World Sports
The Tragedy Behind The Death of Former Billionaire V.G. Siddhartha, India’s Coffee King – Forbes
As a young man, V.G. Siddhartha struggled to find the right path for himself. Perhaps the armed forces? No, no—a failed entrance exam to India’s National Defense Academy put the kibosh on that idea. What about community activism? “I was impressed by the philosophies of Karl Marx,” Siddhartha recalled a few years ago, “and really thought I would become a communist leader.” After graduating from St. Aloysius College in southern…
How you know Tulsi Gabbard really got under Kamala Harris’ skin – CNN
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The Eating Of The Bulls: From The Spanish Fighting Ring To The Plate – NPR
Spanish matador Alberto Lopez Simon makes a pass on a bull at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas bullring in Madrid. The restaurant Casa Toribio, located just down the street, keeps the meat from from bulls killed in bullfighting on its menu all year long. Alberto Simon/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Alberto Simon/AFP/Getty Images Spanish matador Alberto Lopez Simon makes a pass on a bull at the Plaza…
5 takeaways from the second night of the Democratic presidential debate – CNN
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Health care, Flint water crisis in spotlight at Detroit Democratic debate – CBS News
Health care was a major focus and a point of contention during the first night of the Democratic presidential debates in Detroit. Several candidates also weighed in on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Kathleen Gray, a political reporter for the Detroit Free Press, joined CBSN from Detroit to discuss. Subscribe to the CBS News Channel HERE: CBSN live HERE: CBS News on Instagram HERE: CBS News…
Winners and losers from the second night of the CNN debate – CNN
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Trevor Noah Rips CNN’s “Long Fight-Night Promo” Ahead Of Democratic Debate – Deadline
Trevor Noah took a humorous jab at CNN in his take on Tuesday night’s Democratic debate in his The Daily Show open. “Instead of jumping straight into the debates, CNN started with a long fight-night promo, and then an endless stream of all the Democratic candidates shaking hands with each other which took forEVER because there are like 50 people on the stage, and secondly because Marianne Williamson insisted on…
What Protesters at Wednesday’s Debate Were Yelling at de Blasio, Booker, and Biden – Slate
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Son Of Osama Bin Laden Is Dead, Media Reports Say – NPR
Hamza bin Laden, the son of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, is shown at his wedding in a video image released by the CIA in November 2017. AP hide caption toggle caption AP Hamza bin Laden, the son of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, is shown at his wedding in a video image released by the CIA in November 2017. AP Hamza bin Laden, the son of the late al-Qaida…
CNN’s Democratic debate, night 2 – CNN
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Tulsi Gabbard is a “goofy-footed” surfer, which means she surfs with her right foot forward (most people surf with their left foot forward, or “regular” stance). Gabbard, who was elected in 2012 to Congress, brings her experience as an Iraq War veteran to the presidential campaign and has staked out a distinctly anti-interventionist position on foreign policy. She sat on the Honolulu City Council and served in…
Ben Carson Compares Baltimore To Cancer Patient, Building On Trump Assault On Ci – NPR
HUD Secretary Ben Carson speaks during a news conference after touring a housing development in Baltimore. Julio Cortez/AP hide caption toggle caption Julio Cortez/AP HUD Secretary Ben Carson speaks during a news conference after touring a housing development in Baltimore. Julio Cortez/AP Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson made a visit to Baltimore on Wednesday and renewed his defense of President Trump’s disparaging comments about the city, and reiterated…
Jeffrey Epstein Hoped to Seed Human Race With His DNA – The New York Times
In 2004, Mr. Brockman hosted a dinner at the Indian Summer restaurant in Monterey, Calif., where Mr. Epstein was introduced to scientists, including Seth Lloyd, the M.I.T. physicist. Mr. Lloyd said that he found Mr. Epstein to be “charming” and to have “interesting ideas,” although they “turned out to be quite vague.” Also at the Indian Summer dinner, according to an account on the website of Mr. Brockman’s Edge Foundation,…
US imposes sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif –
The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said on its website. The Treasury Department said it was imposing sanctions on Zarif for acting on behalf of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “Javad Zarif implements the reckless agenda of Iran’s Supreme Leader, and is the regime’s primary spokesperson around the world,” Treasury…
Iran mocks Pompeo’s offers to visit – POLITICO
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a key architect of the president’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran that uses sanctions and other tools to crack down on Tehran. | Mark Wilson/Getty Images Foreign Policy ‘Instead of making empty and disingenuous offers, @SecPompeo can accept any of the many requests from Iranian reporters to interview US officials,’ the Iranian foreign minister tweeted. By NAHAL TOOSI 07/31/2019 01:52 PM EDT Updated 07/31/2019…
6 things to watch on night two of CNN’s Democratic presidential debate in Detroit – CNN
Your guide to where the 2020 Democrats stand on the issues 20 things you didn’t know about the Democratic candidates debating this week Analysis: These 4 questions may determine how Democrats go from 2 dozen candidates to 1 As Democrats debate in nearby Detroit, a deep-seated distrust remains in Flint Democratic voters from Michigan weigh in on 2020 field ahead of CNN debate
Marianne Williamson warns of ‘dark psychic force’ of Trump in viral debate moment – Fox News
Video Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson compares immigration raids to Nazi Germany Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz reacts to controversial comments from the 2020 candidate and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on ‘The Story.’ Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson warned fellow Democrats at Tuesday night’s debate in Detroit about the “dark psychic force” of the Trump administration. The self-help author cautioned the other candidates that “wonkiness” would not stop the “collectivized hatred” of the president…
Extremist material was found in a home used by the Gilroy festival shooter, source says – CNN
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Trump says his retweets can be ‘a problem,’ after another promoted conspiracy account is suspended – The Washington Post
President Trump talks to journalists after returning to the White House on Tuesday. (Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images) Timothy Bella July 31 at 5:43 AM The colorful graphic that caught President Trump’s eye declared “DEMOCRATS ARE THE TRUE ENEMIES OF AMERICA!,” earning the Twitter account that posted it a retweet on Tuesday afternoon to the president’s 62.5 million followers. But the account, belonging to a user with the name “LYNN THOMAS,” generally…
In Baltimore, Ben Carson defends Trump’s harsh depiction of the city – The Washington Post
Ovetta Wiggins July 31 at 11:55 AM This is a developing story. It has been updated. BALTIMORE — U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson traveled here Wednesday to defend President Trump’s harsh depiction of the city, saying, “There are problems in Baltimore, and you can’t sweep them under the rug.” Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon who has a long history at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, said the city…
7 takeaways from the Democratic debate’s first night – CNN
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