World Sports

Scott Williams: Death of Cokie Roberts is a loss to journalism, and to us all – Salt Lake Tribune

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Contemporary Washington and a modern news business often driven by technology rather than judgment doesn’t have a modern version of Cokie Roberts in its midst, and that is a loss to us all. She saw her fellow citizens with responsibilities of power as who they are, flawed, fragile, ambitious, dedicated human beings trying to drive the nation forward because, well, its our country, and citizens have to drive it. That…

Corey Lewandowski testifies: Live updates – CNN

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP/Getty Images In an exchange with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), Corey Lewandowski denied feeling “squeamish” about delivering President Trump’s message to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He said he instead took his children to the beach around the time he was being asked to deliver it. Lewandowski also denied Johnson’s assertion Trump “hounded” him about getting the message to Sessions, but he seemed to slip up when he said Trump…

Hard-Liners in Iran See No Drawback to Bellicose Strategy – The New York Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

At the same time, Western officials have concluded, Iran began to demonstrate that it can threaten global oil markets, forcing others to share its economic pain. In addition to the attacks on tankers, which American officials say Iranian forces carried out with naval mines, Iran has also seized a few ships, including a British-flagged oil tanker that was taken in an apparent retaliation for the capture of an Iranian tanker…

Cokie Roberts, Longtime Washington Broadcaster, Dies at 75 – NPR

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cokie Roberts was one of NPR’s most recognizable voices and is considered one of a handful of pioneering female journalists who helped shape the public broadcaster’s sound and culture. She died Tuesday. Ariel Zambelich/NPR hide caption toggle caption Ariel Zambelich/NPR Cokie Roberts was one of NPR’s most recognizable voices and is considered one of a handful of pioneering female journalists who helped shape the public broadcaster’s sound and culture. She…

Christine Blasey Ford’s friend now says she’s skeptical of Kavanaugh accusation – New York Post

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A high school friend of Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford said she’s skeptical of Ford’s accusing the Supreme Court justice of sexually assaulting her during a party in the 1980s. “I don’t have any confidence in the story,” Leland Keyser told two New York Times reporters in their book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.” “Those facts together I don’t recollect, and it just didn’t make any sense,”…

Protesters await Trump as he arrives in California after bashing state for homeless crisis – Los Angeles Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

President Trump arrived in California late Tuesday morning amid growing questions over his administration’s plans to get involved in the state’s homeless crisis. Trump is in the state for a two-day visit, with stops for fundraising in Palo Alto, Beverly Hills and San Diego. The fundraisers are expected to bring in $15 million and will benefit Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee comprised of the Trump campaign and the Republican…

Trump cringingly courts Latino vote: “Who do you like more: the country or the Hispanics?” – Slate

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

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Judge Napolitano says Brett Kavanaugh ‘may actually have a case’ for suing The New York Times – Fox News

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Video Judge Napolitano says Brett Kavanaugh ‘may actually have a case’ for suing New York Times Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh could have a libel case to bring against The New York Times over a now-revised article that suggested fresh allegations of sexual assault, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday. Responding on “Fox & Friends,” the Fox News senior judicial analyst acknowledged, however, that Kavanaugh would be highly unlikely to open a Pandora’s Box by…

Israelis Go To Polls As Netanyahu Aims To Hold Power Amid Corruption Scandals – NPR

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah cast their votes at a voting station in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Heidi Levine/AP hide caption toggle caption Heidi Levine/AP Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah cast their votes at a voting station in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Heidi Levine/AP Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party are facing voters for the second time in just five months…

Boy killed on San Francisco Bay boating trip, wealthy Mexican developer arrested – USA TODAY

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CLOSE Tiburon police chief Mike Cronin answers a reporter’s question as Fire Chief Richard Pearce stands to the side during a news conference about a man on manslaughter charges at the police station in Tiburon, Calif., Monday, Sept. 16, 2019. (Photo: Alan Dep, AP) A member of a wealthy Mexican family was arrested on manslaughter charges after his 11-year-old son was killed during a boating trip in the San Francisco Bay, police say….

