World Sports

Nobel Prize in Physics winners ‘forever changed our conceptions of the world’ – CNN

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

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ISIS shock: British jihadis could escape to the UK if Trump allows Turkey to invade –

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Trump’s unexpected decision, which he made after a phone call with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, could allow members to escape and regroup. Labour backbencher Lloyd Russell-Moyle chaired the meeting of the cross-party group which said they were unclear what would happen to the ISIS fighters. There are an estimated 18,000 ISIS fighters and 70,000-plus refugees, which include 60 Britons in northeast Syria. The group of MPs questioned whether “these…

Syrian Kurds see American betrayal and warn fight against ISIS is now in doubt – The Washington Post

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

It remains unclear how extensive the U.S. troop drawdown or a Turkish incursion will be. A small number of U.S. troops pulled out Tuesday from two observation posts on the Turkish border, in the towns of Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain, that were established this year in an effort to create a buffer zone along the border in cooperation with Turkey. From Turkey’s perspective, the U.S. partnership with the Kurds…

The Supreme Court Looks Poised to Outlaw Split Jury Verdicts – Slate

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

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Southwest pilots union sues Boeing, saying it lied about 737 Max – NBC News

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

The union representing pilots for the biggest U.S. customer of Boeing’s 737 Max jets sued the company Monday, accusing it of lying when it said the troubled planes were just as safe as their predecessors. Two Max 737s have crashed in the last year, killing 346 people. After the second crash, in March, aviation authorities and airlines around the world grounded the 737 Max series, taking 387 aircraft out of…

Joshua Brown, Key Witness In Amber Guyger Trial, Found Fatally Shot – NPR

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Joshua Brown answers questions from prosecutors while pointing to a map of the South Side Flats apartment complex during the murder trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger. Ten days after his testimony, Brown was found shot to death. Tom Fox/AP hide caption toggle caption Tom Fox/AP Joshua Brown answers questions from prosecutors while pointing to a map of the South Side Flats apartment complex during the murder trial…

Tax Experts Tell Us What They Want To Know — If The Documents Are Released – NPR

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

President Donald Trump speaks before signing a trade agreement with Japan in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Monday. A temporary stay of decision earlier in the day means he can hold on to his tax records for the time being. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP President Donald Trump speaks before signing a trade agreement with Japan in the Roosevelt Room of the White House…

Former Trump Admin National Security Officials Defend Whistleblower – Newsweek

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Dozens of former national security officials—including several who once served under President Donald Trump—have signed an open letter praising the first whistleblower to come forward in the Trump-Ukraine scandal and demanding their protection. Signed by 90 former national security officials, the letter came as news broke that at least one other whistleblower had come forward in the case, seeking to flag concerns around Trump’s July 25 phone call, in which…

Southwest pilots sue Boeing over 737 Max grounding, say plane maker ‘deliberately mislead’ – USA TODAY

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

CLOSE Boeing Company CEO Dennis Muilenburg is apologizing after two deadly 737 MAX plane crashes. Muilenburg says Boeing has teams of experts “working tirelessly” to prevent anymore accidents. USA TODAY Southwest Airlines’ pilots union is suing Boeing for damages caused by the prolonged grounding of the Boeing 737 Max, saying a steep reduction in flights has cost pilots an estimated $115 million  in compensation. In a 79-page lawsuit filed in Dallas Monday,…

Judge in Amber Guyger murder trial defends hugging her at sentencing – NBC News

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

A Dallas judge said Monday she “would not” and “could not refuse” giving a hug and a Bible to the former police officer she had just sentenced to 10 years behind bars for killing an unarmed neighbor, Botham Jean, in his own apartment. District Judge Tammy Kemp, who is black, has come under fire for the compassion she showed last week to Amber Guyger, who was convicted of second-degree murder….

