World Sports
Boris Johnson condemned as lawmakers receive death threats over Brexit – NBC News
LONDON — Even by the febrile standards of British politics at the moment, Wednesday night reached new levels of division and turmoil. The House of Commons — one of the most venerated democratic institutions in the world — descended into an atmosphere of vitriol and disbelief, as enemies and allies alike condemned language used by Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he continues in his quest to take the United Kingdom…
Carrie Lam Comes Face to Face With Angry Hong Kong Residents at Town Hall – The New York Times
Outside the stadium, hundreds of protesters formed a human chain and chanted slogans asking that Mrs. Lam meet their demands, including an independent investigation into allegations of police abuse and amnesty for the more than 1,500 protesters who have been arrested over the past three months. Mrs. Lam has previously rejected those demands. “This forum is just a political stunt, because our demands have always been clear but she has…
Read the full text of the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower complaint – NBC News
The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released the declassified whistleblower complaint at the center of a standoff between the White House and Congress that led to a formal impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. The complaint, which the administration initially withheld from Congress, was declassified with minimal redactions, and relates to Trump’s July phone call with the president of Ukraine in which he asked his foreign counterpart to look into…
Jacques Chirac, French President Who Opposed U.S. Iraq War, Is Dead At 86 – NPR
Former French President Jacques Chirac, in a 2011 photo. Chirac was a fierce opponent of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. Francois Mori/AP hide caption toggle caption Francois Mori/AP Former French President Jacques Chirac, in a 2011 photo. Chirac was a fierce opponent of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. Francois Mori/AP Jacques René Chirac, a champion of Europe and fierce opponent of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, has died….
No drones, drinking or dissent: China lays down law ahead of 70th anniversary – The Guardian
Kites. Balloons. Pigeons. Drones. Alcohol. The list of things that have been banned in the run up to the 70th anniversary of the founding of China keeps growing. As Beijing seeks to ensure the special day on 1 October goes off without a hint of a hitch, motorists have been told they must not refuel their cars or motorbikes on their own. There must be no use of walkie-talkies and…
Trump is on track for a historic defeat in California – Los Angeles Times
President Trump lost overwhelmingly in California in 2016, and 2020 could be even worse, putting him on track for the poorest showing by a Republican presidential candidate in the state since the Civil War, a new poll finds. Just 29% of likely California voters say they plan to vote for Trump, compared with 67% who say they do not, according to a new UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll,…
Whistleblower complaint, admissions scandal: 5 things to know Thursday – USA TODAY
House panel to question intelligence director about whistleblower The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday will ask the acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, about the complaint that ignited a firestorm around President Donald Trump over communications with Ukraine. A whistleblower filed the complaint Aug. 12 to the inspector general for the intelligence community, Michael Atkinson, who found it credible. But Maguire and the Justice Department initially blocked Atkinson from passing along the complaint…
Trump’s Attempt to Talk His Way Out of Impeachment Backfires – Bloomberg
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IPCC: humans are making oceans hostile to life –
Without the world’s oceans, climate change would actually be much worse. The oceans directly absorb about a quarter of the CO2 we have been spewing into the atmosphere. They also take in most of the heat generated by global warming. And they have been a buffer against even greater warming. But though they protect us, the oceans also are in great distress, as a sweeping new report from the UN’s…
US sanctions on Chinese firms show Iran is still a ‘potential flashpoint’: Eurasia – CNBC
Amazon just released a bunch of new products — here’s a look at… By throwing many ideas into the market and seeing what sticks, Amazon hopes to spread key homegrown technologies, such as Alexa and Sidewalk, a newly announced wireless… Technologyread more
‘Do Us a Favor’: Calls Shows Trump’s Interest in Using U.S. Power for His Gain – The New York Times
Mr. Trump jumped in: “In other words, no pressure.” But critics seized on the conversation as proof that the president violated his oath of office by coercing another world leader into supporting his personal political agenda. The document provided a rare opportunity to review a private conversation between the United States president and another leader. It included a note cautioning that it was “not a verbatim transcript” but was based…
Seven days: Inside Trump’s frenetic response to the whistleblower complaint and the battle over impeachment – The Washington Post
Ashley Parker Josh Dawsey Philip Rucker September 25 at 9:16 PM After news broke that a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was at the center of an explosive whistleblower complaint, Trump was largely undaunted. But many of his senior advisers weren’t nearly as confident, and an internal debate roiled the White House. The notes from his call with the Ukrainian leader showed the conversation was…
Biden probe was condition for Trump-Zelenskiy phone call: Ukrainian adviser – ABC News
When Ukrainians voted to elect comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy as their next president in the spring of 2019, the fledgling administration was eager to coordinate a phone call with Kyiv’s most important benefactor — the United States, according to an adviser to Zelenskiy. But after weeks of discussions with American officials, Ukrainian officials came to recognize a precondition to any executive correspondence, the adviser said. “It was clear that [President Donald]…
Pentagon Letter Undercuts Trump Assertion On Delaying Aid To Ukraine Over Corruption – NPR
President Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Wednesday in New York, where they were attending the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Evan Vucci/AP hide caption toggle caption Evan Vucci/AP President Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Wednesday in New York, where they were attending the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Evan Vucci/AP Earlier this week, President Trump cited concerns about corruption as his rationale for blocking security assistance…
US Attorney John Durham looking into Ukrainian involvement in 2016 election – Washington Examiner
The Justice Department revealed that U.S. Attorney John Durham, picked by Attorney General William Barr to look into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, is investigating whether Ukraine was involved in any 2016 election efforts. “A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump…
Trump Announces Limited Trade Pact With Japan – The New York Times
American farmers welcomed the Japanese trade agreement. Doug Goyings, an Ohio wheat farmer and the chairman of U.S. Wheat Associates, said the deal would lower Japanese tariffs on wheat to the same level paid by producers in Canada and Australia, two countries that signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Japan. “This agreement puts U.S. wheat back on equal footing,” Mr. Goyings said. The new Japan deal is far more limited than…
What “Server” Is Trump Babbling About? – Slate
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Live updates: Pelosi says rough transcript of Trump call with Ukraine’s Zelensky confirms need for impeachment inquiry – The Washington Post
Felicia Sonmez John Wagner September 25 at 3:02 PM President Trump on Wednesday denied that he pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, after the White House released a rough transcript of the July call between the two that Democrats say confirms the need for an impeachment inquiry. At the start of a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in…
Trump Asks Ukraine’s Leader to ‘Do Us a Favor’ and Also Urges Inquiry of Biden – The New York Times
Over the weekend, Mr. Trump publicly acknowledged that he discussed the former vice president with Mr. Zelensky, even as he angrily railed against what he called another “witch hunt” and insisted that his conversation with the Ukrainian president was perfectly appropriate. “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory,” Mr. Trump told reporters on Sunday. “It was largely corruption — all of the corruption taking place. It was largely the fact…
Fox & Friends Host Says Trump Ukraine Transcript Will ‘Raise Eyebrows’ – Newsweek
Fox News host Steve Doocy claimed on Wednesday that, according to his network’s reporting, “there are a few words that will raise eyebrows” in the transcript of President Donald Trump’s Ukraine phone call, which is set to be released on Wednesday. Doocy made the comment on the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends as he and his co-hosts interviewed GOP Representative Doug Collins of Georgia. “According to Fox News…