Supreme Court: Parliament suspended ‘to stop MPs frustrating PM’, judges told – BBC News

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Media captionLIVE: Supreme Court prorogation hearing Boris Johnson sought to suspend Parliament to avoid the risk of MPs “frustrating or damaging” his Brexit plans, the Supreme Court has heard. Lawyers for campaigners challenging the suspension said there was “strong evidence” the PM saw MPs “as an obstacle” and wanted to “silence” them. But a government lawyer said the PM was “entitled” to suspend Parliament, and it was not a matter…

NYT reporters behind Kavanaugh story suggest key information was removed by editors – Fox News

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Video New York Times revises story on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh An editor’s note corrects a glaring omission in the accusation against Brett Kavanaugh that touched off a political firestorm; Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz reports. The New York Times reporters behind the controversial piece on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh claimed Monday night that key details missing from the sexual misconduct allegation may have been removed from the…

Source: New York Prosecutors Subpoena Trump’s Tax Returns –

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

NEW YORK (AP) — New York City prosecutors have subpoenaed President Donald Trump’s tax returns, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office recently sent a subpoena to Trump’s accounting firm seeking the last eight years of state and federal tax returns for Trump and his company, the Trump Organization, according to the person, who was not authorized to speak publicly…

Man Arrested After Son’s Tragic Boating Death Is Wealthy Mexican Property Developer – CBS San Francisco

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

TIBURON (CBS SF/AP) — An 11-year-old Tiburon boy died, his brother was injured and his father arrested on manslaughter charges in a boating mishap near Angel Island on Sunday, authorities said. Property records show that the father is a member of one of the richest and most powerful families in Mexico. Tiburon Police said they arrested 57-year-old Javier Burillo, of Belvedere, Sunday on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter with a vessel,…

Warren, in NYC rally, casts campaign as successor to other women-led movements – POLITICO

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. | Jessica Hill/AP Photo 2020 elections By SALLY GOLDENBERG and ALEX THOMPSON 09/16/2019 10:54 PM EDT Updated 09/16/2019 11:37 PM EDT 2019-09-16T11:37-0400 NEW YORK — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, in a speech that drew thousands of supporters to a historic site in Lower Manhattan, on Monday made one of her most explicit appeals to female voters since announcing her bid for the White House. In Washington…

How Hong Kong Protesters Evade Surveillance With Tech | WSJ – Wall Street Journal

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Protesters in Hong Kong fear they are being monitored by the local government and potentially by China, a country at the cutting edge of mass surveillance. So demonstrators have developed hacks to avoid arrest and hide their digital tracks. Photo composite: Sharon Shi More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit http://www.wsj.comVisit the WSJ Video Center: On Facebook: Twitter: Snapchat: #WSJ #HongKong #HKProtests

Trump’s Deference to Saudis in Setting Terms for How U.S. Should Respond to Attacks Touches a Nerve – The New York Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“If the President wants to use military force, he needs Congress, not the Saudi royal family, to authorize it,” Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island, the chairman of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, wrote on Twitter. Heather Hurlburt, a national security official under President Bill Clinton who is now at New America, a Washington-based research organization, said it would be perfectly normal for a president to consult an ally…

New York Times’ botched Kavanaugh story the latest in series of blunders from Opinion section – CNN

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

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Manhattan DA subpoenas Trump tax returns – Fox News

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Video Manhattan district attorney subpoenas Trump tax returns Looking into payments made to Stormy Daniels; John Roberts has the details. NEW YORK CITY – Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office has subpoenaed tax returns belonging to President Trump and the Trump Organization through their accounting firm, Fox News confirmed Monday. Jennifer Farrington, the chief marketing officer for the accounting firm Mazars USA, which has represented both Trump and the Trump Organization, told Fox…

Eugene Robinson: Trump administration is more ‘Game of Thrones’ than ‘West Wing’ – Salt Lake Tribune

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Even if voters hand control of the Senate to Democrats, McConnell will still be able to use the Senate’s rules to delay, deflect and disrupt. In that eventuality, would the next president push Senate leaders to get rid of the filibuster? And if the Republicans retain Senate control, which is a very real possibility, do the Democratic candidates have ideas for going over, under, around or through McConnell to make…