World Sports
China has quietly doubled troop levels in Hong Kong, envoys say –
Significantly, five of the diplomats say, the build-up includes elements of the People’s Armed Police (PAP), a mainland paramilitary anti-riot and internal security force under a separate command from the PLA. While Reuters was unable to determine the size of the PAP contingent, envoys say the bulk of the troops in Hong Kong are from the PLA. PAP forces would be likely to spearhead any crackdown if Beijing decides to intervene,…
Trump demands to meet with whistleblower and accuses Rep. Adam Schiff of treason in Twitter rant – Business Insider
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday night to lash out at Democrats, the whistleblower who lodged a formal complaint against him, and US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. Trump’s tweetstorm comes in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement last week that the House will launch a formal impeachment inquiry, in light of a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. An intelligence…
Trump wanted "compromising" information on Biden, former Ukrainian lawmaker says – CBS News
A former member of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine’s president told CBS News it was a “well-known fact” there that President Donald Trump wanted “compromising” information on former Vice President Joe Biden. Serhiy Leshchenko added that Ukraine’s president knew that U.S. aid to his country was at stake. “I am sure that issue of Biden was forever on the table between Zelensky and Trump,” said Leshchenko. As a…
Man jumps to his death at Grand Canyon Skywalk, officials say – USA TODAY
CLOSE On average, there are more than 128 suicides per day in the United States, attempted by people with and without known mental health conditions. USA TODAY GRAND CANYON WEST, Ariz. – Authorities are trying to find the body of a man who climbed over a safety barrier at the Grand Canyon Skywalk and apparently jumped to his death. They say the 28-year-old visitor to the tourist spot on the Hualapai…
Trump allies pushed Biden-Ukraine allegations at key moments in campaign timeline – NBC News
WASHINGTON — As Joe Biden prepared to launch his 2020 presidential bid last April, members of President Donald Trump’s inner circle began publicly pushing unsubstantiated allegations about the former vice president and Ukraine. The president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Brad Parscale, his 2020 campaign manager, both blasted out links to articles on Twitter within days of each other in early April that painted Biden and his son Hunter…
Montana Governor Steve Bullock declares winter storm emergency as state hit with snowstorm and road closures – CBS News
Montana’s governor declared a “winter storm emergency” tonight after the state was slammed by more than 3 feet of heavy, wet snow. Governor Steve Bullock declared the emergency as storm watches and warnings were posted across the region. This early-occurring winter storm blasted the city of Great Falls with more than a foot of snow in September. The snow has covered streets and made driving difficult. “My recommendation is to…
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani: Biden campaign demands networks stop booking Rudy Giuliani – CBS News
Joe Biden More Biden campaign demands news networks stop booking Giuliani Biden: Congress has “no choice” on impeachment if Trump blocks probe Trump admits he discussed Biden with Ukrainian president Biden says Trump “could be impeached” based on House probe results Biden defends LGBTQ record at Iowa forum More in Joe Biden
Former Trump Homeland Security Adviser “Deeply Disturbed” by Ukraine Call – Slate Magazine
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‘Historic’ winter storm dumps 3 feet of snow, smashes records in West – USA TODAY
CLOSE By 10 a.m. MDT, Teton County, Montana, had already been covered by snow. The snowstorm, which arrived on Sept. 28, hit the area hard earlier that morning. Accuweather One week after summer’s end, a “winter” storm began blasting parts of the West with up to 3 feet of snow, smashing records with low temperatures, heavy snow, strong winds and blizzard conditions forecast into Monday. Snow was piling up across parts…
David Cameron Calls The Brexit Referendum His ‘Greatest Regret’ – NPR
Britain’s former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2016. Frank Augstein/AP hide caption toggle caption Frank Augstein/AP Britain’s former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2016. Frank Augstein/AP With the fraught negotiations over Brexit continuing to embroil British politics, the nation’s former prime minister, David Cameron, says his “greatest regret” is calling for the referendum vote that has divided the country, paralyzed the government and left Britain increasingly at risk of leaving…