Man who says he killed 93 women is America’s deadliest serial killer, FBI says – The Guardian

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

The Federal Bureau of Investigation says the man who claims to have killed more than 90 women across the United States is the most prolific serial killer in the country’s history. In a news release on Sunday, the FBI said Samuel Little confessed to 93 murders. Federal crime analysts believe all of his confessions are credible, and officials have been able to verify 50 confessions so far. Samuel Little leaves…

President Trump Doesn’t Need To Release His Tax Returns — For Now – NPR

Monday, October 07, 2019

A federal appeals court has granted President Trump a temporary stay of decision, saying he does not have to turn over eight years of tax records for a New York state criminal probe. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP A federal appeals court has granted President Trump a temporary stay of decision, saying he does not have to turn over eight years of tax records for a New…

Harry Dunn fatal car-motorcycle crash: U.S. diplomat’s wife, suspect in deadly car crash, flees United Kingdom – CBS News

Monday, October 07, 2019

Northamptonshire, Britain — The wife of a U.S. diplomat based in Britain is being accused of using diplomatic immunity to escape justice. She’s a suspect in a fatal accident and she’s fled the country. Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn said they lost more than a child when Harry Dunn was struck head-on by a car while riding his motorcycle. They say they haven’t had a chance to properly grieve after their…

Protesters stage ‘die-in’ at Wall Street bull statue, pour fake blood on it and climb atop it – CNBC

Monday, October 07, 2019

The hard data says the US economy is just fine The so-called hard data, which refers to concrete numbers about the economy such as unemployment, continues to reflect economic strength. Marketsread more

Trump Taxes: President Ordered to Turn Over Returns to Manhattan D.A. – The New York Times

Monday, October 07, 2019

Mr. Trump’s lawyers have called the investigation by Mr. Vance, a Democrat, politically motivated. Mr. Vance has accused the president and his team of trying to run out the clock on the investigation. Last week, lawyers with Mr. Trump’s Justice Department jumped into the fray, asking the judge to temporarily block the subpoena while the court takes time to consider the “significant constitutional issues” in the case. The Justice Department,…

Trump told Republicans he doesn’t want impeachment on his ‘resume’: report | TheHill – The Hill

Monday, October 07, 2019

President TrumpDonald John TrumpWhite House says Turkey will soon launch Syria operation Trump associates pressured Ukraine over gas firm in order to benefit allies: report Trump praises Woodward, slams other journalists over ‘Face the Nation’ segment MORE privately told House Republicans that he is worried about the effect impeachment would have on his legacy, Axios reported Sunday. Trump said impeachment is a “bad thing to have on your resume” in a call…

Live updates: More whistleblowers emerge in Ukraine probe — latest today – CBS News

Monday, October 07, 2019

Defending Trump against impeachment is getting harder for GOP 7:12 a.m. If the House does move to impeach President Trump, it would be up to the Republican-controlled Senate to hold his trial. Just a handful of Republicans have raised concerns over the president’s contacts with foreign leaders, but there does not seem to be a unified defense of the president. Privately, some Republicans say it just isn’t worth it to…

Supreme Court Will Decide On Protections For LGBTQ Employees – NPR

Monday, October 07, 2019

Kathleen O’Donnell, left, with her wife, Casey. Since 2014, the couple has lived in Billings, Mont., where there is no explicit law that protects LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing, employment or public accommodations. Courtesy of Kathleen O’Donnell hide caption toggle caption Courtesy of Kathleen O’Donnell Kathleen O’Donnell, left, with her wife, Casey. Since 2014, the couple has lived in Billings, Mont., where there is no explicit law that protects…

Taxi plows into Hong Kong protesters, man beaten by crowd: reports – New York Post

Monday, October 07, 2019

A taxi plowed into a throng of demonstrators in Hong Kong, as the months of violence in the Chinese city continued Sunday, according to new reports. Chilling video shows the red taxi turning into a crowd of umbrella-wielding demonstrators, mowing several down before crashing into a building, footage posted by Hong Kong Free Press shows. Other images show protesters beating a man unconscious in the confusion. It was unclear if…

Trump told Republicans he doesn’t want impeachment on his ‘resume’: report | TheHill – The Hill

Monday, October 07, 2019

President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump criticizes supposed second whistleblower North Korea missile test raises fears of new capabilities Window narrows for Trump trade deals MORE privately told House Republicans that he is worried about the effect impeachment would have on his legacy, Axios reported Sunday. Trump said impeachment is a “bad thing to have on your resume” in a call with House Republicans, a source on the call told Axios. Two other sources confirmed the…