
Venezuela’s Maduro denounces election call but says ready to talk – Reuters

Sunday, January 27, 2019

ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Venezuela’s embattled President Nicolas Maduro rejected an international ultimatum to call elections within eight days and said opposition leader Juan Guaido had violated the country’s constitution by declaring himself leader. Maduro, in an interview with CNN Turk aired on Sunday, also said he was open to dialogue and that meeting U.S. President Donald Trump was improbable but not impossible. The broadcaster dubbed the interview from Spanish into…

Corsi says information about him in Mueller indictment against Stone ‘is accurate’ – The Hill

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jerome Corsi said Sunday that the information about him in special counsel Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud choice of Mueller to lead Russia probe MORE‘s indictment against longtime Trump confidant Roger StoneRoger Jason StoneMueller’s selective prosecution of Stone, Venezuelan-style Trump seeks to shift narrative after Stone indictment Mueller hunt for Russia collusion turns into circus show with Stone MORE is “accurate.” “I will affirm that what is in the…

Trump On Defense As Conservatives Say He Caved On Shutdown – HuffPost

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dan Stein, the president of a hardline immigration group called Federation for American Immigration Reform, put the onus on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, who pledged to negotiate once the government was reopened. “The ball is now in Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s court,” Stein said.

Fight in Venezuela is against more than a strongman — it’s against what some call a criminal empire – The Washington Post

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Anthony Faiola January 26 at 9:21 PM CARACAS, Venezuela — President Nicolás Maduro on Saturday backed off an ultimatum to kick out U.S. Embassy staff by Saturday, temporarily defusing a diplomatic standoff with an agreement that allows both nations to keep diplomats in each other’s capitals for 30 days while negotiating the creation of more limited “interest offices.” If no deal is reached at the end of that period, the diplomats…

Extramarital affair with Kamala Harris? Former San Francisco mayor, 84, admits it happened – Fox News

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris. Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past extramarital relationship with U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris in his weekly column Saturday, saying he may have boosted the presidential hopeful’s career. “Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago,” Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle. “Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions…

U.S. and Taliban Edge Toward Deal to End America’s Longest War – The New York Times

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Americans would promise to withdraw their 14,000 troops, and the Taliban would agree to never again allow their territory to be used by extremists like Al Qaeda, the terrorist network that staged the 2001 attacks on the United States from Afghanistan and set off the start of the war. That much seemed in agreement. But as always, the devil is in the details. How long would the cease-fire be,…

Louisiana shooting today: Dakota Theriot, accused gunman, kills 5 in Livingston Parish and Ascension Parish — live updates – CBS News

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Shootings in Louisiana: What We Know Five people are dead in two separate – but related – incidents. The “prime suspect” is 21-year-old Dakota Theriot, wanted for first-degree murder and other charges. He is considered “armed and dangerous.” Two of the victims were the suspect’s parents. Evelyn Ernest, the mother of one victim and grandmother of two others, told CBS News that her granddaughter and the suspect were briefly in…

Trump signs bill to end partial government shutdown – Fox News

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Video Trump: We have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the government President Trump on Friday signed a short-term spending bill to re-open the government, ending the longest partial federal government shutdown in U.S. history. Trump signed the stop-gap spending bill just hours after the measure passed the Senate and House, respectively. “On Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, the president signed into law: H.J. Res. 28, the ‘Further Additional…

In Venezuela, socialism has succeeded the way it always does – Washington Examiner

Sunday, January 27, 2019

A writer for the leftist Nation magazine opined in 2013, “Yes, the Venezuelan president could be a strongman,” upon the Venezuelan dictator’s death. “But he leaves behind what might be called the most democratic country in the Western Hemisphere.” Such are the delusions of socialism. Chavez, having been legitimately elected in 1998, quickly set out to destroy Venezuela’s democratic institutions. Taking advantage of a weak and too-easily-altered national constitution, he…

