Trump’s phony budget relies on rosy economic assumptions and imaginary savings – Washington Examiner
President Trump’s budget has been billed as slashing deficits by trillions of dollars through what media outlets are billing as “deep” spending cuts. In reality, its savings are mainly imaginary — highly dependent on rosy economic forecasts and vague promises to eliminate “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Assuming significantly faster economic growth over the next decade than the Congressional Budget Office does enabled the White House Office of Management and Budget…
These 3 questions don’t yet have answers following Boeing MAX 8 crash in Ethiopia – USA TODAY
CLOSE A Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed in Ethiopia killing everyone on board. The crash of the Ethiopian Airlines plane marks the second deadliest accident involving a Boeing 737 in the past five months. So is there a problem with this particular model? USA TODAY Two days after an Ethiopian Airlines flight plowed into the ground after takeoff from Addis Ababa, killing all 157 people aboard, international investigators are still…
White House won’t say if embattled labor secretary Acosta has Trump’s support – AOL
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Asked twice in her first press briefing in six weeks whether the job of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta was in jeopardy, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders pointedly declined to endorse the embattled department head. Acosta—the only Hispanic member of Trump’s cabinet—has faced sharp criticism for the leniency he showed as a U.S. attorney in Miami to Jeffrey Epstein, an accused sexual predator. Epstein is alleged to have engaged in…
Juan Guaido takes the Examiner‘s advice. Time for Trump to support his Cuban embargo – Washington Examiner
Is Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido reading the Washington Examiner? After all, on Monday, Guaido called on the international community to help stop presidential occupier Nicolas Maduro from supplying Cuba with oil. That’s exactly what I called for on Feb. 27. Addressing the national assembly as his country continues to suffer under an ongoing power blackout, Guaido was passionate in his call for action. Guaido was clear that he wants…
Nancy Pelosi: ‘Not worth it’ to impeach Trump – AOL
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that barring “overwhelming” new evidence she would not pursue impeachment against President Trump because it would be too divisive and “he’s just not worth it.” “I’m not for impeachment,” said Pelosi in an interview with the Washington Post published Monday. “This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked,…
Trump’s phony budget relies on rosy economic assumptions and imaginary savings – Washington Examiner
President Trump’s budget has been billed as slashing deficits by trillions of dollars through what media outlets are billing as “deep” spending cuts. In reality, its savings are mainly imaginary — highly dependent on rosy economic forecasts and vague promises to eliminate “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Assuming significantly faster economic growth over the next decade than the Congressional Budget Office does enabled the White House Office of Management and Budget…
These 3 questions don’t yet have answers following Boeing MAX 8 crash in Ethiopia – USA TODAY
CLOSE A Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed in Ethiopia killing everyone on board. The crash of the Ethiopian Airlines plane marks the second deadliest accident involving a Boeing 737 in the past five months. So is there a problem with this particular model? USA TODAY Two days after an Ethiopian Airlines flight plowed into the ground after takeoff from Addis Ababa, killing all 157 people aboard, international investigators are still…
White House won’t say if embattled labor secretary Acosta has Trump’s support – AOL
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Asked twice in her first press briefing in six weeks whether the job of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta was in jeopardy, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders pointedly declined to endorse the embattled department head. Acosta—the only Hispanic member of Trump’s cabinet—has faced sharp criticism for the leniency he showed as a U.S. attorney in Miami to Jeffrey Epstein, an accused sexual predator. Epstein is alleged to have engaged in…
Juan Guaido takes the Examiner‘s advice. Time for Trump to support his Cuban embargo – Washington Examiner
Is Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido reading the Washington Examiner? After all, on Monday, Guaido called on the international community to help stop presidential occupier Nicolas Maduro from supplying Cuba with oil. That’s exactly what I called for on Feb. 27. Addressing the national assembly as his country continues to suffer under an ongoing power blackout, Guaido was passionate in his call for action. Guaido was clear that he wants…
