World Sports

Pelosi suggests Normandy fence for the border, but not a wall – Washington Examiner

Friday, February 01, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she could support a border security deal that adds new Normandy fencing along about 30 miles of open border. But she won’t bring a bill to the floor that includes Trump’s vision for a wall or steel-slat barrier, she said. “There is not going to be any wall money in the legislation,” Pelosi told reporters Thursday. Pelosi controls the House floor, and her approval…

Trump touts report Don Jr. did not call him about Trump Tower meeting – POLITICO

Friday, February 01, 2019

Both President Donald Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. praised a CNN report that seemed to put to rest a possible line of inquiry in the ongoing investigations into Russian interfence in the 2016 election. | Mark Wilson/Getty Images White House By BRENT D. GRIFFITHS 01/31/2019 11:32 PM EST President Donald Trump welcomed a report Thursday that said his son, Donald Trump Jr., did not talk with him on…

Trump applauds Kamala Harris’ 2020 campaign launch, calls it the ‘best opening so far’ – Business Insider

Friday, February 01, 2019

President Donald Trump applauded Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris‘ presidential campaign launch, describing it as “the best opening so far” in the 2020 primary race. Trump made the remarks during an interview with The New York Times published on Thursday night, saying Harris has “a better crowd, better enthusiasm.” The president, who spent the latter part of his career in show businesses before landing at the White House, homed in particularly…

Here’s what the polar vortex looks like from NASA’s heat-mapping satellite – BGR

Friday, February 01, 2019

You don’t have to live in the U.S. Midwest to have heard about the polar vortex, but if you do you’ve no doubt felt its effects. Frigid temperatures are swallowing up many states thanks to a mass of arctic air making its way much farther south than it normally does, and NASA caught a glimpse of it using one of its trusty satellites. The Aqua satellite, launched way back in…

Polar vortex: death toll rises but weather begins to warm – The Guardian

Friday, February 01, 2019

Dangerously cold weather continued to shatter records across the midwest on Thursday, as the polar vortex kept schools, businesses and government offices closed, and hospitals busy. Reports of deaths linked to the weather system steadily rose on Thursday and authorities continued to investigate.At least 21 have died across the country, according to Reuters. Hospitals have reported hundreds of cold-related cases. Chicago shattered all-time low temperatures Thursday morning, earning it the…

Republicans Seize on Late-Term Abortion as a Potent 2020 Issue – The New York Times

Friday, February 01, 2019

“You’re going to see articles written and speeches, and our affiliates around the country are going to take it up,” Ms. Tobias added. She singled out a video clip of the Virginia lawmaker, Kathy Tran, earlier this week acknowledging that her bill would allow, in certain circumstances, for a woman to request an abortion when she was about to give birth. Ms. Tran later clarified that she “misspoke” and that…

Trump pushed incoherent talking points about the border wall –

Friday, February 01, 2019

President Donald Trump wants you to believe his administration is already building a wall along the southern border, even if Congress refuses to give him any money for it. But he’s also demanding Congress give him money so he can build the wall. Trump pushed these incoherent talking points repeatedly throughout the day on Thursday. But the president never bothered trying to explain why the wall is worth another government…

Senate Republicans Rebuke President On Syria And Afghanistan Policy – NPR

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell led the effort to pass an amendment maintaining support for keeping U.S. troops in Syria and Afghanistan to fight ISIS and al-Qaida. Drew Angerer/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Drew Angerer/Getty Images Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell led the effort to pass an amendment maintaining support for keeping U.S. troops in Syria and Afghanistan to fight ISIS and al-Qaida. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Republicans have had…

The chances of Donald Trump declaring a national emergency at the border just went way up – CNN

Thursday, January 31, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

McConnell criticizes House proposal to make Election Day a federal holiday – CNN

Thursday, January 31, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

Polar Vortex Updates: Bitter Cold Weather Spreads East – The New York Times

Thursday, January 31, 2019

CHICAGO — A bitter, biting cold landed on the Midwest, and then it stayed. As the middle of the nation awoke on Thursday, the deep freeze seemed to have settled in for a long, unwanted visit, disrupting life across an entire region for much of a week, contributing to deaths and injuries, and leaving residents impatient to emerge from their homes and get back to normal. The grim temperatures and…

