Trump finds himself isolated in shutdown fight | TheHill – The Hill
President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden, Sanders lead field in Iowa poll The Memo: Cohen fans flames around Trump Memo Comey used to brief Trump on dossier released: report MORE is finding himself increasingly isolated less than a week ahead of a potential government shutdown, as even members of his own party admit that he has backed himself into a corner with his demands for $5 billion in funding for a wall…
ACA ruling creates new anxieties for consumers and the health-care industry – The Washington Post
Amy Goldstein December 16 at 7:45 PM The ruling by a federal judge in Texas striking down the Affordable Care Act has injected a powerful wave of uncertainty about recent changes woven into the U.S. health-care system that touch nearly all Americans and the industry that makes up one-sixth of the economy. The opinion, if upheld on appeal, would upend the health insurance industry, the way doctors and hospitals function,…
Russia’s Pro-Trump Disinformation Campaign Used Every Major Social Media Platform – Slate
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Iowa Poll: Republicans back the President, but welcome challengers – CNN
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Authorities finish searching property of missing Colorado woman Kelsey Berreth’s fiancé – NBC News
Authorities searching the Colorado property of a missing woman’s fiancé said Sunday that investigators completed their work without finding Kelsey Berreth. Berreth, 29, vanished on Thanksgiving in what police in Woodland Park, northwest of Colorado Springs, have described as a suspicious disappearance. She was last seen walking into a Safeway grocery store in Woodland Park. Three days later, her cell phone pinged to a location in Idaho, 800 miles away….
Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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A Shutdown Looms. Can the G.O.P. Get Lawmakers to Show Up to Vote? – The New York Times
In the absence of any road map, House leaders shuttered the chamber Thursday for a six-day weekend, putting lawmakers in standby mode and scheduling the next votes for Wednesday evening, two days before the shutdown deadline. (Aides cautioned that the schedule could change.) “No one has any idea what the play call is — we don’t know what’s going on,” said Representative Ryan A. Costello, Republican of Pennsylvania, who, because…
New report on Russian disinformation, prepared for the Senate, shows the operation’s scale and sweep – The Washington Post
Some of the Facebook ads linked to a Russian effort to disrupt the American political process and stir up tensions around divisive social issues. (Jon Elswick/AP) Craig Timberg Tony Romm December 16 at 4:29 PM A report prepared for the Senate that provides the most sweeping analysis yet of Russia’s disinformation campaign around the 2016 election found the operation used every major social media platform to deliver words, images and…
Protests Grip Hungary In Response To Overtime Measure That Critics Call A ‘Slave Law’ – NPR
Demonstrators protesting against recent legislative measures introduced by the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stand outside parliament on Dec. 16, 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. Laszlo Balogh/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Laszlo Balogh/Getty Images Demonstrators protesting against recent legislative measures introduced by the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stand outside parliament on Dec. 16, 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. Laszlo Balogh/Getty Images Updated at 7:33 p.m. ET…
Employees fired for inappropriate pictures in Camp Fire wreckage – KTVZ
KHSL via CNN KHSL via CNN Related Content (CNN) – One picture showed a dead cat with a beer bottle in its mouth. In another, a man is jumping through a burned trampoline. And then there’s the one where two men pretend to go for a drive in the charred remains of a motor home. The photos are among several taken by employees of a crane rental and sales company…
Giuliani indicates conversations with Trump on Trump Tower Moscow occurred later than previously known – CNN
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Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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Obamacare Court Setback Won’t Kill Law – Bloomberg
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Former fossil fuels lobbyist to head interior department as Zinke exits – The Guardian
Ryan Zinke’s exit as interior secretary elevates a former lobbyist to the job, meaning the top two US environmental agencies will now be run by people previously paid by industry. The deputy secretary, David Bernhardt, will take over at least temporarily when Zinke steps down at the end of the year. He also could be in the running to head the department permanently. And at the Environmental Protection Agency, the…
‘Planetary emergency:’ After 30 years, leaders are still fighting about basic truths of climate science – CNN
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Behind the scenes of Trump’s hasty chief of staff pick – NBC News
WASHINGTON — U.S. budget director Mick Mulvaney woke up Friday and headed to the White House expecting to attend a meeting on federal budget issues, according to a source close to him. Instead, by the end of the day, he would — at least temporarily — become President Donald Trump’s third chief of staff. Trump, who had been rebuffed by at least two potential replacements to outgoing chief of staff,…
Will Trump’s vanity shut down the government? – Los Angeles Times
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