Hong Kong’s Status as Neutral Ground at Risk as China Asserts Power – The New York Times
The optimism about Hong Kong’s future was premised on the notion that China had to respect its ways or risk undermining the value of the territory it was reclaiming. Beijing also hoped that Hong Kong’s prosperity would validate China’s mode of governance, in which politics are a distraction to economic progress. The party would govern Hong Kong through a loyal elite, while tapping the territory’s capital markets and professional ranks…
Intelligence panel has deal to hear whistleblower’s testimony – The Washington Post
Those comments come as members of Congress return to their districts for a two-week recess, during which they will either have to make the case for Trump’s impeachment or defend him to voters amid mounting questions about his conduct. In appearances over the weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) offered a preview of the Democratic message, casting the impeachment inquiry as a somber task that she chose to endorse only…
Giuliani says he spoke to Pompeo last week about Ukraine meeting – CNN
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Montana Governor Steve Bullock declares winter storm emergency as state hit with snow storm and road closures – CBS News
Montana’s governor declared a “winter storm emergency” tonight after the state was slammed by more than 3 feet of heavy, wet snow. Governor Steve Bullock declared the emergency as storm watches and warnings were posted across the region. This early-occurring winter storm blasted the city of Great Falls with more than a foot of snow in September. The snow has covered streets and made driving difficult. “My recommendation is to…
Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani – The New York Times
Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidential campaign contacted top television anchors and networks on Sunday to “demand” that Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, be kept off the air because of what they called his misleading comments about the Biden family and Ukraine. “We are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald…
‘Enough’: Trump’s ex-homeland security adviser ‘disturbed,’ ‘frustrated’ by Ukraine allegations, says president must let 2016 go – NBC News
President Donald Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, expressed strong concerns Sunday about the president’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and said if Trump does not give up his fixation on debunked 2016 election allegations, it will “bring him down.” “I’m deeply disturbed by it [the call] as well and this entire mess has me frustrated,” Bossert said on ABC’s “This Week” when asked about a…
Whistleblower reaches agreement to testify, will appear ‘very soon,’ Rep. Adam Schiff says – USA TODAY
CLOSE Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is the face of the impeachment proceedings against Trump. While some Democrats applaud his efforts, Republicans do not. (Sept. 27) AP Domestic WASHINGTON — The whistleblower who filed an anonymous complaint about President Donald Trump asking Ukraine to investigate a political rival has reached an agreement to testify before Congress, Rep. Adam Schiff announced Sunday. Talking with ABC News’ “This Week,” Schiff, the…
Joe Biden faces the Trump fusillade. Are he and his campaign up to it? – The Washington Post
Matt Viser September 29 at 10:39 AM Some of Joe Biden’s supporters are voicing growing concern that his campaign is not prepared to weather the dual political rip currents suddenly reshaping the 2020 race — an onslaught of attacks on his family from President Trump and a tightened contest for the Democratic nomination. Several allies, including top financial backers, are weighing whether to create a super PAC to independently defend…
Major Clashes Erupt in Hong Kong Ahead of China’s National Day – The New York Times
They also set fire to a decorative red sign that celebrated National Day and directed much of their taunting and chanting at the central Chinese government and the Communist Party. Some papered “Anti-ChiNazi” signs on the gates of businesses that they perceived to be pro-Beijing, including Chinese banks. “Expel the Communist Party, free Hong Kong,” the crowd chanted at one point. Jason To, 18, a university student who joined a…
‘Enough’: Trump’s ex-homeland security adviser ‘disturbed,’ ‘frustrated’ by Ukraine allegations, says president must let 2016 go – NBC News
President Donald Trump’s former homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, expressed strong concerns Sunday about the president’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and said if Trump does not give up his fixation on debunked 2016 election allegations, it will “bring him down.” “I’m deeply disturbed by it [the call] as well and this entire mess has me frustrated,” Bossert said on ABC’s “This Week” when asked about a…