World Sports
Giuliani complicates the Trump-Moscow story for the president – NBC News
WASHINGTON — On a weekend when President Trump and his legal team should have been on the offensive regarding that disputed BuzzFeed article — more on it below — Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani only complicated the Trump-Moscow story for the president. First, Giuliani said on “Meet the Press” yesterday that Team Trump had conversations about the Trump Tower Moscow project throughout 2016 – not through January 2016, as former Trump…
Martin Luther King Jr. National Park Reopens For Holiday, Thanks To A Private Grant – NPR
The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta is open for the first time in nearly a month, after a grant from the Delta Air Lines Foundation made up for the lack of federal funds from the partial government shutdown. Jeff Greenberg/UIG via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Jeff Greenberg/UIG via Getty Images The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta is open for the…
Donald Trump Says Federal Workers Awaiting Paychecks Are ‘Great Patriots’: ‘We Will Win Big’ – Newsweek
President Donald Trump has lauded the federal employees furloughed or working without pay due to the partial government shutdown, describing those not getting paid as “great patriots.” Around 800,000 federal workers have gone without pay since the shutdown began on December 22. Now the longest in U.S history, the government closure looks set to drag on further with Trump struggling to reach a funding deal with the Democratic Party. Read…
Native American veteran in viral video of confrontation speaks out – CBS News
Nathan Phillips, a Native American veteran, is speaking out after video of an apparent standoff with high school students went viral over the weekend. The National Mall in Washington, D.C., was the site for two competing demonstrations Friday: the March for Life and the Indigenous People’s rally. Some of the students wore “Make America Great Again” hats and one was seen standing inches away from Phillips as he sang and…
Why Trump’s plan won’t end the government shutdown – CNN
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‘Perfectly Insane’: George Conway Scorches Any Testimony Talk Between Trump And Cohen – HuffPost
But he also conceded it’s possible the men discussed the testimony before it occurred, which he said would be “perfectly normal.” If it did happen, he asked, “So what?”
Pence Likens Trump and His Offer to End Shutdown to Martin Luther King – Slate
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Members of group giving food, water to migrants convicted of misdemeanors – NBC News
Four humanitarian aid volunteers were convicted of misdemeanor charges on Friday after leaving food and water for migrants crossing a remote wildlife refuge on the United States-Mexico border in 2017. Four other volunteers with the group No More Deaths are set to go on trial next month and in March over similar charges, the organization said. Scott Daniel WarrenArizona State University A ninth volunteer, Scott Warren, also faces felony harboring…
Rams vs. Saints final score, takeaways: L.A. wins in OT to reach Super Bowl LIII, NFL admits blown call late – CBS Sports
The Rams are going to the Super Bowl. This is the same outfit that finished 4-12 in 2016, Jeff Fisher’s last season with the team, and has gone 24-8 under Sean McVay. (If you haven’t heard, he’s 32 years old and already has a coaching tree that has his assistants landing head-coaching gigs.) Los Angeles outlasted New Orleans, 26-23 in overtime and now they’re headed to Atlanta for Super Bowl…
Trump two years in: The dealmaker who can’t seem to make a deal – The Washington Post
Philip Rucker Josh Dawsey January 20 at 6:24 PM Donald Trump was elected president partly by assuring the American people that “I alone can fix it.” But precisely two years into his presidency, the government is not simply broken — it is in crisis, and Trump is grappling with the reality that he cannot fix it alone. Trump’s management of the partial government shutdown — his first foray in divided…
Andrew McCarthy: Debunking BuzzFeed and the wages of investigative secrecy – Fox News
Video Mueller’s office disputes accuracy of Buzzfeed report Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer reacts. BuzzFeed published an explosive allegation that the president of the United States ordered his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to congressional committees investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Specifically, in a news story sourced to two anonymous law-enforcement officials said to be “involved in an investigation of the matter,” the site reported that Special…
Democrats reiterate demand: Reopen the government before negotiations on border security – CNN
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BuzzFeed reporter, after rebuke by Mueller, unable to explain discrepancies – Fox News
Video Buzzfeed’s Trump story discredited Mueller challenges allegation that the president urged perjury after media touted claim that he told Cohen to lie. BuzzFeed News investigative reporter Anthony Cormier on Sunday declined to explain why his colleague Jason Leopold claimed to have seen documents proving that President Trump had ordered his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress — contradicting Cormier’s insistence that he had not personally seen the documents. “We…
Reports: Ice storm creates treacherous travel in New England as temperatures plummet across snow-covered Northeast –
Senate GOP scrambles to prepare bill to end shutdown, as Trump hits back at ‘amnesty’ suggestions – Fox News
Video President Donald Trump offers a compromise to Democrats to secure the border Angel mom Mary Ann Mendoza says Democrats should take the offer. Senate Republicans scrambled on Saturday evening to put together legislation tracking President Trump’s compromise proposal to end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, and the text of a bill should be ready on Monday, Fox News has learned. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., indicated to…
Winter Storm Grounds Flights, Delays Trains And Knocks Out Power – NPR
Nicholas Nicolet and his son Rocco cross-country ski on Sunday in Montpelier, Vt. A major winter storm hit the Midwest and New England this weekend. Lisa Rathke/AP hide caption toggle caption Lisa Rathke/AP Nicholas Nicolet and his son Rocco cross-country ski on Sunday in Montpelier, Vt. A major winter storm hit the Midwest and New England this weekend. Lisa Rathke/AP A major winter storm is disrupting transportation routes in parts…
Trump Offers Temporary Protections for ‘Dreamers’ in Exchange for Wall Funding – The New York Times
The president’s proposal “strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle,” Mr. McConnell said in a statement after Mr. Trump’s speech. If Mr. McConnell does indeed put a bill on the floor, as the president said he would, Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to block it or let it come up for a vote. Despite Democrats’ vow to reject the measure, it could…
Viral video of teens taunting Native Americans draws widespread condemnation – ABC News
Outrage was growing across the political spectrum over the weekend after dozens of teens from an all-male Catholic school in Kentucky -– some wearing bright red “Make America Great Again” baseball caps — appeared to mock and chant over the voices of a small group of Native Americans who were singing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the conclusion of a march in Washington, D.C. Friday’s inaugural Indigenous…
Ex-officer who killed black teen gets 81 months in prison – ABC News
Jason Van Dyke was responding to a call of someone breaking into cars when he fatally shot 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times as he appeared to walk away in 2014. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF ‘WORLD NEWS TONIGHT’: WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT:…
Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie – Fox News
Video Trump team slams Buzzfeed report that he instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday issued an extraordinary statement disputing a bombshell news report that claimed President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow. “BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained…