World Sports
Amber Guyger: ex-officer sentenced as murdered man’s brother urges healing – The Guardian
A jury has sentenced Amber Guyger to 10 years in prison for the murder of Botham Jean, after viewing racist text messages sent by the former Dallas police officer. Prosecutors had symbolically asked for a minimum sentence of 28 years. Jean, who was 26 when he died, would have turned 28 last Sunday. In extraordinary scenes in the courtroom a few minutes after the sentence was handed out, the victim’s…
Report: Mike Pence aide monitored Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine president – USA TODAY
CLOSE Unleashing an unusual show of anger, President Donald Trump railed against former Vice President Joe Biden, his son, the media and the World Trade Organization at a joint press conference in the White House East Room with Finland’s president. (Oct. 2) AP, AP WASHINGTON – An aide to Vice President Mike Pence listened in on the phone call by the president that sparked an impeachment inquiry, the Washington Post reported…
More Protests Erupt in Hong Kong Over Student Shot by Police – The Wall Street Journal
The shooting of an 18-year-old student set off a wave of recriminations in Hong Kong on Wednesday, as protesters vented fresh outrage against the police while others searched for ways to keep the violence from pushing the city into even more dangerous territory. …
Trump rides a roller coaster of grievances, victimhood and braggadocio as Finland’s leader looks on – The Washington Post
Toluse Olorunnipa October 2 at 7:55 PM The rowdy, meandering and combative news conference Wednesday began with President Trump marveling at the media. “Look at all the press that you attract,” he told Finnish President Sauli Niinisto as the two men faced a room of reporters. “Do you believe this? Very impressive.” It ended with Trump excoriating the press as “corrupt people” who undermine U.S. democracy. “If the press were…
‘Just Give Us a Country’: Thousands in Iraq Protest Corruption – The New York Times
After three demonstrators were killed on Tuesday by riot police officers who resorted to live fire, Mr. Mehdi ordered the security forces to refrain from the use of bullets. By nightfall on Wednesday, however, it seemed that some police officers may have ignored his instructions as more people were reported shot. Officials in the prime minister’s office said the government had cut off the internet to hinder the use of…
Live updates: Trump lashes out at impeachment inquiry in fiery news conference – The Washington Post
Earlier Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo acknowledged during a news conference in Rome that he listened in on the call, on which Trump pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former vice president Joe Biden and his son. Current and former U.S. officials also told The Washington Post that Trump involved Vice President Pence in efforts to pressure Zelensky at a time when the president was using other channels…
Amber Guyger sentence: Brother of slain man Botham Jean hugs ex-officer as she is sentenced to 10 years – CBS News
A jury has sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year. Amber Guyger was convicted of murder Tuesday by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean. The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom. But Jean’s younger brother, Brandt Jean, as he addressed Guyger in a victim…
Justice Department tells White House to preserve notes of Trump’s calls with foreign leaders – CNN
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Another bid to cite evidence for impeachment fizzles – New York Post
In a sign that even Trump-haters don’t see strong enough grounds to impeach President Trump, the New York Times on Monday “broke” yet another breathless story meant to bolster the case about his supposed abuse of power. Trump “pressed” Australia’s leader “in a recent telephone call” to help Attorney General William Barr collect info to “discredit” the Mueller probe, the paper said, citing (as usual) unnamed sources. “The president,” it…
Schiff Got Early Account of Accusations as Whistle-Blower’s Concerns Grew – The New York Times
“Like other whistle-blowers have done before and since under Republican and Democratic-controlled committees, the whistle-blower contacted the committee for guidance on how to report possible wrongdoing within the jurisdiction of the intelligence community,” said Patrick Boland, a spokesman for Mr. Schiff. In his whistle-blower complaint, the officer said Mr. Trump pressured the Ukrainian government to investigate a host of issues that could benefit him politically, including one connected to a…
Bernie Sanders cancels campaign events after being hospitalized for blocked artery – live – The Guardian
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, delivered a stern warning to the White House: attempts to “stonewall” the impeachment inquiry “will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice”. “We’re not fooling around here,” Schiff said, speaking at an unusually crowded press conference. Pelosi said Trump’s threats against the whistleblower and officials who spoke with the whistleblower are “dangerous”. The whistleblower…
Multiple dead after WWII B-17 plane crashes, erupts into flames at Bradley Airport – NBC News
A vintage World War II plane crashed shortly after takeoff, erupted into flames and killed people on board Wednesday at Bradley International Airport, just outside of Hartford, Connecticut, authorities said. “There were fatalities,” State Police Commissioner James Rovella told reporters, while not specifying exactly how many were killed. “Victims are very difficult to identify, we don’t want to make a mistake.” Download the NBC News app for breaking news and…
Pompeo says State Department officials will not show up for depositions – CBS News
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the House Intelligence Committee is attempting to “intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.” Politico’s chief Brussels correspondent David Herszenhorn explains how former envoy Kurt Volker is involved in the scandal.
Federal employee warned of ‘possible misconduct’ with IRS audit program – CNN
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Congress awaits information on Ukraine from State Department inspector general – The Washington Post
Live updates: Democrats warns White House ‘we’re not fooling around’ on impeachment inquiry Pompeo on Wednesday confirmed that he listened in on the phone call and reiterated his complaint that the demands by Democrats for interviews with State Department officials amounted to an act of intimidation. “We won’t tolerate folks on Capitol Hill bullying and intimidating State Department employees — that’s unacceptable,” he said during a news conference in Italy….
Some Lines, On the Occasion of Discovering That One of Donald Trump’s Border Plans Was a Moat Filled With Snakes – Slate
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North Korea May Have Taken Step Toward Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile – NPR
People at the Seoul Railway Station watch a newscast showing a file image of a North Korean missile launch. North Korea on Wednesday fired projectiles toward its eastern sea, South Korea’s military said, in an apparent display of its expanding military capabilities ahead of planned nuclear negotiations with the United States this weekend. Ahn Young-joon/AP hide caption toggle caption Ahn Young-joon/AP People at the Seoul Railway Station watch a newscast…
Deadline For Real ID Is One Year Away – NPR
A person opens the door of a Department of Licensing office in Lacey, Wash. Starting Oct. 1, 2020, travelers will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or other accepted form of ID to pass through airport security. Ted S. Warren/AP hide caption toggle caption Ted S. Warren/AP A person opens the door of a Department of Licensing office in Lacey, Wash. Starting Oct. 1, 2020, travelers will need a REAL…
Who Leads Peru? Power Struggle Creates Worst Political Crisis in Decades – The New York Times
To many Peruvians, particularly the young and the left-leaning, Mr. Vizcarra’s move is a chance to wipe the slate clean and finally reform the corrupt political system, which allowed the country’s traditional political parties to divvy up power and economic patronage at the expense of the country’s development for decades. A less vocal section of Peruvians, however, has expressed concern about repeating the mistakes of 1992, when the country last…
Michael Moore says Biden ‘afraid to be out there’ talking about son Hunter and Ukraine – Washington Examiner
Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore said Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden is “afraid” to confront allegations that, while vice president, he may have pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a top prosecutor who was investigating a gas company that employed his lobbyist son Hunter. During an interview Tuesday on MSNBC, Moore was asked about his thoughts on Biden, whom President Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani want to be investigated…