Nancy Pelosi Says She’s Against Trying to Impeach Trump Because “He’s Just Not Worth It” – Slate
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Trump’s phony budget relies on rosy economic assumptions and imaginary savings – Washington Examiner
President Trump’s budget has been billed as slashing deficits by trillions of dollars through what media outlets are billing as “deep” spending cuts. In reality, its savings are mainly imaginary — highly dependent on rosy economic forecasts and vague promises to eliminate “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Assuming significantly faster economic growth over the next decade than the Congressional Budget Office does enabled the White House Office of Management and Budget…
Ethiopian Plane Crash: What We Know and Don’t Know – The New York Times
The Lion Air flight had an experienced pilot and co-pilot, each with more than 5,000 hours of flying time. The pilot of the Ethiopian flight was highly experienced, too — but the co-pilot was remarkably inexperienced, with just 200 hours. It is not clear who was at the controls when the jet went down. Which airlines fly this plane? Which have grounded it? On Monday, China and Indonesia ordered their…
Trump’s phony budget relies on rosy economic assumptions and imaginary savings – Washington Examiner
President Trump’s budget has been billed as slashing deficits by trillions of dollars through what media outlets are billing as “deep” spending cuts. In reality, its savings are mainly imaginary — highly dependent on rosy economic forecasts and vague promises to eliminate “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Assuming significantly faster economic growth over the next decade than the Congressional Budget Office does enabled the White House Office of Management and Budget…
UK’s Theresa May clinches legally binding Brexit ‘backstop’ changes, deputy says – CNBC
<!– –> × SEARCH QUOTES Europe Politics Prime Minister Theresa May won legally binding Brexit assurances from the European Union on Monday in a last ditch attempt to sway rebellious British lawmakers who have threatened to vote down her divorce deal again. Scrambling to plot an orderly path out of the Brexit maze just days before the United Kingdom is due to leave on March 29, May rushed to Strasbourg…
US warns Germany that using Huawei tech will come at a cost – CNN
“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…
Leaked: Dick Cheney told Mike Pence he worries Trump’s foreign policy has shades of Obama – Washington Examiner
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and current Vice President Mike Pence went head-to-head over President Trump’s foreign policy over the weekend. During a private event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, Cheney said, “We’re getting into a situation when our friends and allies around the world that we depend upon are going to lack confidence in us,” according to a transcript obtained by the Washington Post. “I worry that the…
FAA says Boeing 737 MAX planes are still airworthy, expects to mandate design changes by April – CNBC
<!– –> × SEARCH QUOTES Business News The Boeing 737 MAX, the type of plane involved in a deadly crash in Ethiopia over the weekend, is still airworthy, the Federal Aviation Administration said Monday, giving a vote of confidence to the type of jet that has been involved in two deadly crashes since October. Aviation officials in China and Indonesia ordered domestic airlines to ground their fleets of the popular…
Nancy Pelosi on impeaching President Trump: ‘He’s just not worth it’ – The Washington Post
Nancy Pelosi stands up in her spacious office in the U.S. Capitol, walks past an enormous window with a commanding view of the Mall and the Washington Monument, and picks up a small plaque from her desk. A gift from Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.), the plaque has the familiar profile of a young Abraham Lincoln on one side. Pelosi returns to her chair holding the plaque on her palm and…
‘I wish I’d said goodbye to Dad properly’ – BBC News
Ben Kuria, whose father died in the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash, described how he wished he’d spent more time saying goodbye to his dad. His flight, ET302 flight to Nairobi, Kenya, crashed shortly after take-off from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, leaving no survivors. Joseph Waithaka was returning to his home in Kenya from a trip to see his family in England when the flight went down. His son paid tribute…
Nancy Pelosi on impeaching President Trump: ‘He’s just not worth it’ – The Washington Post
Nancy Pelosi stands up in her spacious office in the U.S. Capitol, walks past an enormous window with a commanding view of the Mall and the Washington Monument, and picks up a small plaque from her desk. A gift from Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.), the plaque has the familiar profile of a young Abraham Lincoln on one side. Pelosi returns to her chair holding the plaque on her palm and…