
Commerce secretary says there’s no ‘good excuse’ for furloughed workers to run out of cash – USA TODAY

Friday, January 25, 2019

CLOSE Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross he doesn’t ‘quite understand’ why furloughed federal workers are having to go to food banks and struggling to pay bills when they could just take out a loan instead. USA TODAY Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday that he doesn’t see why furloughed federal workers are having to go to food banks and are having trouble taking care of their families when they could just take…

Cuba Out of Venezuela – The Wall Street Journal

Friday, January 25, 2019

International support for a return to democracy in Venezuela has been growing since Juan Guaidó took the oath of interim president on Wednesday. The crucial but underreported question now is whether dictator Nicolás Maduro’s protectors in Cuba and Russia will intervene to stop this democratic uprising. The Venezuelan military holds the key to whether Mr. Maduro will step down peacefully. Common sense and reporting in the country suggest that a…

Covington Catholic: the scandal that isn’t a scandal. – Slate

Friday, January 25, 2019

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Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

Perspective | Sen. Warren’s plan to tax the ultrawealthy is a smart idea whose time has come – Washington Post

Friday, January 25, 2019

(Michael Dwyer/AP) Jared Bernstein Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has just introduced a tax idea this country desperately needs: a tax on high-end wealth. It’s an idea that’s well-crafted for our time, one that promises to add fairness to an unfair tax code, raise significant, much-needed revenue and push back on the historically high level of wealth concentration in the United States. Here’s the plan, which, for the record, is extremely…

Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

Perspective | Sen. Warren’s plan to tax the ultrawealthy is a smart idea whose time has come – Washington Post

Friday, January 25, 2019

(Michael Dwyer/AP) Jared Bernstein Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has just introduced a tax idea this country desperately needs: a tax on high-end wealth. It’s an idea that’s well-crafted for our time, one that promises to add fairness to an unfair tax code, raise significant, much-needed revenue and push back on the historically high level of wealth concentration in the United States. Here’s the plan, which, for the record, is extremely…

Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

Perspective | Sen. Warren’s plan to tax the ultrawealthy is a smart idea whose time has come – Washington Post

Friday, January 25, 2019

(Michael Dwyer/AP) Jared Bernstein Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has just introduced a tax idea this country desperately needs: a tax on high-end wealth. It’s an idea that’s well-crafted for our time, one that promises to add fairness to an unfair tax code, raise significant, much-needed revenue and push back on the historically high level of wealth concentration in the United States. Here’s the plan, which, for the record, is extremely…

Trump Makes Rare Cave on State of the Union Speech –

Friday, January 25, 2019

WASHINGTON (AP) — The counter-puncher caved. President Donald Trump’s decision to postpone his State of the Union address under pressure from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi surprised allies, contradicted top aides who had been working on an alternative speech plan and left all of Washington trying to determine whether it signaled new willingness by Trump to make a deal to reopen the government. “Well, it’s really her choice,” Trump said Thursday,…

Pompeo is keeping US diplomats in Venezuela to break Maduro’s military alliance – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has rejected Nicolas Maduro’s demand that he withdraw U.S. diplomats by Saturday afternoon. I suspect he’s done so in order to encourage a systemic breach between Maduro and the Venezuelan military that keeps him in power. Pompeo knows that the Venezuelan military’s support for Maduro is not, ultimately, ideological in nature. Rather, it reflects Maduro’s mass-bribery of the military’s top ranks — the abundant patronage…

Search for missing 3-year-old, Casey Hathaway, continues in North Carolina – NBC News

Friday, January 25, 2019

A search for a missing child in Craven County, North Carolina, continues after three-year-old Casey Hathaway was reported missing on Tuesday. Casey went missing after playing in the yard of his grandmother’s home along with two other children, according to the FBI Charlotte office, which is involved with the case. After looking for Casey, the child’s family called the police and reported him missing. According to Craven County Sheriff Chip…

Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

Shutdown fight highlights missing ingredient that has impeded Trump’s agenda – Washington Examiner

Friday, January 25, 2019

President Trump’s strategy of forcing a government shutdown to get funding for a border wall took another blow on Thursday when a Democratic bill to reopen the government received more votes in the Republican-controlled Senate than his own compromise bill that included wall funding. There is, right now, more evidence that Trump’s support is fracturing than there is of disunion among Democrats, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is showing…

U.S. Commerce chief to federal workers: Get a loan – AOL

Friday, January 25, 2019

WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) – Workers affected by the government shutdown should seek loans to pay their bills and financial institutions should make credit available, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday as employees were poised to miss their second paycheck. In an interview on CNBC, Ross said it was “disappointing” that some federal workers were not showing up to work and that “there really is not a good…

PG&E Stock Jumps More Than 70% Because Someone Else Was Ruled Responsible for a 2017 Fire – Barron’s

Friday, January 25, 2019

PG&E stock has surged more than 70% Thursday after the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said that the Tubbs Fire was caused by a private electrical system and not one of the utilities’ cables. The back story. PG&E stock (PCG) had been in free fall after it was blamed for fires in California that could have left it liable for billions of dollars in damages. The company said…

Top Florida official resigns after photos surface in blackface, mocking Katrina survivors – ThinkProgress

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ron DeSantis, Florida’s new Republican governor, ran one of the most overtly racist campaigns in recent history prior to his narrow November 2018 victory over Democrat Andrew Gillum. On Thursday, DeSantis lost a top cabinet official when his secretary of state, Michael Ertel, resigned just weeks after the governor appointed him to the powerful position. The reason: a state newspaper obtained 14-year-old photos of Ertel dressed in blackface and pretending…

Trump’s surrender on State of the Union makes it even less likely Pelosi will give in on border wall – Washington Examiner

Thursday, January 24, 2019

President Trump’s decision Thursday morning to surrender to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s demand that he wait until after the government shutdown is resolved to deliver his State of the Union speech in the House chamber is going to make it a lot less likely that Pelosi, D-Calif., gives in on the funding for a border wall. Sure, in the larger scheme of things, this childish skirmish doesn’t matter much. No…