children are no longer in government custody. The Justice Department said in a court filing late Friday that it will take at least…
The members of Congress who could most use a ‘Queer Eye’ makeover, ranked – Washington Examiner
The Fab Five went to Washington, and a few lawmakers could really use their help. Four members of the “Queer Eye” crew — Bobby Berk, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Jonathan Van Ness — visited D.C. this week to discuss legislation such as the Equality Act and the Violence Against Women Act. But they really missed out on some makeover opportunities. Now in its third season, the remade “Queer Eye”…
The members of Congress who could most use a ‘Queer Eye’ makeover, ranked – Washington Examiner
The Fab Five went to Washington, and a few lawmakers could really use their help. Four members of the “Queer Eye” crew — Bobby Berk, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Jonathan Van Ness — visited D.C. this week to discuss legislation such as the Equality Act and the Violence Against Women Act. But they really missed out on some makeover opportunities. Now in its third season, the remade “Queer Eye”…
The members of Congress who could most use a ‘Queer Eye’ makeover, ranked – Washington Examiner
The Fab Five went to Washington, and a few lawmakers could really use their help. Four members of the “Queer Eye” crew — Bobby Berk, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Jonathan Van Ness — visited D.C. this week to discuss legislation such as the Equality Act and the Violence Against Women Act. But they really missed out on some makeover opportunities. Now in its third season, the remade “Queer Eye”…
Trump’s threat to close the border was just a trap for Democrats – Washington Examiner
President Trump had been vocally considering shutting down the southern border until he scaled back slightly on Thursday, giving Mexico one year to decide whether or not they’ll comply with his demands. His White House team probably talked him back from the ledge, since it seems he’s the only one in his own administration willing to take such a drastic step. Indeed, senior staffers and Department of Homeland Security officials…
Here’s how the battle for Trump’s tax returns could play out – ABC News
President Donald Trump’s lawyer said on Friday that the Internal Revenue Service should reject a request from the Democratic chair of the House tax-writing committee to produce the president’s tax returns. “If the IRS acquiesces to Chairman Neal’s request, it would set a dangerous precedent,” William Consovoy said in a letter to Treasury Department General Counsel Brent McIntosh. “Once this Pandora’s box is opened, the ensuing tit-for-tat will do lasting…
Editorial: 14 days. Americans should count the days until the Mueller report is released to Congress. – The Boston Globe
Fourteen days. That’s how long Attorney General William Barr has withheld the Mueller report from Congress and the public. It’s hard to imagine a legitimate reason for his foot-dragging, and disturbing leaks should deepen the urgency for members of Congress who are seeking to pry the full document out of his hands. Special counsel Robert Mueller spent nearly two years investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction…
Trump’s threat to close the border was just a trap for Democrats – Washington Examiner
President Trump had been vocally considering shutting down the southern border until he scaled back slightly on Thursday, giving Mexico one year to decide whether or not they’ll comply with his demands. His White House team probably talked him back from the ledge, since it seems he’s the only one in his own administration willing to take such a drastic step. Indeed, senior staffers and Department of Homeland Security officials…