Senator readying proposed constitutional amendment that would end the Electoral College – Washington Examiner
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz is set to introduce a constitutional amendment that would abolish the Electoral College in favor of electing presidents by popular vote. The Hawaii senator’s proposal will reportedly be supported by fellow Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, as well as two senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dick Durban, D-Ill., and Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif. Schatz teased the amendment on Twitter Monday, retweeting…
Baltimore mayor taking time off as children’s book deal comes under scrutiny – AOL
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is going on a leave of absence after becoming engulfed in a scandal about a series of children’s books she authored. The Baltimore Sun reported last month that while serving on the University of Maryland Medical System’s (UMMS) board of directors, Pugh arranged deals beginning in 2001 to sell 100,000 copies of her self-published “Healthy Holly” series to the medical system at a total cost of $500,000….
A Second Woman Says Biden’s Touching Made Her Uncomfortable – The New York Times
The aggressive response by Mr. Biden’s aides represents the latest indication of what they said over the weekend: that he will not be dissuaded by the allegations from entering the presidential race. The challenge for Mr. Biden now, though, is that Ms. Flores is no longer alone in speaking out. In her interview with the Courant, Ms. Lappos said the encounter that made her uncomfortable occurred at a fund-raiser in…
Brexit: Reaction as MPs reject alternatives to May’s deal – BBC News
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Boeing’s fix for 737 MAX will take additional weeks – CNN
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Killing of South Carolina student who mistook car for Uber prompts rideshare-safety campaign – NBC News
The University of South Carolina is launching a campaign called “What’s My Name” to help students stay safe when using rideshares following the killing of a student who got in a car she thought was her Uber. The body of Samantha Josephson, 21, was found Friday hours after she was reported missing when she failed to return home from a night out with friends. Surveillance video showed Josephson entering a…
Trump bewilders GOP allies on immigration ahead of border visit – POLITICO
Some Hill Republicans warned that any dramatic disruption to regular traffic across the U.S.-Mexico border could bring President Donald Trump into a new confrontation with his own party. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo Immigration As the administration weighs immigration actions, even Trump officials and Hill Republicans aren’t sure what to make of his talk of closing the Mexican border. By ANITA KUMAR, TED HESSON and BURGESS EVERETT 04/01/2019 07:55 PM EDT…
White House Overturned Denials To Grant 25 Security Clearances – NPR
White House adviser Jared Kushner, left, is among those whose security clearance is being questioned by Democrats. Susan Walsh/AP hide caption toggle caption Susan Walsh/AP White House adviser Jared Kushner, left, is among those whose security clearance is being questioned by Democrats. Susan Walsh/AP An 18-year White House employee told congressional investigators that she and other career staffers denied security clearances for 25 Trump administration officials, including three “very senior”…
Joe Biden disputes misconduct allegation as he prepares for 2020 race – CBS This Morning
A former Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in Nevada has suddenly made Joe Biden’s all-but-certain presidential campaign uncertain. Lucy Flores says Biden touched and kissed her in a way that unsettled her during a campaign event nearly five years ago when he was Barack Obama’s vice president. Biden is disputing Flores’ story. Ed O’Keefe reports. Watch “CBS This Morning” HERE: the CBS News app on iOS HERE: the…
UK lawmakers discuss halting Brexit after petition hits 6 million – Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) – British lawmakers debated halting Brexit on Monday after a record six million people signed a petition to revoke the process that set Britain on course to leave the European Union. Britons voted to leave the European Union by 52 percent to 48 percent in 2016, and the following year British Prime Minister Theresa May gave notice of the intent to leave the bloc on March 29, 2019…
The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Just Legalized Torture – Slate
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Democrats to take action to obtain full Mueller report – CNN
House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller, teeing up a showdown between congressional Democrats and the Trump administration over the nearly 400-page report. #CNN #News
White House whistleblower says 25 security clearance denials were reversed during Trump administration – The Washington Post
Rachael Bade April 1 at 10:43 AM A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed. Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens”…
Democrats to authorize subpoena for full Mueller report – CNN
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Ocasio-Cortez rallies progressives against Dem leaders’ bid to shield incumbents from primary challengers – Fox News
Video Green New Deal champion Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares the impact of climate change to 9/11 Did the self-proclaimed Democratic socialist go too far? Reaction from Republican strategist Ned Ryun, former presidential writer for George W. Bush and CEO of American Majority. Freshman Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley have in a matter of days rallied the progressive base against a plan by House Democrats’ campaign arm to isolate and…
Mary Anne Marsh: Trump and Barr are stonewalling on the Mueller investigation — just like Nixon on Watergate – Fox News
Video House Democrats demand full Mueller report by April 2 Democrats consider subpoena to obtain report; reaction and analysis from the ‘Fox News @ Night’ power panel. On March 24, 1973, President Richard Nixon told his Attorney General John Mitchell, “I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else, if it’ll save it–save the plan.” That conversation, revealed in a tape during…
New York State Budget: 4 Ways Your Daily Life May Change – The New York Times
Norm Sutaria, the director of community engagement for the regional competition, said John Dewey High School, which made it to the championships last year, is a powerhouse. Queens Technical High is “a strong, dominant force,” he added, and Stuyvesant High has a competitive team. Frederick Douglass Academy is a leader in the region, Mr. Sutaria continued. And the all-girls team from the Bronx High School of Science, called the Iron…
Liz Peek: Biden accused of unwanted kiss, may have kissed his chance for Dem nomination goodbye – Fox News
Video Woman claims Joe Biden kissed her without consent Reaction and analysis from Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt on ‘The Story.’ Democrats just lost their lifeline. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who was expected to rescue the party from the clutches of the progressive left, has emerged as Creepy Uncle Joe once again. This time, in our #MeToo era, serious damage has been done. Lucy Flores, one-time member of…
Erdogan loses hold over Turkish capital, Istanbul disputed – Reuters
ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan suffered a severe setback as his ruling AK Party lost control of the capital Ankara for the first time in a local election and he appeared to concede defeat in the country’s largest city, Istanbul. Erdogan, who has dominated Turkish politics since coming to power 16 years ago and ruled his country with an ever tighter grip, campaigned relentlessly for two months ahead of…
EU agency is said to have skipped 737 Max meeting in snub to Boeing – Los Angeles Times
Still, Boeing representatives faced caustic comments from some at the Wednesday session, said one of the people familiar with the discussions. As Boeing test pilots demonstrated old and new versions of MCAS, attendees were especially interested in re-enacting the sequence of events leading to the Lion Air crash, the person said. Pilots also demonstrated how the 737 Max would behave if an angle-of-attack vane was sheared off by, say, a…