World Sports
Trump’s controversies show his presidency is really all about himself – CNN
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How Trump’s Plan to Secretly Meet With the Taliban Came Together, and Fell Apart – The New York Times
Almost a Done Deal For Mr. Trump, ending the war in Afghanistan has been a focus since taking office, a signature accomplishment that could help him win re-election next year. For nearly a year, Mr. Khalilzad, a former ambassador to Afghanistan, has engaged in talks with the Taliban to make that happen. In recent weeks, it had been increasingly clear that the United States and the Taliban, after nine rounds…
Authorities serve search warrants on the owner of the California dive boat that burned last week – CNN
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Cargo Ship Overturns Off Georgia Coast – NPR
Coast Guard crews and port partners respond to an overturned cargo vessel with a fire on board Sunday, in St. Simons Sound, Ga. U.S. Coast Guard Handout/AP hide caption toggle caption U.S. Coast Guard Handout/AP Coast Guard crews and port partners respond to an overturned cargo vessel with a fire on board Sunday, in St. Simons Sound, Ga. U.S. Coast Guard Handout/AP Rescue crews are searching for four crew members…
In pictures: The destructive path of Hurricane Dorian – Al Jazeera America
Hurricane Dorian first appeared in the Atlantic on August 26 and islands in the eastern Caribbean went on alert as the storm strengthened. Barbados and St Lucia were the first impacted by the Category 1 hurricane. Dorian then entered the Caribbean and set its sights on Puerto Rico. But it was eventually the US Virgin Islands that were hit by the storm. After moving north, Dorian…
Hong Kong protesters waving US flags appeal to Trump to ‘liberate’ their city – CNBC
Job growth falls short of expectations as August payrolls rise… The increase fell short of Wall Street estimates for 150,000, while the unemployment rate stayed at 3.7%, as expected. Jobsread more
Dazed and weary, Hurricane Dorian refugees descend on Bahamas capital of Nassau – USA TODAY
CLOSE Search and rescue teams are still trying to reach some Bahamian communities isolated by floodwaters and debris after Hurricane Dorian, while the official death toll has risen to 43 and is likely to increase even more, top officials said. (Sept. 7) AP NASSAU, Bahamas – They straggle through the door in small groups, uncertainty written across their faces. A green or yellow band wraps around each person’s wrist. Green…
Pompeo defends plan to host Taliban leaders at Camp David – NBC News
Hours after President Donald Trump called off a secret meeting between the U.S., Afghan leaders, and the Taliban at Camp David, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday defended the decision to invite Taliban leaders to the U.S. in the first place. During an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd pressed Pompeo on whether “it was appropriate to have the Taliban set foot on Camp David” given…
Trump Tweets Bizarre Cat Video Apparently Mocking CNN for Sharpiegate Coverage – Slate
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US still interested in Taliban peace deal, Pompeo says – CNN
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China’s exports to US fell 16% in August as Trump escalates trade war – CNBC
China’s exports unexpectedly fell in August as shipments to the United States slowed sharply, pointing to further weakness in the world’s second-largest economy and underlining a pressing need for more stimulus as the Sino-U.S. trade war escalates. Beijing is widely expected to announce more support measures in coming weeks to avert the risk of a sharper economic slowdown as the United States ratchets up trade pressure, including the first cuts…
What a multi-million dollar ‘bribe’ for oil supertanker says about Trump’s Iran policy – USA TODAY
CLOSE The U.S. has unsealed a warrant to seize an Iranian oil tanker detained in Gibraltar. Buzz60 WASHINGTON – The Trump administration has used diplomatic pressure, legal action, economic sanctions – and even cold, hard cash – to try to get its hands on a hulking Iranian oil tanker that has been spinning its way around Africa and the Middle East for months. The extraordinary effort to seize the vessel…
Hong Kong protesters sing ‘Star-Spangled Banner,’ call on Trump to ‘liberate’ the city – The Washington Post
HONG KONG — Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to Hong Kong streets on Sunday and marched to the U.S. Consulate, urging American lawmakers to pass legislation in support of the territory’s democratic aspirations. The police-sanctioned rally and march through the city center had some of the trappings of a Fourth of July parade, as protesters waved American flags and played the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Demonstrators carried red, white and blue…
Air Force acknowledges crew stayed at Trump resort during refueling but says it was ‘not unusual’ – CNN
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Sunday shows preview: Pompeo faces questions amid Trump announcement of cancelled Taliban meeting | TheHill – The Hill
President TrumpDonald John TrumpWashington Post editor fires back after Trump attack on reporters Democrats ignore Asian American and Pacific Islander voters at their peril Gorsuch: Americans should remember political opponents ‘love this country as much as we do’ MORE‘s top diplomat was set to make the rounds on the Sunday news shows just hours after the president revealed that he had canceled the meeting between top Taliban leadership and Afghanistan’s…
Frank Bruni: Republicans are dropping like flies – Salt Lake Tribune
In the cause of figuring out whether, in November 2020, Trump will be rewarded with a second term, many numbers and dynamics get tossed around: the unemployment figures, the Dow Jones, the trade war, the advantages of incumbency, the peculiarities of the Electoral College and Trump’s approval ratings, consistently low but not entirely static.
Brexit: U.K. cabinet member Amber Rudd resigns over Boris Johnson government’s handling of Brexit – CBS News
Embattled British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a new blow Saturday when a Cabinet minister resigned, saying she did not believe Johnson was sincere about getting a Brexit deal with the European Union. Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd said in a letter to the prime minister that she was resigning because “I no longer believe leaving with a deal is the government’s main objective.” Rudd also slammed Johnson’s expulsion…
Protesters Besiege Central Hong Kong After Rally Near U.S. Consulate – The New York Times
Months of protests have taken a toll on the economy of Hong Kong, a major international banking hub, and some residents fear that the American bill would further damage the city’s financial well-being. Brian Chan, 23, an engineer who joined the march, said he was not worried about the effect the legislation might have on the Hong Kong economy. “Freedom and democracy is more important than economics,” Mr. Chan said….
Kamala Harris apologizes amid criticism of her response to a questioner’s offensive remark about Trump – CNN
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Trump Says He Called Off Secret Talks At Camp David With Taliban, Afghan Leaders – NPR
President Trump speaks in the Roosevelt Room on Sept. 4. He says he called off talks at Camp David between the Taliban and Afghan leaders. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images President Trump speaks in the Roosevelt Room on Sept. 4. He says he called off talks at Camp David between the Taliban and Afghan leaders. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Updated at 2:33 a.m. ET Sunday President…