World Sports

Iran CIA arrests: Iran claims it’s nabbed 17 spies working for CIA and sentenced some to death today — live updates – CBS News

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tehran, Iran — Iran said Monday it has arrested 17 Iranian nationals allegedly recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to spy on the country’s nuclear and military sites, and that some have already been sentenced to death. The arrests took place in the Iranian calendar year ending in March 2019 and those taken into custody worked on “sensitive sites” in the country’s military and nuclear facilities, an Iranian intelligence official…

Robert Mueller Hearings: DC At Crossroads. What Path Will It Take? – NPR

Monday, July 22, 2019

Robert Mueller leaves in May after speaking about the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Robert Mueller leaves in May after speaking about the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Robert Mueller’s appearance in Congress this week will be a hinge moment — the question is which…

Trump unleashes invective on ‘Squad,’ slams news report – AOL

Monday, July 22, 2019

President Donald Trump on Sunday again ripped into four freshmen Democratic congresswomen who’ve been the target of his sustained attacks, calling them “weak” and “insecure” minutes after blasting a Washington Post story on the fallout over his initial comments about the members a week earlier. “I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country,” Trump tweeted. “They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful)…

Oil prices surge 2% as Iran tensions rise – CNN

Monday, July 22, 2019

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Byron York: Democrats think they’ve got a slam-dunk obstruction case against Trump. They don’t. – Washington Examiner

Monday, July 22, 2019

On Wednesday, House Democrats will have a chance to breathe life into the Mueller report. Relatively few Americans have read the 448-page document in which special counsel Robert Mueller concluded the evidence did not establish that the Trump campaign and Russia engaged in a conspiracy or coordination to fix the 2016 election, and also declined to conclude whether or not President Trump obstructed justice. Democrats know the report has failed…

Defying Protests, Gov. Ricardo Rosselló of Puerto Rico Says He Will Stay On – The New York Times

Monday, July 22, 2019

“Other issues still pending will also be attended to,” he added. But other high-profile members of Mr. Rosselló’s party, including Representative Jenniffer González-Colón, the island’s nonvoting resident commissioner in Congress, have already called for the governor to resign. In an open letter on Friday, Ms. González-Colón argued that a governor who had lost credibility could not remain in office while so much federal money for Medicaid and for the recovery…

Illinois GOP group deletes post depicting Democratic congresswomen as ‘The Jihad Squad’ – NBC News

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Republican political organization in Illinois semi-apologized on Sunday for posting and then deleting a movie-style poster on Facebook depicting four Democratic congresswomen who have been criticized by President Donald Trump as “The Jihad Squad.” The poster, which was uploaded to the account of the Republican County Chairmen’s Association of Illinois, mimics promotional movie posters, this one called “The Jihad Squad.” The four Democratic congresswomen — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New…

Robert Morgenthau, Longtime Manhattan District Attorney, Dies at 99 – The New York Times

Monday, July 22, 2019

But the case was reopened by District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. in 2012, and Pedro Hernandez, a former bodega stock clerk who confessed to luring Etan into a basement and attacking him, was found guilty in 2017 of kidnapping and murdering the boy. Mr. Hernandez, 56, who had lived in New Jersey for years, was traced through a tip from his brother-in-law. He was sentenced to 25 years to…

In Ukraine Snap Elections, New President Aims to Consolidate Power – The New York Times

Monday, July 22, 2019

According to most recent polls, Mr. Zelensky’s party, called Servant of the People, is polling at around 50 percent, putting it in a good position to win enough seats to form a government. If the party — named after the television comedy in which Mr. Zelensky played a teacher who unexpectedly becomes president — fails to win a majority, then it would probably look to form a coalition government. The…

Byron York: Democrats think they’ve got a slam-dunk obstruction case against Trump. They don’t. – Washington Examiner

Monday, July 22, 2019

On Wednesday, House Democrats will have a chance to breathe life into the Mueller report. Relatively few Americans have read the 448-page document in which special counsel Robert Mueller concluded the evidence did not establish that the Trump campaign and Russia engaged in a conspiracy or coordination to fix the 2016 election, and also declined to conclude whether or not President Trump obstructed justice. Democrats know the report has failed…

Video shows Venezuelan fighter jet ‘aggressively shadowed’ U.S. aircraft, Pentagon says –

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Venezuelan fighter jet “aggressively shadowed” an American reconnaissance aircraft flying over the Caribbean last week, military officials said Sunday. The Russian-made SU-30 Flanker approached the U.S. Navy EP-3 Aries II on Friday at an “unsafe distance” and in an “unprofessional manner” while the aircraft was flying in approved international airspace, the United States Southern Command said in a statement. U.S. Southern Command said it made that determination after reviewing…

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello Steps Down As Party President Amid Protests – NPR

Monday, July 22, 2019

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello announced Sunday that he will no longer seek reelection in 2020. Alex Wong/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Alex Wong/Getty Images Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello announced Sunday that he will no longer seek reelection in 2020. Alex Wong/Getty Images Updated at 9:05 p.m. ET Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló announced Sunday that he will not seek reelection in 2020. The announcement follows days of…

Listen to Tense Exchange Between Iranian Forces, British Navy Before Oil Tanker Was Seized – Slate Magazine

Monday, July 22, 2019

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Fox News host Chris Wallace tells Stephen Miller: ‘No question’ Trump is ‘stoking racial divisions’ – USA TODAY

Monday, July 22, 2019

CLOSE “Send her back” chants erupted at a Trump rally as the president criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar for her “contempt” for the “hard-working Americans.” Storyful White House adviser Stephen Miller on Sunday pushed back against those who believe President Donald Trump is a racist or is engaging in racist rhetoric, arguing the liberals use that label to censor their opponents.  “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace listed several of Trump’s…

AOC says Trump’s policies are about “ethnicity and racism” – CBS Evening News

Sunday, July 21, 2019

President Trump is doubling down on his defense of his supporters chanting “send her back ” in reference to U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. She promised to become Mr. Trump’s “nightmare” and on Saturday, another member of “The Squad” spoke out. Ben Tracy reports. Subscribe to the “CBS Evening News” Channel HERE: Full Episodes of the “CBS Evening News” HERE: the latest installment of “On the Road,”…

Watch Fox’s Wallace Challenge Stephen Miller on “Send Her Back” Chant – Slate Magazine

Sunday, July 21, 2019

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Audio captures dramatic moments before Iran seizes British tanker – New York Post

Sunday, July 21, 2019

​An audio recording released Sunday captured the dramatic moments as a British naval officer warned Iranian military forces against seizing a UK-flagged oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, an incident that further roiled ​tense relations between Europe, the US and the Islamic Republic. An officer with Iranian Revolutionary Guard told the Stena Impero tanker that “If you obey, you’ll be safe” and demanded it change course​ last Friday​, according…

‘Very substantial evidence’ Trump is ‘guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors,’ House Judiciary Chair says – CNN

Sunday, July 21, 2019

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US military says Venezuela fighter jet made an ‘unsafe’ approach to US aircraft – CNN

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what’s happening in the world as it unfolds.