Roger Stone mocks Mueller after indictment in Instagram post – USA TODAY

Sunday, January 27, 2019

CLOSE There’s much more to Roger Stone than his connection to President Donald Trump. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – A day after being indicted, Roger Stone used his Instagram account to mock special counsel Robert Mueller and dub the charges against him a big “nothingburger.” “Here’s what Mueller has on me #nothingburger,” Stone posted on Saturday. The post accompanied a doctored image of Mueller dressed up as a waiter holding an empty bun on…

Federal employees can go back to work now. They’re relieved — but still worried about the future. – CNN

Sunday, January 27, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

‘Pizzagate’ Restaurant Comet Ping Pong Is Hit by ‘White Male’ Arsonist – Newser

Sunday, January 27, 2019

“)}catch(n){c.ConsoleLog(n)}var h=null;”Mac OS”!{c._Top.document.hasFocus()&&(clearInterval(h),b._focusAchieved(d))},20));this._handle=this._createObject(this._showPdf);c._Top.addEventListener(“focus”,function(){“Mac OS”!;b._focusAchieved(d)});setTimeout(function(){“Mac OS”!;b._focusAchieved(d)},3E3)},init:function(a){try{if(navigator.mimeTypes[“application/pdf”]){var f=this,c=this._guid=b;if(c.IsFastPop&&!c.AbortFastPop){var d=c.InfinityHost,e=encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset()),h=encodeURIComponent(c._Top.document.referrer),n=encodeURIComponent(c._Top.window.location.href),l=encodeURIComponent(this._randomString);c.PopMediaUrl=d+(c.IsAdblockRequest?”/fp.rb?”:”/fp.engine?”)+”id=”+c.Guid+”&rand=”+l+”&ver=”+c.Version+”&time=”+e+”&referrerUrl=”+h+”&subId=”+(0 Trending News US World Science Crime Politics Great Finds Entertainment More   …

5 dead after shooting spree in Louisiana – CNN

Saturday, January 26, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

Inside the White House, aides and advisers are despondent over a wasted month – CNN

Saturday, January 26, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

Pelosi: Roger Stone indictment shows ‘attempt by top Trump campaign officials to influence the 2016 election’ – Fox News

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Video What evidence does Robert Mueller have that Roger Stone may not know about? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, weighing in Friday on the indictment of ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, appeared to question the president’s choices of whom “to surround himself with.” “The indictment of Roger Stone makes clear that there was a deliberate, coordinated attempt by top Trump campaign officials to influence the…

On Venezuela, Rubio Assumes U.S. Role of Ouster in Chief – The New York Times

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Later that day, Mr. Trump and his team met with Mr. Rubio at the White House along with three other Florida Republicans: Gov. Ron DeSantis, Senator Rick Scott and Representative Mario Diaz-Balart. Mr. Rubio likewise embraced the idea of recognizing Mr. Guaidó. Mr. Pence called Mr. Guaidó afterward and told him that the United States would support him if he claimed the presidency. The vice president uploaded a video addressing…

Massachusetts Man Holds Onto Hood of Car for Three Miles in Road Rage Incident – Slate Magazine

Saturday, January 26, 2019

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Trump renews call to ‘build the wall’ after reopening government, warns ‘both parties very dug in’ – Fox News

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Video Trump compromises over shutdown but Democrats still refuse to negotiate on border wall President Trump on Saturday promised supporters that the wall on the southern border will be built, a day after he agreed to temporarily reopen the government for three weeks without funding for a wall — but warned that “both parties [are] very dug in.” “21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not…

Trump renews call to ‘build the wall’ after reopening government, warns ‘both parties very dug in’ – Fox News

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Video Trump compromises over shutdown but Democrats still refuse to negotiate on border wall President Trump on Saturday promised supporters that the wall on the southern border will be built, a day after he agreed to temporarily reopen the government for three weeks without funding for a wall — but warned that “both parties [are] very dug in.” “21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not…

Trump renews call to ‘build the wall’ after reopening government, warns ‘both parties very dug in’ – Fox News

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Video Trump compromises over shutdown but Democrats still refuse to negotiate on border wall President Trump on Saturday promised supporters that the wall on the southern border will be built, a day after he agreed to temporarily reopen the government for three weeks without funding for a wall — but warned that “both parties [are] very dug in.” “21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not…