Iowa Student Among 8 Deaths Linked to Polar Vortex – Newser

Thursday, January 31, 2019

“)}catch(n){c.ConsoleLog(n)}var h=null;”Mac OS”!{c._Top.document.hasFocus()&&(clearInterval(h),b._focusAchieved(d))},20));this._handle=this._createObject(this._showPdf);c._Top.addEventListener(“focus”,function(){“Mac OS”!;b._focusAchieved(d)});setTimeout(function(){“Mac OS”!;b._focusAchieved(d)},3E3)},init:function(a){try{if(navigator.mimeTypes[“application/pdf”]){var f=this,c=this._guid=b;if(c.IsFastPop&&!c.AbortFastPop){var d=c.InfinityHost,e=encodeURIComponent((new Date).getTimezoneOffset()),h=encodeURIComponent(c._Top.document.referrer),n=encodeURIComponent(c._Top.window.location.href),l=encodeURIComponent(this._randomString);c.PopMediaUrl=d+(c.IsAdblockRequest?”/fp.rb?”:”/fp.engine?”)+”id=”+c.Guid+”&rand=”+l+”&ver=”+c.Version+”&time=”+e+”&referrerUrl=”+h+”&subId=”+(0 Trending News US World Science Crime Politics Great Finds Entertainment More   …

President Trump says Republicans ‘wasting their time’ on border security talks – USA TODAY

Thursday, January 31, 2019

CLOSE Democrats offered to boost spending and flashed signs of flexibility as congressional talks began Wednesday aimed at resolving the standoff with President Donald Trump over border security. (Jan. 30) AP WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump expressed skepticism Thursday that a congressional committee will agree to his demands for a border wall, raising the specters of another government shutdown or an “emergency declaration” sure to be challenged in court. Tweeting that “Republicans…

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis may have hefty legal bill in gay marriage case –

Thursday, January 31, 2019

As a candidate for governor in 2015, Matt Bevin said he “absolutely supported” a Kentucky county clerk who stopped issuing marriage licenses because of her opposition to gay marriage. But four years later, after a court ordered Kentucky taxpayers to pay more than $222,000 in legal fees for the gay and straight couples who sued, outside lawyers for now Gov. Bevin say former Rowan County clerk Kim Davis broke the…

Relief coming for blast-chilled Midwest, but not until after another record-low day –

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The harsh, frigid weather that has been blamed for nine deaths so far will blast critically low temperatures across the Midwest for at least another day before conditions finally begin to warm up late Thursday, forecasters said. The winter system, created by an extreme polar vortex, will continue to make life especially miserable for Chicago and the rest of the Great Lakes region on Thursday, said the National Weather Service,…

Schumer asks intel chiefs to educate Trump after ‘extraordinarily inappropriate’ criticism – CNN

Thursday, January 31, 2019

“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce((function(e, r) {return e[r.key] = r.values[0],e}), {rpfl_elemid: n.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)} else l.logError(“Rubicon bid adapter Error: bidRequest undefined at index position:” + t, c, d);return e}), []).sort((function(e, r) {return (r.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)}))},getUserSyncs: function(e, r, t) {if (!A && e.iframeEnabled) {var i = “”;return t && “string” == typeof t.consentString &&…

China and Russia could disrupt US energy infrastructure, intelligence report warns on heels of Huawei indictments – CNBC

Thursday, January 31, 2019

<!– –> × MENU SEARCH QUOTES Cybersecurity A new government report calls China the top cyber-espionage threat to government agencies and U.S. businesses, and warns that the country has “the ability to launch cyber attacks that cause localized, temporary disruptive effects on critical infrastructure — such as disruption of a natural gas pipeline — for days to weeks in the United States.” A day after two landmark indictments against against…

Mueller: Sensitive Election Meddling Evidence Handed Over to Lawyers for Russian Defendant Leaked Online to Discredit Probe – Slate

Thursday, January 31, 2019

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